Monday, January 07, 2013

January 2013 News




The U.S. has a terror sponsor issue. The issue is not that there are real Americans here in the USA. Real know real Americans day in and day out. The issue is that fake human beings are enacting pro-torture policies in the world. Human beings have the right to dissent with evil and have a moral compass as well. Criticizing a country's wrongheaded actions is as American as apple pie. Other nations have sponsored terrorism before, but the U.S. has done this before too. Even the director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan named Lt. General William Odom admitted that the U.S. has long used terrorism. He said that in 1978 to 1979, even the lawyers said that the U.S. would be in violation when the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism. Wikileaks found a secret CIA analysis documenting how the United States has been a long exporter of terrorism. Much of this terrorism is directed against the Third World countries including Latin America. We know that the CIA and the FBI have done terrorism before from the murder of democratically elected leaders to the killing of our brothers and sisters in the Black Panther Party. U.S. client states had death squads in Latin America. Global rise in state terror has been linked to the rise of U.S. foreign policy in certain areas. The “1991” book, which was edited by Alexander L. George [the Graham H. Stuart Professor of Political Science Emeritus at Stanford University] also, argued that other Western powers sponsored terror in Third World countries. It concluded that the U.S. and its allies were the main supporters of terrorism throughout the world. It is not a secret that U.S. created death squads in Latin America, Iraq, and Syria. Terrorism is about the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce human beings especially for political purposes without just cause. The U.S. has been supporting Al Qaeda linked terrorism in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, and yes in Iran as well. The West played Sunnis and Shias against each other definitely in the current events of Syria. The West funds the most radical distortion of Islam called Wahhabism, which dominates many circles of Saudi Arabia. Torture is a part of terrorism and we know that the U.S. has done torture for decades, even before the Bush administration. I don't agree with drone attacks on civilian populations or targeted assassinations either. The CIA admitted that it hired Iranians in the 1950's to pose as Communists and stage bombings in order to go against its democratically elected Prime Minister named Mohammed Mossadeq. MI5 agents and the CIA were involved in the 1953 coup against Iran. Former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of the Italian counterintelligence admitted that NATO orchestrated bombings in Italy and other European countries during the 1950's. NATO worked with the CIA and the Pentagon as a means to blame the Communists and rally Europeans against communism. This was a critical portion of the Cold War. One participant in the program wanted to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people, etc. Even former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo in 2005 suggested that America use a false terrorist organization as a means to fight against Al-Qaeda. The U.S. government admitted that Operation Northwoods was real. This plan as revealed from declassified documents showed that in the 1960's that American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off to blow up American airplanes and cause terrorism in American soil (as a means to blame Cuba, so it can be used to justify an invasion of Cuba). This has been talked about in the late Peter Jennings' ABC news report and other official documents. Even according to official State Department records, Under Secretary of State Chester Bowles wrote on June 3, 1961 about some in the White House wanting to cause a false flag as a means to justify an invasion of the Dominican Republic. It is not just the USA doing terrorism. The MI5, the MI6, Mossad, and other international intelligence agencies have done terrorism in the four corners of the Earth for decades as well.


Religiously, Jesus Christ was a revolutionary. Jesus of Nazareth knew of God better than many reactionary preachers today. The Lord Jesus Christ (peace be upon his name) and the prophets old were heavily concerned with public matters and political issues. Even the four Gospels focused heavily on Jesus' public actions. Jesus wanted the good news to be sent to the poor and he opposed the powers that be during the times of the ancient Roman Empire. Even in Matthew, King Herod said that Jesus was a political threat even before Jesus was born. Luke 4:18 is clear that Jesus Christ was sent to preach the Good news to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, announce that the blind shall see, set the captives free, and allow the downtrodden to be free from oppressors. These concepts are self-explanatory and acutely transparent. Jesus Christ in Matthew 22:36-40, said that the first greatest commandment was to Lord the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. The second most important one is to Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus said that if you follow these commandments are follows; all others would be easy enough to follow. Loving your neighbor as yourself is one of the greatest examples of Love. The Gospels are clear that it is morally right to help those hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, sick, imprisoned, and other suffering affliction. Jesus is right to say that Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the merciful, and the peacemakers. Even Lazarus was a very poor man and he went into heaven because of his righteousness not because of his bank account. Actions speak louder than words. So, we should not just express confessions of faith. We should be about it and help humanity constructively. Luke 3:11-14 mentioned that Jesus Christ of Nazareth wanted human beings to share food and clothing with folks. The Pharisees are like the CNP funded religious establishment today. They want power and prestige, but they are involved in linking up with the agenda of the world instead of the real human community. Even the prodigal son was treated more kindly in the Gospel than what some in the religious establishment would do to a similar prodigal son. Now, the apostle James was a great teacher. He is probably one of the greatest apostles in history. He taught the basis truth that human beings should do good works not just have faith. He taught that there is no respecter of persons between the rich and the poor. The apostle John is even clear that we should help someone in need, especially if we have money. Charity is more than a private matter. How can you help the world if poverty is solely a private matter? Public initiative is necessary. So, it is right to assist the needy. I worship God not Mammon.


