Friday, February 29, 2008

A Congressmen Calls for Defunding Planned Parenthood


Congressmen Call for Defunding Planned Parenthood

By Penny Starr Senior Staff Writer

February 28, 2008( - After reviewing materials posted on Planned Parenthood's Web site at the request of Cybercast News Service, three House Republicans are calling for the termination of Planned Parenthood's federal funding. Among other things, teenwire promotes the use of pornography by teenagers.Rep. Doug Lamborn (R.-Colo.) said teenwire "is another reason we should pull all federal funding from Planned Parenthood," a group that also performs abortions."There should be no money that goes to any Internet site that promotes promiscuity or sexual license in any way," Rep. Steve King (R.-Iowa) told Cybercast News Service."I don't believe taxpayer funding should be going to groups that put sexually explicit material on the Internet targeted at minors," Rep. Joseph Pitts (R.-Pa.), chairman of the House Values Action Team, said.The congressmen spoke to Cybercast News Service after reviewing materials from Planned Parenthood's, which says its mission is to provide "medically accurate" information about sex to teenagers.As Cybercast News Service reported on Feb. 26, recommends viewing "sexy pictures or movies" as a way for young couples to enjoy "safer sex."

The Web site notes that federal law prohibits porn viewing by anyone under 18. "However," it says, "not everyone follows the rules, and you may run across some porn before you turn 18."It goes on to say that "many people enjoy pornography alone or with a partner as part of sex play. People have different ideas of what is arousing, and there are many different kinds of porn that appeal to people's different interests."The lawmakers reviewed other content from the site, including graphic illustrations from "Behind the Fig Leaf," a slide show depicting the differing "styles" of male and female genitalia. Rep. King told Cybercast News Service that he had heard of promoting safer sex. "What you've shown me brings it to my attention in a serious way," he said. "You go back to Margaret Sanger and in the beginning of (Planned Parenthood), she is advocating promiscuity. ( is advocating promiscuity."We should shut off all federal dollars to any organization that provides abortion services or counseling," King added. "There should be no money that goes to any Internet site that promotes promiscuity or sexual license in any way. If there is going to be sexual license promoted, let that happen some place else. But the federal government should not be subsidizing it," he said."( is another reason we should pull all federal funding from Planned Parenthood," Rep. Lamborn (R-Colo.) agreed. "Time and time again this organization has used taxpayer dollars to promote interests that are not in step with the values of the American people.""I don't believe taxpayer funding should be going to groups that put sexually explicit material on the Internet targeted at minors," Rep. Pitts (R-Pa.) told Cybercast News Service. "Parents today already have their work cut out for them trying to keep their kids from viewing smut on the Internet."The federal government shouldn't be funding groups that produce this sort of material under the pretense that it is educational," he said.Rep. King said he thinks is evidence of the continued moral decline in America, a decline boosted during the Clinton administration, he said."

This is a progression of the kind of activity that came from President Clinton's surgeon general (Jocelyn Elders), who advocated masturbation, and Bill Clinton himself, who argued what sex 'wasn't,' and that has permeated our college campuses and our society. There are now probably millions of people who think [that] what went on between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski was not sex."King added that is part of Planned Parenthood's wider agenda, which he believes is damaging American culture. "I think it's part of its strategic plan to break down the moral order of our society so that the people on the other side of morality and integrity can take power in this country."Planned Parenthood and other family planning organizations get federal tax dollars under Title X of the Public Service Health Act. In its 2005-2006 annual report, Planned Parenthood Federation of America reported that $305.3 million, or 34 percent of its annual income, came from government grants and contracts.

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