Monday, July 26, 2010

Wikileaks and other news

Some people bash the Greenback all of the time and here is the truth. People who support it aren’t pro-inflation or against sound money. Back then, it was called legal gender for all other debts, public and private. Inflation occurred during the Civil War since it was a war.Greenbacks did perform well during the Civil War era. It would have performed better if they had been made recievable for the payment of both import duties and interests on government bonds. This would have worked better if it was issued for production instead of destruction of public goods Austrian School people don’t mention this. The Grenback system lead into a reindustrialization of America. Also, Bismarck of Germany copied this credit system to reindustrialize its nation too during the late 1800’s. Even the government back in May 10, 1775 was the time when the government issued the Continential currency to help the American Revolution financially. Congress authorized a total of $200 million. This was an example of the government to issue sovereign currency to help people. Adam Smith falsely believed that only gold and silver are money. John Witherspoon attacked the plan of the government to issue paper money in his 1786 book entitled “Essays on Money.” So, the oligarchs promote the idea of using Congress to borrow paper money at interest from a private bank instead of the power of Congress to issue money itself at no interests. Even Andrew Jackson and Van Buren did errors in this regrad. They took legitimately monetary power form the private bankers. Yet, they didn’t give the power to the hands of the nation. Van Buren organized the Indepdent Treasury system (This was apart of 15 sub branches of the Treasury to handle money in 1840). From December 1836 the government moved toward making and receiving all payments in coinage, or truly convertible bank notes....Once the state bank notes were no longer accepted by the government, their circulation was cut back dramatically. Later, a depression occurred in 1837. Andrew Jackson came into office in 1829 and implimented the Domestic Gold Standard policies it resulted a temporary boom followed by a self destruction of the economy in 1837 via destruction of the State Issued currency and over issuing of Gold Convertable Notes. In the years after the panic of 1837, the U.S. Gradually moved towards complete bankruptcy until Lincoln was elected President (he invested in the Intercontinetal railway and agriculture technology. This policy bypassed British controlled trade routes, its grew the private sector, etc This led into faster, more efficient, and alternative routes than just naval routes). The gold standard has been rejected even by mainstream economists since there is not enough gold globally to benefit all of the human race. It can be unstable in its price levels. It has been controlled by mostly a monopoly of elite interests and it can cause deflation (or the decrease of monetary value). Sometimes, you can‘t wait for the private sector (much of this sector is bankrupt because of speculation, the repeal of Glass Steagall, and other reasons) to do something when they refuse to invest because of economic fears. Government investing currency directly into infrastructure, as noted in the preable to constitution "For the General Welfare of the people" would give currency real value via physical LABOUR. I reject Usury. So, that is why real people want clean water, food,and energy to help all of humanity not just the West.
A Salon Writer wants to have more abortions on Television (even on “Family Guy”). The writer from Salon is named Mary Elizabeth Williams. Abortion is a throwback to cannablism and infanticide. Abortion destroys innocent human life and it’s still murder. FOX will release the highly controversial Family Guy abortion episode as a stand alone DVD feature in September. Williams crassly compared the comedy’s show efforts to make money off a “Banned From TV” episode to “having an abortion and getting your baby too.” The episode is controversial since the character Lois Griffin questioned whether to go through with a pregnancy as a surrogate mother for a couple who died in a car crash. Williams used the network’s move as a springboard for her real complaint. This complaint is about the lack of abortion on American airwaves. Williams said that TV a “timid” medium for “barely” discussing abortion saying it was insane that TV could introduce viewers to the Dharma Initiative in “Lost.” She believes that abortion is legally acceptable. Just because something legal, doesn’t mean that a law is moral. Williams mentioned 10 shows that managed to slip in abortion through the viewers. She doesn’t believe in their evasive treatment of abortion with the exception of “Friday Night Lights.” Not surprisingly, Williams joined the flock of media that praised "FNL," noting how "encouraging" the show was in its inclusion of "sensitivity and mixed feelings" for abortion. Williams disparaged other shows for giving their characters a change of heart in dealing with abortion. She didn’t agree with the characters’ sudden pro-life decisions in Felicity and Sex in the City as apart of “last-minute realization(s) of the magic of motherhood.” So, motherhood is a great blessing. Motherhood doesn’t deal with abortion. Abortion ends life while motherhood and fatherhood deals with the preservation of human life. Hatred of motherhood is common among limousine liberals.

