The news media from the world over is discussing about the Mumbai bombings in India. It was a crazy and tragic occurence. As usual, the CFR-influenced corporate mainstream media is having paranoia about Al Qaeda. Therefore, they want to assign any specific type of blame of these attacks on Al Qaeda. This is inspite of the fact that there is no conclusive or definitive evidence that al-Qaeda created these multiple attacks in India at all. Some dispulate that these attacks are trying to be exploited by the elite in order to further this contrived war on terror in Pakistan. Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden as a lot of people realize are CIA aided boogeymen utilized in order to formet the war on terror. The war on terror is admittedly formented to promote the establishment of the new world order. Even Gordon Brown from the UK have called for the new world order as a result of our present economic crisis. Deccan Mujahideen had admitted responsibility to these evil acts. This isn't enough for some reporters of the BBC like Frank Gardner who wants an al-Qaeda tie off the bat. Witnesses show that the murderers were targeting people with AK-47s indiscriminately inside of the crowds (and even that some of the men shooting were fair skinned). That's why over 100 victims were murdered with only 6 foreigners being killed. Even Christine Fair from the RAND Corproation doubts that Al-Qaeda did it since Al-Qaeda doesn't usually use grenades, have hostage taking, etc. The timing of this event is around the exact time when Pakistan is being targeted for more Western attacks. Barack Obama have expressed the need for this even though this is immoral. The truth is that there is no conclusive evidence that Pakistan was involved in these attacks (although the Pakistani ISI has been readily funded by Western intelligence to spread terrorism from Afghanistan to Bosnia in the late 1990's). Some in the media want to blame the Islamic extremist group called Lashkar-e- Tayyiba (or Army of the Pure) for the attacks when they have denied responsibility for the bombings. Some view the prepetrators as independent Indian Muslims who have been oppressed by Hindu extremists (or another group). Ironically, this group of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba always claim responsibility for their own activities (but not this time). There is another CIA scandal. Rep. Pete Hoekstra from Michigan (he is a Republican) is accusing the CIA of violating its own rules, killing innocent Americans, and covering up what really occured. These are really explosive charges. This comes after the CIA's own inspector general found that the CIA ignored rules and regulations when they shoot down an aircraft in the drug war of Latin America. The report is entitled, "Procedures Used in the Narcotics Airbridge Denial Program in Peru, 1995-2001." This plane had 10 other civilians that died (including 2 Americans by the names of Veronica Bowers and her daughter Charity. They were missionaries in Peru). The CIA told the Peruvian Air Force jet to shoot down the plane. They thought the plane carried illegal drugs, which they weren't. Hoekstra accused the CIA of performing badly in the US/Peruvian anti-drug program. Hoekstra expressed his greivances to the present CIA Director Mike Hayden via a letter. He cited the failures of the CIA in giving false or misleading statements to Congress, and potential obstruction of justice by CIA officials when the Department of Justice conducted a criminal investigation. A former senior CIA official disputed much of the charges advanced by Hoekstra. He believed that the Airbridge Denial Program was successful for years. That's ironic since the Drug War hasn't radical reduced the amount of illegal drugs coming into America at all. The CIA has been caught on plenty of occasions shipping cocaine and other drugs into America. Gary Webb and other researchers have recorded proof to back up that assertion. The CIA has performed election fraud, terrorism, drug running, assassinations, and other evils for decades. Hoekstra said that he won't give up this fight. He shouldn't. Frankily, the federal Drug War have been exploited by the government to infringe on individual liberty, jail citizens who aren't even violent, and won't radically address the causes of massive addiction in the first place. The CIA was invented by the Knights of Malta and the Skulls and Bones in a great degree. That's why many CIA Directors historically have been members of the Knights of Malta.
