Friday, July 23, 2010

Radical Times and Pure Confidence

Barack Obama signed the financial reform bill. It is a law now. It has some legitimately good parts in it and some omissions too. President Barack Obama signed the bill into law in the Ronald Reagan building. This is ironic since most Republicans opposed the bill. The 3 GOP lawmakers who voted for the bill recieved a standing ovasion from the most Democratic crowd. Obama huged Paul Volcker and Elizabeth Warren appalled the act. Paul Volcker was the former FED head. Some want Elizabeth Warren to head up the Consumer Financial Bureau in order to make sure that the banking system acts responsibly in the market system. Republicans like Minority leader Mitch McConnell said that the new law will institute job losses (among small businesses), but the GOP are not showing any concrete proposals of their own. They promote the same ineffective agendas of deregulation, bailouts for Wall Street, and cutting leigtimate services from the people (while billions of dollars are sent into the Crusade of the war on terror). Doing nothing will cause small businesses to suffer even more. Now, the businesses that could be regulated under the bill are launching an effort to reform the Reform bill-- their way—to make sure the rules that are still to be written will not be too hard on them. That is why some lobbyists from the Charter of Commerce and the Business Roundtable promoted compromises in the bill. The Roundtable head Larry Burton want to work with President Barack Obama to make the bill work economic growth that's sustainable including job creation. Now, the problem is that most of the private sector in the USA aren't creating jobs. Corporations are keeping billions and trillions of dollars and they aren't using that money for job growth. That is why the public sector is increasing job production over the private sector. The Daily Beast's Randall Lane wrote that business in Wall Street escaped stricter regulations (in the new law). Lane argues that, “Wall Street craves—and needs—rules, and the discipline to enforce them consistently. If left to its own self-interest, Wall Street couldn't function.” In this view, the bill was not tough enough even with the many compromises the biggest firms won to allow them to circumvent the law. The SEC is required to issue 95 new regulations according to the Washington Post, but they have been known for going slow in their actions. The SEC missed Bernie Maddoff and Goldman Sachs's evil (which lead into a $550 million settlement). Some populists and progressives want to strengthen reform. They want to tax Wall Street gambling, end foreclosures, and handle other economic issues. There are an extension of unemployment benefits for months. That is a good thing. Yet, we still have about 800 insolvent banks, industries going down, and banktruptcy (in state and local places plus debt problems). China is rising economically and the West is struggling. There are a million foreclosures. Even people like Paul Krugman said that there is a risk of a creeping depression. Some want a jobs bill. Others legitimately want cuts in the defense budgets and the intelligence budgets. Wall Street criminals should be in jail. We should be thankful for small victories, so we have a long way to go in developing a real economic recovery inside of American society.

