A new day is here. Linda S. Heard from Online Journal at February 28, 2008 described the extremism residing in our government in terms of civil liberties. The world is much different than it was 10 years ago. Once years ago, some would ridicule those speaking against the massive anti-freedom threats that's antithetical to our privacy that is exemplified by Big Brother. Now, we witness all too often Big Brother's unfair grib it holds in society. In America, it's bad in terms of the amount of liberty we have. You can't fly a plane here without a harrasing X-Ray picturing your naked body. You can't have a passport with RFID. Many on the no-fly lists aren't even convicted terrorists. The military regularly engages in domestically drills in cities plus various law enforcement, which is a violation of Posse Comitatus. There are checkpoints and cameras all over the nation. We have a sick fetish with RFID chips and the promotion of the Real ID Act (which requires adult citizens to have in the future if they want to go into a federal building or get on a plane in the USA). Amtrak is proposing militarized police to conduct random searches on people (that's against the Fourth Amendment. The 4th Amendment dictates that warrants must exist or probable cause must occur for a search by the government). There is police brutality all over the place. It isn't just happening unto minorities like African Americans and Hispanic Americans (we realize this and that's wrong obviously). It's happening against a wide spectrum of people using tasers, etc. Recently shown for a while is Project Endgame. That is about to endorse a plan to "remove all removable aliens," including "illegal economic migrants, aliens who have committed criminal acts, asylum-seekers (required to be retained by law) or potential terrorists." A "potent terrorist" isn't a terrorist, so why are they required to be deported? This also relates to the concentration of concentration camps built by Halliburton and supported by the DHS. If this isn't an execessive Big Brother nation, I don't know what is. In Great Britian, it's much worse. They have a DNA database of about 4.5 million people (even those accused of minor crimes). The UK government want biometric ID cards required on UK citizens above 16 by 2012. In 2010, the British government lust to have a RFID chip in passports (carrying vast personal data on travellers). Stranger border procedure exist to this day. The US even requires European airliners to hand over 19 pieces of information on travelers before leaving the USA (en route to the Caribbean or Central America). Prouncements once again by William Jefferson Clinton fully intrepret him as a first class deciever. In Austin, a man named Matt Dayton help up an "Investigate 9/11" sign above the crowd. This was a fundamental expression of his First Amendment rights. Bill Clinton became aminated and commented to Matt that he was afraid of the truth. On the other hand, the truth was quite the opposite. Bill Clinton is the Jesuit-Georgetown trained puppet who's scared of the following truths: Bill was not seriously taking on the CIA-funded man Osama bin Laden, The Clinton administration plagued itself with many scandals, Clinton and his ilk are complicit in the genocide at Waco, etc. Later, the pro-Hillary crowd grabbed and destroyed Dayton's sign. A violation of Matt Dayton's First Amendment rights is a cohorent definition of this act. These same establishment liberal hypocrites (not all liberals) lecture on tolerance and free speech, yet show none of it on those that they disagree with. Regardless of this cowardly act, the 911 Truth Movement will never extinguish into oblivion. Bill Clinton lately have come out of the hinges with unsubstantiated claims of Barack Obama formenting a hit job against Hillary. Clinton pictured Obama's campaign as the biggest fairy tale he's seen. William Jefferson Clinton lied about the Pro-Life Movement as well. This doesn't mean Obama is perfect. Barack Obama publicly propose a global tax, agrees with abortion on demand, and a form of socialized medicine (but his plan isn't as bad as Hillary is). Obama's foreign policy advisor is Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski ironically led the groundwork to create al-Qaeda, he's the founder of the Trilateral Commission, and he wrote books which called for a war on terror (and a technocratic state. He agrees with a new world order). Obama's economic advisor is named Austan D. Goolsbee , who is the member of the Skulls and Bones Secret Society. Secret Societies have huge influence in the world. They are traced to the ancient world. Many of the originators of Secret Societies (from the ancient Mystery Schools of ancient Babylon, Egypt, and Asia) wanted to keep mathematical knowledge including various secrets from the common man. That's why various buildings exist with such mathematical precision. They are here then and now like the Statue of Liberty (whose architect was a French Freemason), buildings in Manitoba, and especially locations in Washington D.C. Also, it's about pagan worship since Secret Societies praised the