Annie B November 28, 2008 8:24 AM Reply
John, Cindy and Marilyn:
John, the ban on embryonic stem cell research was warranted. Embryonic stem cells have done no good for anyone, and actually have done physical harm to human patients, to the point of them requiring surgical intervention to fix the damage done. Embryonic stem cells cannot truly be programmed to "not form a human", they more often than not actually begin to act like cancer tumors. Please, do your research before repeating what little misinformation the media has allowed you to read. Almost 5 years ago, scientists even testified before the Senate in 2004 that “the driving force in…promot[ing] Federal funding of human embryonic stem cells or human cloning…[is that] it is a superior business plan to have a mass-produced product such as embryonic/fetal/cloned stem cells that can be sold [more profitably] nationwide and have patentable intellectual property…Adult stem cells…are much better for people with diseases or injuries but generate an inferior business plan…[where] one can only develop a procedure that is generally not patentable…The most profitable, not the best, treatment for people is being promoted.”
In the Annals of Neurology, August 28, 2003, Volume 54, Issue 3, Pages 403 – 414, doctors at Mount Sinai School of Medicine found that ESC made 56% of Parkinson's patients develop severe spasms and jerking, involuntary movements of arms and legs. Three people experienced such disablement that it “necessitat[ed] surgical intervention.” They would not recommend fetal stem cell use for Parkinson's, though they did suggest further research.
A similar March 2001 study (New England Journal of Medicine) also found that several patients developed severe head-jerking and flailing of their arms.
Also there's this: "[Adult bone marrow stem cells] do not…die prematurely and importantly they do not form teratomas or tumors like embryonic stem cells tend to do," and other studies showed that ESC destroyed mice’s knee joints.
Cindy, you "agreed with" John so the above is for you as well.CONTINUED....
Marilyn, you prove the point that most folks didn't really vote FOR Obama, you voted AGAINST BUSH/the GOP. ANYONE other than the GOP would have won this election, as soon as the financial meltdown occurred. I won't stoop to your level by attacking you as you have attacked us with your extreme sarcasm, insults, belittling and smug faux superiority. But really, you do Obama supporters a true disservice displaying such obnoxious taunting instead of rational, intelligent, respectful debate of valid points. Give it a rest.
You also prove the point that has been made here and elsewhere that the media only let you know what they--and the Democrats--wanted you to know about BO and also about the other side. We've seen it countless times here already, and will continue to see it: every true fact about Obama and his policies and promises that is negative, you don't like or refuse to believe.
And every true fact about the Democrats' part in the root causes of the financial meltdown, you refuse to believe, insulting us in the process of bringing it all to your attention.
You seem to have missed so much news. Here's one example:
"Leave it to present-day Democrats to skim their 20% of profits first and foremost off the top of any enormous financial-bailout benefit, shafting the taxpayers who are about to foot the bill, and giving that 20% to groups who supported Clinton and the Democrats in Congress when they modified a law in 1995 to require banks to give out more of the risky housing loans that caused the financial meltdown in the first place, a law first supported and passed by Democrat President Jimmy Carter which created the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac disaster, a law that is still law in this nation...all while solely blaming the Republicans for passing another law that President Clinton collaborated on and passed."
Your refusing to believe that such facts about Obama and about the GOP are true doesn't make them any less true.
It just makes you appear truly uneducated and ridiculous, every time you issue a new insult-laced, self-righteous rant.
Do you really want to keep looking like that?
If so, please get some education first THEN come back and feel free to look ridiculous. Try starting with these facts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, AND Obama has been lying to you, misleading you, me, everyone, everywhere, for MONTHS.