Shirley Sherrod experienced a huge controversy and a sophisticated smear campaign. Her words were taken out of context. Andrew Beibart (who is a Tea Party supporter) used words that Shirley Sherrod said out of context to make the Barack Obama administration originally fire her. Sherrod said (about a story in 26 years ago and she wasn’t in a federal job in that time at all) that a white farmer falsely had a superior attitude and she wanted to not give the farmer her full assistance. Later, she realized that she was in error and that poverty has no color barrier. In other words, oppression can harm black people and white people in the theatre of agriculture. So, she continue to say that she fulfilled her duties to help the white farmers in saving their land. This is what exactly occurred. Also, she admitted that she didn’t discriminate against the white farmer. Therefore, Shirley Sherrod is no where near equivalent to the racists found in the Tea party at all. She didn’t say a slur, didn’t compared anybody to a witchdoctor, or called anyone a Communist under false pretexts. The NAACP originally criticized Shirley Sherrod, but apologized to her because they say that they were hoodwinked by FOX News (and some Tea Party people). The truth is that the reactionaries in the Tea party don‘t want to believe that the government can help people. They worship the free market and anything private. So, we should reject reactionaries and embrace the truth. The truth is that there is no sin in using the government to help our fellow human beings. She gave a story or parable about how people should see that the elite will harm poor people of any race. So, Shirley Sherrod shouldn’t be thrown under the bus at all. Shirley Sherrod is of course not a racist. She worked for equality and civil rights for decades. She and her relatives were apart of SNCC. She said that: “…That's when it was revealed to me that it's about poor versus those who have. And not so much about white. It is about white and black, but you know -- it opened my eyes…” The USDA should reconsider their actions and Shirley Sherrod should get her job back completely. She deserves an apology. There are other questions about if Vilsack knew of others who received the call for Sherrod to resign. People like Beibart aren’t representative of real conservatives that want liberty in the country. Real liberals, real conservatives, real independents, and real libertarians want the best for America without unnecessary smears or agitation. Shirley Sherrod was courageous in defending her comments against the backdrop of unfair attacks. The teaching moment hear is that we should promote building jobs, improving education, building our infrastructure, reject bigotry of any kind, have criminal justice, prevent any attempt to take this country back to an archiac existence.
The Pro Life movement has been successful in persuading future doctors to not do abortions. Some people want to make new doctors act in abortion procedures. This is shown in a Sunday New York Times Magazine featured in their article called “The New Abortion Providers.” The article supports abortion of course, yet they omit that the pro-life movement has been effective in helping doctors out. Many young physicians are not going to do abortions. One unheralded success of the pro-life movement is that it has convinced many Americans that abortion is wrong. Some people want abortion to continue, but many of the young citizens in America see abortion as immoral. Roe v. Wade has been readily not kept up with mainstream medicine. Many hospitals don’t allow abortion on their areas. There is a very high percentage of doctors that have no interests in doing abortions. Most abortions are done in clinics away from doctor’s offices and hospitals. This has done some good for the pro-life movement, yet there is a long way to go in having a real life based culture though. Abortion is more stigmatized than even 20 years ago. Sidewalk counselors can identify and approach abortion minded women. Some women don’t want abortions either. Supporters of legal abortion know that new technology have made abortion less appealing to people, especially in the medial community. Abortion providers have fallen by over a third since 1982. Young physicians are less likely to perform abortions than their older counterparts. Furthermore, the Kenneth J. Ryan Residency Training Program and the Family Planning Fellowship, are intended to increase abortion providers in rural areas. Warren Buffet funded these efforts. The article cites a study of 30 OB-GYNs with abortion training: Of eighteen who wanted to perform abortions, only three were doing so.
This is sometimes because of high malpractice-insurance rates, sometimes because hospitals or group practices will not allow it. Even those physicians performing abortions seem to have little interest in taking their practice to rural areas: One physician in the article left Rockford, Ill., for the friendlier confines of a university campus. Abortion rates have gone down almost every year since 1990. Abortion have fallen by 25 percent from 1990 to 2005. Crisis pregnancy centers have helped women too. Every January, tons of young people attend the March for Life. Pro-Life efforts have made great gains in America’s youth and young medical students as well.