sun, planets, and the creation constantly. For example, the obelisk is based on the masculine influence of the male false gods. The dome, circle, and goddess images represent the feminine influence of the ancients. In numerous occultists' mind, the masculine and feminine (or the Yoni according to Masonic author, Albert Mackey) must merge to create generation (that's one of the interpretations of the "G" symbol in Freemasonry). Instead, they shouldn't worship the creation, but the Creator God Almighty only. In Secret societies then and now, they formet wars and revolutions. For example, the Boston Tea Party was admittedly orchestrated by a Masonic Lodge in Boston. This lead to the Revolutionary War and the creation of America (America is composed of many Bible-Believing Christians, but occultists exploitated America's greatness to try to invent it as a "New Atlantis"). A lot of Secret Societies like the Masons, the Jesuits, the Rosicucrians, those of the Bohemian Grove, some New Agers (like Tony Blair claiming to follow a "Light" ritual to make decisions. He recently converted to Roman Catholcism), etc. are in government and politics. Lower-level members of these orders are readily given lies about the truth in the higher levels. This was even admitted by 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike in his "Morals and Dogma" book. These Secret Societies have huge members (some are ruled by them) that are Saxe-Coburg Gotha family members, Merovingians, Vatican/Jesuit leaders, and those in high level political groups (like the Bilderberg Group and the Pilgrim Society). I don't need deception. Americans really want our soveriegnity perserved (without a NAU or LOST Treaty), unborn life promoted, and the environment improved upon without hysteria (we should focus on the real issues of animal extinction, conservation, nerve toxins, the chimeras or the wicked human/animal hybrids, dangerous genetically modified foods, the honeybee, rainforests, toxic waste, ocean pollution, etc.). Most America accept the belief that health care should be avaliable for all American citizens (but not at the expense of coercion or stealing wages from citizens. More choices, competition, and access ought to exist in our health care system along with more promotion of natural medicine. I don't believe that the government should control all aspects of our health care), our civil liberties should be preserved and our economics ought to be improved upon. That's real. Ananova from February 29, 2008 reported that a man was disqualified for becoming a police because he scored too high in an intelligence test. The man's name is Robert Jordan and he was trying out for the police job in New London, Connecticut. In 1996, he scored 33 points, which is equivalent to an IQ of 125. The New London police interviewed only candidates scoring between 20 to 27 points. He tried to sue for discrimination, but failed. It's clearly unfair and a stubborn system. If you score especially more than the required goal of any test, you are automically qualified for a specific job position off the bat. Writer and political commentator William F. Buckley died yesterday at the age of 82. It's interesting to note that he was a member of the Knights of Malta, the Bilderberg Group, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Hence, he was an intricate player of the Elite, though he wasn't abrasive in his personality most of the time. He is famous for his disputes with Gore Vidal, who is a liberal activist.
There is a John Hagee and John McCain deal. John Hagee is supporting John McCain. Alan Colmes from FOX oppose this union for the wrong. He claims that Hagee is anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish when Hagee is known for his support of his Israel. The real issue is Hagee's underlying words. In his book, "In Defense of Israel" he praises John Paul II as a best friend of the Jewish people. The Vatican was one of the most brutal murderers of innocent Jewish people in human history. Not to mention that John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI are quoted as advocating a new world order. Therefore, Hagee's "supposed" criticism against the Catholic Church for years ring hollow. Hagee says that the Holocaust is blamed on Martin Luther and Romanism. The truth is that Hitler exploitated Luther to promote genocide. Yet, Romanism and the occult (Hitler was a member of the New Age, occult orientated Thule Society) had a more potent influence in the Nazi movement. For example, Hitler, Himmler, and other Nazi leaders were Roman Catholics (they were never excommunicated). The Nazis signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933, which was never revoked. Ustashis and other fascists which united with the Nazis were related to Romanists. Also, after the war, the Vatican allow fascist war criminals (some of them big time Nazis) to escape Europe as documented by many authors like Avro Manhattan and John Loftus. This doesn't mean all Catholics are involved with this, but their leadership are. It's similar to the following analogy. It's like not all Protestants are