When you become older as I am approaching thirty years old, I see that African history is human history. It is the same story of humanity filled with tragedies and triumphs. It is about seeking true history unfold and striving to advance justice for humanity. You can't just have promises. We need action. So, we all have that responsibility to publicly organize help for our own communities. We need to communicate more positively or honestly to our people. Unnecessary tensions and futile agitation are prescriptions for disaster, but success can be made with efforts and activism mixed with a 21st century flavor. We either will have to have to organize change in the world. I have no issue with a cooperative society. It is interesting that in this generation, there is a progressive coalition that desires a transformation of America. Real folks want America and all countries of the Earth of every background to have real human rights. One of the final goals of Dr. Martin Luther King was economic justice. Dr. Martin Luther King was not perfect. Yet, Dr. King was one hundred percent correct to call for economic rights, an abolition of poverty, and an end to war. He proposed an economic bill of rights as a means for our multiracial society to have justice for all basically. If one human being lacks real human rights, then all of our rights are threatened. Either you have justice for all or none. We may not agree on every single issue all of the time. We can agree on equality. We can agree with justice and political freedoms. We can agree that any human being should be afforded basic human civil liberties as well. Dr. King is right to say to striking Memphis workers in the Spring of 1968 that: "..."All labor has dignity. But you're doing another thing. You are reminding not only Memphis, but you are reminding the NATION that it is a CRIME for people to live in this RICH NATION and to receive STARVATION wages...." We can't forget other heroes of our lives as well. Our Afrikan heritage is filled with male and female black revolutionaries. Revolution is a part of our psyche and minds as human beings. Even Harold Cruse did the right thing in believing that black Americans must amass political and social power in the world. Even the author Richard Wright wrote about Black Power as far back in 1954. He wrote the book entitled, "Native Son." He was known as an innovator of discussions about racial matters from a philosophical or psychological standpoint. The slogan “Black Power for black people” has been used SNCC cadre during their Alabama campaigns in 1965. So, these events happened and this is a great part of human history.

Paul Robeson is a key part of the civil rights movement. The essence of the civil rights struggle was a battle for black liberation. We need to realize that big business in many times goes against the interests of the working class. A wealthy elite has worked all of time as a means to stop revolutionary acts from not only the workers or the people in general. Harry Belafonte made a memoir recently "MY Song" described about the civil rights movement. Whether you agree with all of Belafonte's actions or not, we can still agree with him on some points like his opposition to the Iraq War since it was a war crime, human rights, and being against torture. Belafonte first met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1956 in the midst of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Both men were not even 30 years old then. They were already famous in the fields of either civil rights or music. Belafonte helped to raise funds for the Southern Leadership Christian Leadership Conference as a means to form a strong collaborative friendship with Dr. King. Belafonte made a last meeting with Dr. King on March 27, 1968 in the exact week before Dr. King was unfortunately assassinated. Dr. Martin Luther King was planned to make the Poor People's Campaign including the erection of a shantytown near the White House to protest until Congress passed an economic rights bill to alleviate poverty in America. King spoke with Belafonte, King's lawyer Clarence Jones, his secretary and bodyguard Bernard Lee, and Andrew Young. Andrew Young would be a Congressman, the mayor of Atlanta, and the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President Jimmy Carter. In that meeting, Dr. King was aware of the ghetto rebellions in northern cities, the evil of the Vietnam War, and the issues of poverty in the world. Dr. King said about the issue of youth rage in these terms: "...Somehow, frustration over the war has brought forth this idea that the solution resides in violence. What I cannot get across to these young people is that I wholly embrace everything they feel! It’s just the tactics we can’t agree on. I have more in common with these young people than with anybody else in this movement. I feel their rage. I feel their pain. I feel their frustration. It’s the system that’s the problem, and it’s choking the breath out of our lives..." Belafonte continues, “In the pause that followed, Andy [Young] replied, ‘Well, I don’t know, Martin. It’s not the entire system. It’s only part of it, and I think we can fix that.’ “Suddenly, Martin lost his temper. Dr. King said: ‘I don’t need to hear from you, Andy,’ he said. ‘I’ve heard enough from you. You’re a capitalist, and I’m not. And so we don’t see eye to eye—on this and a lot of other stuff.’ Belafonte wrote that Dr. Martin Luther King was really angry, because Andrew Young was ambivalent about the Poor People's Campaign. “The tension peaked. ‘The trouble,’ Martin went on, ‘is that we live in a failed system. Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level…That’s the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we’re going to have to change the system.’ This is not the Dr. King we see on television. We just see the I Have a Dream speech and other words from national television. Yet, this is the real Dr. Martin Luther King who made critiques of capitalism. Dr. King was a revolutionary thinker and loved radical economic solutions. He later lowered his voice in the meeting to say the following: "...We fought hard and long, and I have never doubted that we would prevail in this struggle. Already our rewards have begun to reveal themselves. Desegregation…the Voting Rights Act…’ He paused. ‘But what deeply troubles me now is that for all the steps we’ve taken toward integration, I’ve come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house..." He told Belafonte, Young, and others in that meeting that they will have to be firemen to put the fire out. He was a pacifist, but he did believed in revolutionary changes in society. He wanted justice for the poor or the oppressed. Even when he was the leader of the SCLC, many black reactionaries in that group tried to limit his broad political outlook. His moves were followed by the FBI. Belafonte has little to say about Jesse Jackson. He describes him as among those who “vied for places of influence” with the slain civil rights leader’s widow, Coretta Scott King, adding that “[s]oon [Jackson] would go back to Chicago and brandish the ‘bloody garment’ that Martin was wearing when he died.” Young and Jackson were from different backgrounds, but they were similar in being center left types of human beings. They worked inside of the Democratic Party as a means to try to get black human beings power and opportunities, but there was allows a glass ceiling of power black human beings got under the two party system. The treat to our liberty is about both racial injustice, any form of bigotry, and class oppression simply put. The imperialism that we see in today's society is related to the oppression of the poor. Maybe, we should not have a lust for wealth. It is not all about the money. It is all about the interests of the people. The issues of declining living standards, attacks on democratic rights, and war confront human beings of all colors and nationalities. We have lived under the burning house of laissez faire of capitalism. We have to be firemen to stop the fire and create a better, humane system in its place.