An Ocean Energy Institute Founder said that the new hurricane might require a Gulf evacuation. The U.S. National Hurricane Center has warned that a weather system near Cuba (or centered between the islands of Acklins and Great Inagua) may move into the Gulf of Mexico this weekend according to Bloomberg this morning. Meterologist Jim Rouiller said that he's worried about how it will movie the oil slick into the coastal areas of Louisiana and Mississippi. BP workers in the Gulf of Mexico have stopped drilling a relief since the storm is approaching the region. They are preparing to evacuate. On Wednesday, National Incident Commander Thad Allen said that a tropical storm in the area could push back the timetable 10 to 14 days. Matthew Simmons is the founder of the Ocean Energy Institute. He told Bloomberg on Wednesday that a leak near the Deepwater Horizon site may require an evacuation of the Gulf coast if a hurricane strikes the area. “Some five to ten miles away is what the NOAA research vessels have proved is a deep oil leak that is growing by the day and it is very toxic oil and its gases are very lethal and basically if we have a hurricane now we need to evacuate the Gulf coast,” Simmons said. Simmons mentioned that BP covered up the severity of the oil gusher and if they told the truth, they owuld be going into jail. Matthew Simmons is a CFR member and believes in the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth propaganda. He support Peak Oil. Peak Oil (or that oil will soon run out by 2050) is promoted by globalists as an excuse to promote the dismantling of modern civilization. Simmons predicted an evacuation of the Gulf states. “Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people?… This story is 80 times worse than I thought.” Hurricane Alex was the first tropical cyclone to form in the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season. The storm attained hurricane status on June 30 as it approached northeastern Mexico. It did not significantly impact the oil gusher zone in the Caribbean and struck near Soto la Marina in Mexico as a Category 2 hurricane. We should reject fear mongering, but we should beware of evil in the world. I found some interesting information about Booker T. Washington from the research of Professor Manning Marable. Washington was right to call for the establishment of black businesses to build up the African American community. He was wrong in opposing labor unions and seeking black people to seek employment as scabs to undercut white racist workers. He legitimately promoted self reliance, but rejected the government as a tool to address income inequality. Some black conservatives allied with Ronald Reagan like Thomas Sowell, Glen Loury, and Walter Williams. They believed in self help, but ignored the legitimate needs of the government to have some regulations and restrictions on the market. In that way, the market doesn't act nihilistic and without order. This error permits the plan of the elite to bash black-labor solidarity. Although, some in the early labor movements were racist and that was wrong. For if a man or woman don't have the resources to protect his or her livelihood, then a reactionary can come to restrict your wages and economic rights. There is dignity in labor as Dr. King eloquently mentioned. So, it is important to promote black heritage in the world. Yet, you also have to promote tolerance for your fellow man and true liberty that extends to the whole human family (not just one race or ethnic group). For a comprehensive solution is better than a limited one.
A solution that deals with economic populism among the poor and the middle class can do much to eliminate the wealth disparities among human beings.

Pro-Life advocates prepare for the next 40 Days for Life campaign against abortion. There are thousands of pro-life advocates that are from across the nation that are starting to make preparation for the next 40 Days for Life campaign. It will begin this Fall. This new campaign will build on successful previous ones that have saved lives from abortion. It has closed down abortion centers. It will start in September. From September 22 to October 31, pro-life advocates will pray at abortion facilities nationwide. They will offer help for omwen considering abortion. This peaceful, prayerful event has become so populat in America, tht pro-life advocates in other nations have taken it up for their own efforts. Shawn Carnery is the campaign director for 40 Days for Life. He emailed previous participants. He said that the upcoming November elections make the latest campaign especially important. "With everything that's at stake at this crucial moment in history, let's mobilize the Body of Christ and bring an end to the tragedy of abortion," he said. He said the interest in the next campaign is very high. "Hundreds of cities across North America -- and around the globe -- have expressed interest all summer and things are shaping up to be big this fall" Carney said. "Are you ready to see abortion end in your community?" Carney said that average Americans from all walks of life participate in the prayful pro-life event. He said that: "...These are ordinary people with extraordinary faith and courage who were exactly where you are -- praying about what God wanted them to do," he said. "They are from Indiana, Florida, Alabama, New York, Connecticut, California, Louisiana and Canada. They took a leap of faith to lead local 40 Days for Life campaigns..." The Spring 40 Days for Life campaign witnessed a milestone. Organizers said that they now know of more than 2,5000 babies being saved from abortion during these campaigns. The organizer David Bereit said that the total number exactly 2,536. There were twins and one set of triples included in the number. The impact has been positive for the children's mothers and fathers.

The Jesuit Sebastein Faure led anarchists. He lived form 1858 to 1942. He was a former Jesuit seminarian. He was a disciple of Jules Guesde, the leader of the marxist wing of French Social Democracy & was a candidate for the Marxist Workers Party. So, Faure was an anarchist. He opposed World War I as well. He was an original libertarian. Faure was imprisoned for his views and he sympthatize with terrorist acts by anarchists (though he didn't agree with violence). He at first associated with Louise Michel. He produced a general left-wing weekly "Ce qu'il faut dire" (What Must Be Said) from April 1916 to December 1917. In 1918 and 1921 he served short prison sentences for sexual offences involving young girls; this damaged but didn't destroy his career. Fauer had a magazine called Le Libertaire. Faure soon wrote anti-God literature, so he was a dedicated atheist. .

