Identity Check - Why are we convincing ourselves and others, our children, our neighbors, our coworkers...that when a criminal or other ne'er do well comes along to harm them and steal from them, that we should cower until someone comes to help us?Think about this for a moment. We are taught to "go along" with whatever the person wants until we can escape, or be helped by the authorities. Muggers? Just give up whatever he wants. Don't try and defend yourself, let the authorities handle it. Too many American citizens these days are afraid of things like guns, they don't want them in their house, or on their person - which is fine, but they don't want other people to have them either. Let the authorities handle guns, they say. Let the authorities have the guns, and let them handle the bad guys with the guns. But for the good of all, keep those dangerous things out of the hands of law abiding citizens.We teach our children from the word go, "Tell an adult, right away!" I have noticed that the "tattletale syndrome" has blossomed from telling an adult when something is really wrong, and can't be resolved (or something very serious) to telling on each other simply to tell, or because they cannot resolve the problems on their own anymore. I can't help but wonder if we are creating a complacent nation on purpose? Does anyone believe that criminals fear the legal system? Do they fear being caught, detained, or even sent to jail for a short period of time? Perhaps people committing atrocious crimes do, and mayhaps even the white collar criminal who fears the damage to himself and his reputation that a messy tell-all trial and jail time would bring upon him. But the average criminal? I think not. As a woman I was taught, by various means, not to fight back. I mean in the heat of the moment. I was told that if a mugger wanted my wallet, my shoes, my purse - just give it up. If a rapist came after me and I couldn't get away - don't fight, it will only make it worse. And I believed it. Interestingly enough, the less I fought, the more I endured. Why is this?Here is my theory, and believe you me, it is only a theory. If the average criminal thought that the average person was well equipped to handle some criminal act, by physical means, perhaps they may be armed, I firmly believe that the average criminal would rethink his or her line of work.
Sure, there might still be some easy marks to make, but if the general population were as feared by the criminals as the criminals are currently feared by the population, I highly doubt there would be anywhere near as much crime.The second part of my theory is that this is not by accident. Crime pays. And not just for the criminals who don't get caught - but for the city, state, and federal government. Police enforcement, lawyers, judges, bonds bailsmen, bounty hunters - everyone in the process is getting a his or her cut of the deal. Of course, prisons and jails cost us money, and keeping criminals locked away keeps them off the streets, which cost us money - hence you have "rehabilitation", probation, and early releases. What you also have, in a bigger picture, is a complacent, compliant society. One that is full of fear, a fear that fuels criminals to be criminals. Now, I know what you are all thinking. "But, but, but Anok - those things are all just material things! They aren't as important as your life!" And to an extent, I agree. What are material things? Nothing, honestly. But it isn't the things that one would be fighting for, but rather the depth of character that one needs to survive in a world full of thieves and crooks willing to take every last thing you have, including your dignity. If anyone can convince me as to why we should be a complacent, pansified society, I'll send them a famous Anok cookie! In any society, those who are taught to be victims, will be victims. Being the victim perpetuates the cycle of crime and abuse so that ever more victims are created, ensuring that the profitable cycle will continue.
I have no qualm with pacifists, except that in a world without laws, or little regard for laws, pacifists will be among the first to go. It would be a wonderful place to live if there were no violence, no guns, no murders or robberies, but that Utopian world will not exist until we stand up for ourselves.I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the "authorities" if they aren't corrupt - cannot instantly materialize to help you out in a dangerous situation. Ergo, you've just got to take care of business yourself. Furthermore, just imagine how accommodating our government would be if they thought that the general population were just as dangerous, when provoked, as the very people they are telling us to be terrified of? I think politically speaking, the world would be a very different place.
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