Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Darwin and eugenics: Darwin was indeed a ‘Social Darwinist’ Bill Muehlenberg


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Copy: Scientific Feedback:

Pity your fundamentalist 'creation' pseudo-science ideology appears to covertly (or for public relations $lave and Cannon Fodder Breeding purposes) endorse the encouragement or at the very least no criticism of the Masonic Phallic 'Conquer and Multiply' and 'Divide and Conquer' EARTH IS FLAT, population and economic growth policies; as opposed to a public stance on using our God Given gifts of reason, to comprehend the reality of expoential functions vis a viz population and economic growth, within finite resource ecological environments.

Let me know when you decide to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; to your devotee followers, to encourage their psychological, emotional, spiritual growth, in terms of what living as a responsible human requires in a finite resource environment, that 'God' created as home.

The truth is, bad ideas have bad consequences; and fundamentalist religions that practice false teachings, to encourage population growth and economic growth in finite resource environments, are avid contributors to covert financial, emotional, psychological and spiritual eugenics programs.

Timothy said...

I definitely disagree with your views here.

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

HI Tim,

Well, that's okay. I don't midn you disagreeing with my views. It appears about 99.9% of the people I meet or who hear my ideas, disagree with them. So you wouldn't be the only one.

Anyway, you wouldn't need to worry, the powers that be, that disagree with my ideas, and that love population growth, that benefit from lots of slaves and cannon fodder, won't be implementing or even remotely listening to my ideas soon; so you won't find them implemented very soon.



Timothy said...

ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!

Ironically, those that want to destroy population growth (and debase the essence of human life) are the eugenicist, members of the CLub of Rome, and the rest of the pro-new world order crowd.

By Timothy