Some people have legitimate concerns that a false flag cyber attack could takedown the Internet. People already realize that some people want to control the Internet on behalf of the government (like the Pentagon, the intelligence community, and private corporate arms). This is one of the issues that libertarians have correct in that the government shouldn’t control totally the Internet at all. Some believe that the U.S. could have an electronic Pearl Harbor event. The government over hype incidents in order to tie all of the Internet to our vital infrastructure systems (like our rail networks, our water sources, etc.). The threats against computer networks in America have been over exaggerated. Dire reports issued by the Defense Science Board and the Center for Strategic and International Studies “are usually richer in vivid metaphor — with fears of ‘digital Pearl Harbors’ and ‘cyber-Katrinas’ — than in factual foundation,” writes Evgeny Morozov, a respected researcher and blogger who writes on the political effects of the internet.
Morozov wrote that much of the hyped cyber threats are promoted by ultra secretive government agencies. They do this to make funding to these groups more realistic. That is why the Cybersecurity Act is promoted by Senator John Rockefeller. These people hate the Internet. Even recently, I have had Internet connection issues. It’s easy to see that certain elitists don’t want our views shown in the Internet that can galvanize revolutionary actions to solve evil problems in the world. John Rockefeller bash the Internet as wishing that it should never of have existed. Rockefeller’s anti-Internet legislation would give the President the power to shut down or limit Internet traffic (in a declared cyber security emergency). The bill don’t define what a critical information network or a cyber security emergency are. The bill gives the power to the federal government (via the DHS and the NSA) to tap into any digital aspect of every citizen’s information without a warrant. So much of our information can been accessed in the name of preventing a cyber attack. This information include banking, business, and medical records (including personal instant message and email communications). Joe Lieberman wants more violations of our Internet freedom in his proposed “Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act.” The bill gives absolute power to the federal government to close down networks and block incoming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency. Some feel that these bills can make it easier for bad people to monitor people. The Pentagon’s newly created Cyber Command (being headed by Keith B. Alexander or the acting head of the NSA. He was the man that was behind the massive program of illegal dragnet surveillance of domestic communications) since at least 2001. During the Senate Armed Services Committee confirmation hearing, Alexander said the Pentagon’s Cyber Command would enjoy “significant synergy” with the NSA. “We have to show what we’re doing to ensure that we comport, comply with the laws,” said Alexander, perversely claiming the agency is respecting and protecting the privacy of the American people. The Pentagon views cyberspace as a war fighting domain equal to land, sea, air, and space. Even in 2003, the Pentagon called the Internet as an enemy “weapons system” They want many capabilities to fight in this war. There is the secret National Cyber Ragne in trying to get control over all computers. This is called the Electronic Manhattan Project. The order is to prepare for “Dominant Cyber Offensive Engagement.” The Pentagon doesn’t name who the enemy is or is in their minds, the enemy is the net. The Internet is apart of the freedom movement that send billions of people real information that is contrary to the militaristic agenda of the Pentagon. President Bush back in 2008 signed an executive order to continue the Comprehensive National Cyber security Initiative. This has been called beyond the NSA warrant less wiretaps (as being a walk in the park) according to former National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell. Many corporations have been involved in the overarching program like Google, AT&T, Face book , and Yahoo. Even the Electronic Frontier Foundation have criticized the anti-Internet agenda as a threat against free speech. Back in 2008, Standard Law professor Lawrence Lessig said that there was going to be an I-9/11 event. This according to him will act as a catalyst for the law reworking the Internet. In his mind this is apart of making an “I-Patriot Act” (as talked about by Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke). Lessing is the founder of the Standford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society. He is the founding board member of Creative Commons. He’s also the board member of the Software Freedom Law Center. Lessing wants reduced legal restrictions on copyright, trademark and radio frequency spectrum, particularly in technology applications. Even Richard Clarke wants an enhancement of cyber security, but don’t want the government to regulator or eliminate the filter the Internet. There has been mock attacks done by the government via private outsourcing on its own infrastructure system. One exercise has been called “We We warned: Cyber Shockwave.” It included Former Department of Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff and former CIA deputy director John McLaughlin taking the roles of government leaders. CNN broadcast the entire simulation on prime time television. Cyber threats should never be exploited as an excuse to try to take down the Internet at all.