There are political information to. Lleweyn Rockwell is a shill. He wants the Constitution to be changed into something similar to the Confederate Constitution. The reason is that he is pro-Confederacy. He is apart of the Ludwig von Mises Institute when von Mises was aided by the Rockefellers. He wants America to live up to Confederate standards. That's nonsense since the Confederate system had slavery, extreme free trade, and other nefarious components (like promoting sovereign states instead of we the people being apart of the United States of America create to try to form a more perfect Union). He doesn't agree with the general welfare clause in the U.S. Constitution since it legitimately promote government intervention to help people in the USA. Rockwell don't even want government financed internal improvements in America. Under the guise of "free markets" (which aren't truly free since most of them are run by Wall Street), he promotes deregulation & the agenda of the oligarchy. The believe in their false god of free market fundamentalism. Rockwell is a hypocrite by lecturing on police state immoralities, yet supporting the pro-police state oppression against citizens like Rodney King over a decade ago.

The Wikileaks’s war logs conclusively proves that the CIA funds the ISI and the ISI therefore funds the Taliban including al-Qaeda. Intelligence agencies work together in this contrived war on terror. They do this in order to harm nations that don’t submit to a messianic globalized agenda. The war on terror has been a big decompartmentised intelligence operation. The London Guardian reports: “A stream of U.S. military intelligence reports accuse Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency of arming, training and financing the Taliban insurgency since 2004, the war logs reveal, bringing fresh scrutiny on one of the war’s most contentious issues.” This information has been found by junior officers. They have rlied on informants and Afghan officials. One senior U.S. intelligence officers call this information second hand. The ISI deny the charges of course. Most intelligence agencies deny things like this. Although, it’s easily common knowledge that the ISI created the Taliban and Al Qaeda like we see it today. They worked as a front for U.S. intelligence for years. Pakistan and the CIA worked in Aghanistan to facilitate the Taliban in Afghanistan. Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Schaolars said that the CIA aided Isamic groups to come into Afghanistan. They gave $3 billion to build up these groups. The Pakistan worked with the CIA in this endeavor as well. This money had build up the Taliban. He said that the Taliban are on the payroll of the ISI.

Kurt Nimmo is a hypocrite. He slander Shirley Sherrod and then when the truth came about, he cries and complains about the mainstream media. He is right that the mainstream media should not slander all bloggers and it supported the injustice of the Iraq War. This doesn't mean Nimmo is perfect either. He should apologize for supporting the neo con mob of lying about Sherrrod's statements. He won't do it since is allied with Tea Party people. Also, they have more sympathy when certain people say a statement, but they will support a racist like Mel Gibson using the N word and saying anti-women statements (as proven on tape). Alex Jones is pro-Gibson. Nimmo has a mobid obsession with the NAACP when Ben Jealous has already criticized the statement from one NBPP member. Everyone one knows that the Iraq War was apart of deception. Saddam Hussein didn't have nuclear or biological weapons. Iraq had nothing to do with al-Qaeda and Iraq didn't buy yellow cake in Niger. General Hussein Kamel back in 1995 told U.N. inspectors that the CIA that Iraq destroyed its entire stockpile (of chemical and biological weapons. They banned missiles. Some of these weapons were ironically sold to Hussein by U.S. and Europeans countries). One of then Secretary of State Colin Powell's analysts (called Greg Theilmann) said that key evidence cited by the administration was misrepresented to the public. Everyone knew Saddam didn't have WMDs and that includes the corporate media. Tony Blair said that Iraq didn't want to have WMDs. Majority Whip at that time, named Richard J. Durbin (who was an Illinois Democrat) said that he knew that Saddam didn't have weapons of mass destruction. He was on the Senate Intelligence committee. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil said that he saw nothing as evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. He was apart of the National Security Council. Former White House Press secretary Scott McClellan said that the neocons wanted to invade Iraq before 9/11. He saw no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He wrote that in his memoirs. Scott commented that the White House used a propaganda campaign led by Bush to “manipulating sources of public opinion” and “downplaying the major reason for going to war.” The corporate media tried to deflect blame for their errors on Iraq War coverage until recently. Tom Brokaw even made tried to defend the media withholding information and promoting propaganda. “All wars are based on propaganda. John Kennedy launched the beginning of our war in Vietnam by talking about the domino theory and embracing the Green Berets. Lyndon Johnson kept it up and so did Richard Nixon. World War II–a lot of that was driven by propaganda, and suppressing things that people should have known at the time. So people should not be surprised by that,” he told Brain Williams. “In this business we often bump up against what I call the opaque world. The White House has an unbelievable ability to control the flow of information at any time but especially at a time when they are planning to go to war.” It's apart of free speech to criticize some bloggers and it's apart of free speech to criticize the corporate media too. In that atmosphere, I reject censorship of ideas. Kyra Phillips and John Roberts talked about this issue. Kurt Nimmo also disgracefully promoted the Confederacy when the leadership of the Confederacy (and their documents that Nimmo don't quote) promoted slavery (and expanding it into other territories). Kurt Nimmo falsely accused Shirley Sherrod of racism with no apologies.

By Timothy