Miracles occur all of the time. One such miracle involves the case of Haleigh Poutre. She was nearly beaten to death by a sick, barbaric stepfather. She was hooked to a ventilator in a comastose state. The Massachusetts medical experts wanted her to die basically. Terri Schiavo was in a similar state, but Terri was unfortunately murdered by the Florida government, which was a violation of many Florida Statues (including other laws plus the Geneva Convention). The welfare bureaucracy outline her as in a hopeless vegetative state. These evil people wanted the state to pull the plug on her life. Later, she was nursed by to health by great and caring therapists. Her life reflect on the end of life issues that is still taboo among many media pundits of the establishment. The stepfather is standing trial now for child abuse. That's good news. Haleigh Poutre is now writing her name, brushing her own hair, and feeding herself. This is proof that miracles can occur, life is real, and the state isn't always right to condemn innocent people to death despite their circumstances. The culture of life is still strong in the world. There are those who don't wish to promote the value of the right to life. Barack Obama selects Melody Barnes as his new Director of the Domestic Policy Council. Not only is Barnes once was on the board of directors of Emily's List. She was on the board of directors of Planned Parnethood. PP got over 1 billion dollars in income from the last fiscal year. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist eugenicists (including the deciver Margaret Sanger) and its goal is to promote the eugenic murder of abortion. Melody tries to equate killing unborn human beings as apart of liberty, yet that's false. Killing the unborn is the epitome of being anti-liberty. Tom Daschle, Rahm Emanuel, Dawn Johnson (who worked for NARAL), and other pro-abortion radicals have been appointed into the Barack Obama team as well. The legitimate protections of the unborn, the right of consciences for doctors plus hospitals so they don't have to do abortions, and the right of not forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research are under threat now. Some believe that abortion is justify since it's apart of choice or it represents privacy rights. Let it be know, that no where in the Constitution equates privacy or choice for that matter with the literal ripping apart of the unborn baby's body parts at all. Abortion is about murder and destruction plainly not choice. Abortion eliminates real choices babies have a right to acquire indeed. The culture of death is a real danger in our world indeed.
There are powerful Secret Societies like high level Freemasonry, political groups, religious elites, and knighthoods that have the most political power in the world. Yet, God alone has all of the real good power in the Universe. So, I want to make that clear. There are even the Knights of Malta, the Order of St. Michael, the Order of Saint George (whom Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres is a member), Opus Dei, and the Duke of Castro's Franco-Neapolitan Constantinian Order with great international power. Even media kingpin Rupert Murdoch is a member of the Papal Order of St. Gregory. These groups were rarely talked about by members of the mainstream "alternative media" movement (These include shills and disinformationists like Ongir, Mike "pro-think" Delaney, Daryl Bradford Smith, Curt Maynard, Roman Catholic Benjamin Freedman, and many others. Benjamin Freedman is a traitor to his own people by collectively bashing his own people. Most of these bigots make no distinction between patriotic faithful Jewish people and the wicked, more secular, pro-Labor Zionist or pro-Sabbatean Jewish people). Now these high level groups like the Jesuits and Freemasonry have infilitrated many groups like some Protestants (in order to attempt to destroy Protestants and Baptists), universities, etc. These groups also want to destroy Islam (that's why many leaders of Yemen, Morocco, Syria, etc. are member of the Order of Constantine, etc.) and Judaism. That's why you see a war on terror, the Holocaust, and an increase of anti-Semitism in the world today. The Governor of Mecca Prince Khalid al Faisal and Prince Bandar bin Khalid are member of the Papal Order of Francis I. French President Sarkozy met with the Knight of the Order of Francis I member Syrian President Al-Basshad recently as well. Therefore, the Vatican/Jesuit elite still have very powerful strength in the world with over 1 billion converts worldwide. The Jesuits were key in supporting the Inquisition, advancing the Council of Trent, and supporting the Ecumencial Movement. They were banished from many European nations, because of their corruption in the late 1700's. So, these organizations ought to be exposed. Now, we should never promote fear mongering. Yet, we should have strength to promote the culture of life and be against terrorism completely.
By Timothy