Secret Societies and history go on for the long time. People debate about America being a Christian nation. America isn’t a Christian nation per se. It had Christians in it though. There were Deists like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson including occultists. Some feel that religious expression is banned from the public square like the Ten commandments. It is interesting to see the Ten Commandments gone from some public property, but pagan deities are in public places. Some don’t agree with Bible reading and prayer limited in public schools. There is secular humanism. Some early creators of this philosophy in the 20th century compared secular humanism to a religion. Even the Founding Fathers didn’t want the extreme positions of banning all religious expression in America or making America a theocratic empire either. What is true is that the Founding Fathers knew about the occult and classics. One example is that the phrase “Annuit Coeptis” is found in the One Dollar bill above the pyramid. In the National Seal adopted on June 20, 1782Annuit coeptis means He (or Providence, which is the Deistic version of God) has favored our undertaking. This comes from Virgil’s Aeneid in reference to Jupiter. The National Seal and the dollar bill is related to Virgil’s “Eclogues.” David Ovason has proven the astrological relationship of D.C. relating to Jupiter and Virgo. Virgo is code for the Goddess Isis. For example, he shows that Washington is laid out so that every August 3 the sun shines down Pennsylvania Avenue striking the pyramid on the top of the Post Office tower.
Daryl Bradford Smith is indeed a Temporal Coadjutor, He has done a interview with the Bishop of Jerusalem Riah Hanna Abu El-Assal. He does his Jewish baiting rhetoric and that’s his forte. Some people have bring this up before. Some Jesuit inspired people want to attack the Tyndale Bible and the Authorized King James version of 1611. The relationships between the Vatican and Islam are easy to show. Radical Muslim leaders and Papal leaders worked together to organize the Holocaust in Europe. One example is that Muslim Croats worked with the Catholic Ustashi to kill almost 1 million Serbians, Jewish people, and Gypsy people in Yugoslavia. There are economic truths that should be exposed. Extremists don’t want to see fair markets, but spree markets in a cartel capitalist system. This system promotes greed and gives private bankers too much power. A greed driven type of capitalism benefits no one excepts those that capital to be concentrated into a few hands. Unregulated capitalism doesn’t work in human history. That system (causes an elimination of real competition) embraces a dog eats dog ideal or social Darwinism. This is anarchism as popularized by Murray Newton Rothbard (Its ancestor are form the Anglo-Dutch free market/East India Company/Venetian model). The Austrian economic model is a whole lot bigger than I have once realize. It is the economic dream of the global elite. It promises lower taxation rates, which is fine. Yet, in Reaganomics, this low taxation was mainly in the rich, and other errors of Reaganomics caused a big gap between the rich and the poor during the Reagan period. The twin of Reaganomics was the views of Thatcher that was union busting. See, when you cut services, have speculative derivatives system, and have austerity, that results in an economic disaster. Even countries have well developed public infrastructures like railway systems, power girds, highways, etc. in France and Germany. Big government can be bad in some circumstances, but not everything in government will cause destruction in society. The lesson is that efficient, legitimate government is needed to help citizens. Also, big cartels and oligarchs have done evils much worse in numerous occasions than government has done. The government should be made up of the people not a few oligarchs. A corporate owned nation is just as immoral as Communism. That is why historical a mixed dirigist economy worked greatly (that Roosevelt and in a great degree President John F. Kennedy agreed with), especially in a large nation like the United States of America. In a covert level, the internationalists know that the only way they can eliminate all competition and rule the masses is using unregulated capitalism as a transition (using their NGOs, Foundations, global governance groups) to form their real feudal system. You don’t need an oligarchic monopoly of corporatists. The libertarianism today that you see is very often rather an elitist form of libertarianism, where employees and corporate leaders want limited government, with the excuse for the taxpayer. Yet, the reality is they want no regulation, unlimited influence and speculation and corruption plus a conflict of interest. Real capitalism deals with family companies and others working in economies. Now, you have little competition with the tools of government to control people. This system represents neo-colonialism of a borderless Empire (with offshore nexus places in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai). So, economic populism is the way to go.
By Timothy