Thursday, November 27, 2008

Troy's Response about Religion



You make two fundamental errors:

1: You confuse Satan’s Roman Catholicism with true Bible-believing Christianity.

2: You are under the misapprehension that Christians are under Mosaic law still.

To explicate the second point first, I will quote you from a letter that I received from Eric Jon Phelps, author of “Vatican Assassins”, who studied for five years at Lancaster Bible College:

“We are under no part of the Mosaic Law given to Israel including the 10 commandments (Romans 6:14; Galatians 2:16)

On the Day of Penetcost, a new dispensation began which maxims would be fully developed by the steward of the new dispensation, the apostle Paul.

The inspired writings of the apostle Paul are the foundation for the New Testament Church/Assembly composed of both Jews and Gentiles on an equal footing in one Body of Christ. This dispensation of grace (Ephesians 3:2) exists during this present evil age (Gal. 1:4).

This age began with the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1) and will end with the appearing of Christ for the dead and living bodies of his saints (I Thess. 4:13-18). This imminent appearing of Christ is before the 70th week of Daniel as the Body of Christ did not exist either in the first 483 years of Dan. 9:24-26, nor will it exist in the last seven years of that prophecy (Dan. 9:27). This age is a mystery entirely kept secret in the Old Testament but revealed to the Apostle Paul (Ephesians 3:4-8; Romans 16:25).

This is no paradox or rather a contradiction in scripture. We are merely rightly dividing the word of truth as we read the scripture literally withoug adding any private interpretation on our part.

Jesus was and is the steward for the re-established geopolical-international theocracy of the kingdom of David. That kingdom is called the “dispensation of the fulness of times” (Eph. 1:10). Paul is the steward for the “dispensation of the grace of God” during which the Church which is the Body of Christ now exists. There is no contradiction as two different dispensations with different rules can exist at the same time during the same age.”

To add to my statement of your error regarding what is & isn’t true Christianity: Rome did not create Christianity, it created a false Christianity, a counterfeit, just as it created Islam for people of colour. The same Islam that sold slaves to the European slave traders. Rome had also infiltrated Protestant Britain since the time of George III. Overwhelmingly, what you call Christianity is in fact Romanism.

Your copying & pasting one of (I presume) your own earlier blogs, gives the impression that I can make no peace with the Muslim people. That is not the case, we can come together to fight the Vatican-led Illuminati’s New World Order agenda, but not to mix faith. We then must seperate as our faiths are incompatible, with the Muslim faith being, as you have shown, entirely hostile to Christianity.

The anti-Christian Vatican & her puppets “Skull & Bones” Bush, “now openly Catholic future premiere Euro President” Blair, & his Masonic brother “unelected Prime Minister” Brown & their future successors are not Christians, they are - in Bush’s case - Knights of Eulogia, & - in the latter pair’s case - 33rd degree Freemasons. To quote Wikipedia “Strasbourg is the seat of several European institutions such as the Council of Europe with its European Court of Human Rights, its European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and its European Audiovisual Observatory, the Eurocorps as well as the European Parliament and the European Ombudsman of the European Union.”
No coincidence that - as we see at - Strasbourg’s place i high-level Masonry: “The Centre of Liaison and Information of Masonic Powers Signatories of Strasbourg Appeal (CLIPSAS) is an international organization of Masonic jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are considered irregular by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and most other Anglo-Saxon Grand Lodges because they accept women, or do not require Masons to have a belief in a Supreme Being. CLIPSAS was created in Strasbourg France on 22 January 1961, at the initiative of the Grand Orient de France and eleven Sovereign Masonic Powers. The Grand Lodges issued the Strasbourg appeal, with the goal to establish fraternal relations and the recognition of Absolute Liberty of Conscience.” The last statement referring to themselves & not you, you can be sure of that!

The EU was the creation of the Jesuits, & Jesuit priests created the Maastricht treaty. Do the homework.

In no way do I blame Muslims for 9/11, although Arab leaders & manipulators like Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the House of Saud, the late Yasser Arafat - to name but a few - are all controlled by the Jesuits & Knights of Malta via Grand Orient Freemasonry. For crying out loud, the P.L.O. has had an office within the Vatican since 1994! See:

Without doubt, Jesuit-trained S.M.O.M. Knight of Malta 9/11 C-I-A director George J. Tenet & his many accomplices were acting on orders originating in Rome. Knight of Malta Giuliani also played a key role. This was an extension of the 20th Century postwar Operation Gladio Strategy of Tension. Ask Francesco Cossiga, he should know!



4.10.08 / 2am

Not entirely sure what you are inending to convey with your Nineveh statement.


We have some Biblical context for Nineveh:


by Wayne Blank
During the 1991 Gulf War against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, many ancient cities were shown on news maps. Among them was Nineveh.

Nineveh Nineveh was located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River in northeastern Mesopotamia (Iraq). It flourished from about 800 to 610 B.C. as the capital of the Assyrian empire (see Ancient Empires - Assyria). It is first mentioned in the Bible back in Genesis as being founded by Nimrod (Genesis 10:9-12).

During its time of power, the Assyrian empire conquered the northern Israelite kingdom of Israel, with their capital at Samaria, and transported them away into captivity. Unlike the southern Israelite kingdom of Judah, with their capital at Jerusalem Fact File, they never returned, and became known as the “Lost Ten Tribes” of Israel. The Assyrians themselves eventually were lost, although some identify their descendants as being in central Europe today.

Nineveh was the city that the reluctant prophet Jonah was sent to by God. Jonah did not want to go, so he ran away. However, after a famous adventure with a whale at sea he accepted what he was to do - get the people of Nineveh to repent of their evil. He went, and was successful. The photo shows the remains of the gate of ancient Nineveh where Jonah entered the city (Jonah 3:4).

Jonah however still was not happy because he did not very much like the Assyrians because of all of the harm that they had inflicted upon Israel. He was hoping that they would refuse to repent so that God would destroy them. He may well have been the only prophet in history that hoped that his ministry would fail!

Eventually, the Assyrian empire declined and fell. It was overtaken by the Persian (see Ancient Empires - Persia) and Babylonian (see King Nebuchadnezzar) empires who were themselves just then on the rise. Today, Nineveh is just a vast stretch of ancient ruins.

Fact Finder: How many people in Nineveh did Jonah convince to repent?
(a) 120 (b) 1,200 (c) 12,000 (d) 120,000
Jonah 4:11″

Was there something there that you were alluding too?