Masons, but many establishment Protestant leaders are Freemasons or infiltrated by the Jesuit Order. Hagee doesn't mention all of this. Hagee eschews strong support for Israel. I support the good people in Israel. I believe Jewish people have a right to live in Israel. John Hagee claims to be a Christian, but denies trying to convert Jewish people. In his "In Defense of Israel" book, he wrote that Jesus rejected the Jewish desire for him to be the Messiah. This is heresy since Jesus acknowledged himself to be the Messiah and the King of the Jews. He also wants to invade Iran, which I don't support. This is similar to John McCain aggressive comments in clamoring for preemptive warfare. John Hagee got caught into the deception of neo-conservativism even with his accurate views on the immorality of abortion, the decline of the family, the occult epidemic among the youth (the occult isn't about freedom at all, but withholding the truth and knowledge from the common man. That's why the word occult means secret), etc. Alan Colmes acts like disagreement with Catholic doctrine is equated to bigotry, which it isn't. I display disagreements with Catholic doctrine, but I don't hate Catholics personally. I would support righteous Israelis and righteous Arabic people (like the Palestinians) fighting for the truth and freedom. Since God is no respector of persons neither am I. It's a shame that Hagee would go that route of supporting McCain. McCain is someone for embryonic stem cell research, anti-gun laws, and the unConsitutional war in Iraq. John McCain was apart of the Keating Five. John McCain funded Charles Keating with thousands of dollars, yet Keating was a convicted criminal. He served time in prison, but his convictions were later overturned. FOIA (or Freedom of Information Act) show that Hamza Al-Ghamdi (an alleged 9/11 hijacker) had booked future flights to San Franscisco and Riyadh (for the future after 9/11 at September 20, 2001 and September 29, 2001). This may seem that he wasn't aware that the United Airlines Flight 175 was about to hit the South Twin Tower in NYC. This contradicts the 9/11 Commission report omitting this information. The FBI timeline also shows that that this information contradicts more components of the 9/11 Commission (like the movements of alleged Flight 77 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar). Ex-CIA agent realizes this and calls for a new independent investigation of 9/11. Baer even believes that 9/11 could be an inside job. These documents retrieved via the FOIA outline that the Saudis had a bigger complicity in the attack than realized. Yet, the Saudis weren't the only ones involved (Research document how Western intelligence and Western governments facilitated the attack. Additionally, they funded many of the al-Qaeda and Muslim radicals via MI5, the CIA, and the ISI). Even Remy van de Wiel , a prominent Australian lawyer said that Osama bin Laden didn't orchestrate 9/11. He is the defense lawyer of Abdul Nacer Benbrika. Adbul is accused of planning terror attacks in Australia. Osama bin Laden in his Ummat interview denied any involvement in 9/11 by being against his religion of Islam. This was his first statement after 9/11 before all of the phony tapes and conjecture promoted by the CFR/CIA-sponsored mainstream media. Even the FBI's wanted poster makes no reference of Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11. FBI agent Rex Tomb was forced to admit that "the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11." Let's be real. Osama never made NORAD stop standard operation procedure, he never made Building Number Seven collapse, Osama bin Laden never made explosives in the Towers (as reported by many witnesses like William Rodriguez in the basement), etc. MIKE STOBBE from AP News at Febraury 27, 2008 at 19:30 EST reported that Pro-Quad Vaccine is linked to more convulsions than 2 other seperate shots. The Pro-Qaud vaccine was utilized as a deterrent to measles, mumps, and rubella. The CDC panel amends preference for Combo. Dr. Nicola Klein, who lead the federally funded study. Ironically, this vaccine came from the company called Merck & Co. This is the same Big Pharma company constantly promoting mandatory vaccinations from Gardasil. Not a word in the Constitution dictates mandatory vaccinations. It's just morally right to force vaccines on people period. Gardasil has killed girls. Mike Adams from Natural News have conclusively and concretely exposed the dangerous vaccine of Gardasil. This aren't suprising developments. The Jesuit Jenner popularized the manufacturing and utilization of vaccines in our modern world. Vaccines are known for their many risk factors. Some vaccines have mercury in them, which is a horrendous toxous substance. Aspartame, MSG, and sodium flouride are other poisons as well. I would keep living. I would try the best in letting the truth being known to individuals. Giving up isn't an option to me. No human on this Earth can intimidate me. I reject censorship, fear mongering, and hate for people personally. A new day is always a new oppurtunity to help others.
By Timothy