Secret Societies are real in the world. Charles Merriam admitted in his 1936 book entitled, "Role of Politics in Social Change" that management of people would be apart of the strategy of control. The elite handle global events for eons in a dialectical process. They first supported the creation of the Soviet union. They support German's original Nazi Empire after its financial collapse. The Nazis were the antithesis to the Soviets. Col. Edward M. House entered into his diary in January 1919 that he lied to world leaders about the impossibility of intervening militarily against the Soviets (when he believed that it owuld have been successful). Communism regimes have been apart of the dialectical process. In the 1920's, the U.S. intelligence has a file called “Synarchist International: Nazi/Communist." It proved the real history of Dr. Herman Erben. Erben joined the Nazi Party in Austria during 1926. He was a Nazi spy in the U.S., Mexico, China, etc. He worked with the Soviets in the 1930's. During WWII, he worked for the Nazi Gestapo and the Soviet agent Richard Sorge. In 1950, Erben was in Iran to help Alen Dulles overthrow the Mossadegh government in 1953. He converted from Judaism to Islam. Back in 1952, Monshizadeh was the co-founder of the Nazi Party called SUMKA. Some of the Nazis viewed the Persians as their Aryan brothers. The U.S. indirectly funded Nazi supporters (who were Iranian nationalism) in order to counter Soviet influence in Iran. This was in 1948. The elite exiled Monshizadeh to Europe when he supported the Iranian leader Mohammed Mossadegh's oil nationalization. Operation Ajax in 1953 overthrow the government of the nationalist Mossadegh (with agents from the Gehlen Organization and CIA director Allen Dulles organizing the coup in Iran). Even Zbigniew Brzezinski (ZB) as President Carter’s National Security Advisor implemented a Pan-Islamic crescent strategy in the late 1970s to serve as a buffer to Soviet southern expansion. So, the West supported the fascist Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to replace the Shah. The Shah left Iran on January 17, 1979. Khomeiini was aided by the West too via foregin nationals. Robert Gates has a meeting with Brzezinski to accept the Revolution, recognize Khomeini's government, supply arms contracted to Shah delievered to Khomeini. This wanted a working relationship between Iran and the USA back then. According to Mike Evans in Jimmy Carter: The Liberal Left and World Chaos, a former naval intelligence officer and CIA operative informed him “that the U.S. government wrote checks to Khomeini in increments of approximately $150 million.” So, these fascist Mullahs have influence in Iran to. Today, some in the West either want to invade Iran or make the Mullah compromise to have more influence with the Shah's son called Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. Pahlavi lived in America since 1984. The following quote from the 1959 panel report of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund Special Studies Project titled The Mid-Century Challenge to U.S. Foreign Policy: “We should not escape, and indeed should welcome, the task which history has imposed on us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its dimensions—spiritual, economic, political, social.” There is an occult component among the world too. Hitler sudied the works of the occultist Madame HP Blavatsky. Hitler was educated in 1899 at Lambach Abbey School. The head Benedictine monk in the Abbey was Theodore hagen. Hagan knew Sufism and Gnosticism. The abbey had swastikas. The Cistercian monk Adolf Joseph Lanaz mentored Hitler. Lanaz created the Order of the New Temple and he promote Aryanism (like Blavastsky and Pike did). Hitler was a spokesman for the Thule Soicety. Hitler was a hater of mainstream Christianity since its founder was Jewish (or Jesus Christ). former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was an admirer of Nicholas Roerich (of the Great White Brotherhood) and Maitreya (allegedly the “returned Christ” of today). Maitreya is a false Christ that's promoted by Wayne Peterson, Benjamin Creme and others. Blavatsky accepted Gnostic tenets like her firend Albert Pike. Pike in his 1871 Morals and Dogma book said that: "the fundamental teachings of Gnosticism,” beginning with “emanation from the Deity of all spiritual beings, progressive degeneration of these beings from emanation to emanation, redemption and return of all to the purity of the Creator; and,… the re-establishment of the primitive harmony of all.” Freemasonry is similar to Gnosticism since both ideas believe that secret knowledge via rituals (in ancient mystery traditions) can transform humans into a higher spiritual being (or even godhood). Gnosticis believe that Jesus Christ escaped the gnosis to be a better being (They don't believe that Jesus Christ is God or the Son of God).

By Timothy