Friday, April 10, 2009

Pro-Life Apologetics

"Abortion is not used as birth control.

Statistics published by even pro-abortion organizations like The Alan Guttmacher Institute, as well as the U.S. Government’s Centers for Disease Control, expose this claim as a lie. The data shows that, (a) about 35% of all American women of child-bearing age will have had at least one abortion by age 45 (b) approximately half of all abortions are repeat abortions, and (c) only a tiny fraction of abortions are done for the so-called “hard cases” such as rape, incest, life-of-the-mother, or fetal anomalies.

At a 1994 National Abortion Federation conference in Ohio, contraception expert Paula Hillard, a professor at the University of Cincinnati, cited a study showing that over one-fourth of women having abortions were on birth control pills. Abortionist Suzanne Poppema then stated, “...the overview that Paula did was fabulous... it’s the kind of information we need to show to people that women do not use abortion as a birth control method, because they’re all contracepting somehow before in the month that they got pregnant.

Incredibly, this bewildered woman is saying that because many women who have abortions were contracepting, that proves they are not using abortion as contraception. In fact, it proves just the opposite! Hillard’s figures clearly show that abortion is being routinely used as “back-up” birth control.

Another issue not to be overlooked is the fact that having abortion available when birth control fails does not protect women, but makes them easier to sexually exploit. This is evident when pro-life speakers visit schools to talk with teenagers about abortion. They inevitably find that it is the boys who most viciously defend abortion. Just like adult men, these guys have figured out that abortion is a sales tool to talk girls into having sex and a safety net to avoid responsibility if those girls end up pregnant. This may help explain why polls consistently find greater support for legal abortion from males than from females.

Legalized abortion has also made it easier for older men to sexually exploit underage girls. In America today, this is a problem of epidemic proportions and we now know that a major contributor to it is the fact that the abortion industry knowingly protects the men who prey on these girls.
(For information on this subject go online to or contact Life Dynamics for a free report.

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