Human beings know that Afghanistan is an easy symbol of neo-colonialism in the 21st century. We have the 2014 deadline for the end of NATO operations in Afghanistan. The current administration according to its critics wants to prepare for a continued U.S. military presence into the indefinite future. The New York Times describe this American led occupation. That occupation has been as predatory, neo-colonial as the occupation of Iraq. The Times reported that General John Allen or the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan has submitted three options to the Pentagon for the period after the supposed withdrawal of "combat troops" at the end of 2014. One is to maintain U.S. troop levels at 6,000, other calls for 10,000 soldiers, and the third is based on a force of 20,000. These proposals talk about using Special Operations commandos. These commandos would hunt down insurgents. Some U.S. forces would be used to bolster Afghan security forces via air support, logistics, and training. These actions are justified on the phony pretext of the "war on terror." We have over 12 years of the bloody, relentless war. Afghanistan is now a base of operations for projecting American influence and military force all over the region. The AfPak war has witnessed the escalating of drone strikes in Pakistan. Now, some reactionaries want a conflict in Iran. We know that the West wants to have intrigue in the Central Asian republics. Americans forces have propped up the regime of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. There is a huge force of U.S. Special Operations troops. These troops are known for night raids and mass killing. This is about forcing a foreign occupation to continue. There are green on blue incidents too. This is where Afghan soldiers and police turning their guns on foreign troops—points to far broader anger and hostility to the continued US presence. Allen's proposals want to have meetings this week in D.C. between Obama and Karzai. This deals with the terms of the U.S. military presence after 2014. Karzai and his government are dependent on Washington. They are dependent in its economy on international aid. The West funds the Afghan security forces. The latest Pentagon review said that only one of Afghan's army's 23 brigades is able to function independently. The White House wants American troops and personnel retain immunity from prosecution under Afghan law after 2014. The U.S. said that it doesn't want permanent military bases in Afghanistan. Yet, there are joint facilities where American personnel that will have the freedom of action to serve Pentagon's purposes as well. A puppet regime in Afghanistan is created by our taxpayer dollars. We witness U.S. led operations or NATO attacks in Iraq, Libya, and now Syria. Washington and London want to extend its economic and strategic dominance in the energy rich regions of the Middle East and Central Asia. There have been local assassination units, mercenaries, spying, and other terrorizing of the populations. This modern technology is advanced, but its techniques are similar to the 19th century European colonialism from manipulation of ethnic rivalries or agents. The West used Sunni Islamist militias as a means to overthrow the Libyan government. America is in league to despotic regimes of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, but it claims to represent democracy and freedom. The majority of Americans and its allies are opposed to the occupation of Afghanistan. Many establishment liberals were once greatest protesting the Iraq War almost 10 years ago, but now some of them are curiously silent when President Barack Obama is in office. We have a war against working class at home via cuts to wages and we have Western hegemony spreading across the Earth. The real anti-war movement should continue their actions. We should oppose militarism, neo-colonialism, and all ills in society.

By Timothy


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