The engineered destruction and political fragmentation of Iraq is
easy to witness. The conflict in Iraq now has been tragic. ISIS stands for the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. So, ISIS wants a Sunni caliphate spreading in
Iraq and Syria. The Armed forces of al-Maliki are fighting ISIS too. This
conflict is bigger than a sectarian war among Radical Sunnis and Shias. There
is an U.S. military intelligence agenda revolving around this conflict. We know
that Al-Qaeda affiliated entities have been used by US/NATO forces in conflict
as intelligence assets or proxies since the Soviet-Afghan war. Professor Michel
Chossoudovsky has written that in Syria, “…the Al Nusrah and ISIS rebels are
the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance, which oversees and controls
the recruitment and training of paramilitary forces…” The Al-Qaeda affiliated
Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) came about again in April of 2013. They call
themselves now the ISIS. This terrorist group encompasses both Iraq and Syria.
The Syrian government forces have made successes in civil war. Now, the ISIS
has grown in power too. The failures of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other
opposition terror brigades are existent. Washington is covertly supporting
terrorist entities in Syria. The West wants Iraq and Syria controlled and even
separate into separate territories. A Sunni Islamist caliphate, an Arabic Shia
Republic, and a Republic of Kurdistan could be a reality in the region (which
will balkanize societies). Many sides are funded by Western weapons. Many radicals
like ISIS are aided by Western aid in Syria indirectly. According to London’s Daily
Express “They had money and arms supplied by Qatar and Saudi Arabia.” Also,
Qatar and Saudi Arabia are American allies, so this is a complicated situation.
The war on terror has both sides being funded by Western & Western
allied forces. ISIS wants to end a secular government in Iraq. America is considering
using drone attacks in support of the Baghdad government. The Islamic caliphate
is supported covertly by the CIA in liaison with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and
Turkish intelligence. Israel is also involved in channeling support to both Al
Qaeda rebels in Syria (out of the Golan Heights) as well to the Kurdish
separatist movement in Syria and Iraq. So, directly or indirectly, the global
war on terror allow both sides (which are the terrorists and the government) to
be supported by the US-NATO hegemony. Many sovereign nations are destabilized
and turn into either open territories or puppet Western client states. Mosul is
in control by the ISIS forces. Kurdistan has de facto independence from Baghdad
now too. No massive al-Qaeda existed in Iraq for a long period of time until
the Iraqi invasion came about. The possible partition of Iraq could come if
nothing changes radically. The breaking up of nation-states into small sections
has been done by elites for a long time (like in Yugoslavia).
It is obvious that fracking destroys the
environment and poisons the air that we breathe. The witness of Pam Judy on
July 20, 2011 said that she suffered headaches, runny noses, etc. from
fracking. Her children suffered as well. She has benzene and phenol in her blood
as product of the fracking. She lives in Pennsylvania, so she persuaded the PA
Department of Environmental Protection to carry out air quality tests over four
days on her land. The results revealed the presence of 16 chemicals, including
benzene, which are all known carcinogens. In November 2010, Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection released a final report into air
pollution in the area where Pam Judy and her family live. The report stated
that the Department: "...could find no emission levels that would
constitute a concern to the health of residents living near Marcellus
operations …” That is wrong. This is a growing concern as such stories are
common nationwide. The fracking industry has increase toxic chemicals in the
land and air. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a damning
report in February 2013, which admitted that there is no systematic air quality
monitoring of the emissions from the fracking industry which emits, “large
amounts of harmful pollutants that impact air quality on local, regional, and
global levels.” The report further noted how the EPA underestimates chemical
pollution from oil and gas wells and did not have a, "comprehensive strategy
for improving air emissions data for the oil and gas production sector …” In
some states, there is an open collusion between the land gas industry plus
elected officials. There are big business interests in Texas and other places
where no action have been taken to protect local people who are being poisoned.
Inside Climate News have documented the following information: “…Since then,
more than 2,400 air emissions permits have been issued in the Eagle Ford
without additional safeguards that would have reduced the amounts of benzene,
hydrogen sulphide, formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals that drift into the
air breathed by 1.1 million people.” The political establishment in Texas has
even prevented new regulations of fracking. One example is how State Representative
Tom Craddick, who steered the bill that prevented new regulations from being
applied in the Eagle Ford shale region, has shares in five oil companies that
are active in the Eagle Ford area. Craddick has received $800,000 from industry
employees and related political action committees. According to a Centre for
Public Integrity review of financial disclosure records, 42 members of the Texas
legislature or their spouses own stock or receive royalties from oil and gas
companies active in the Eagle Ford area. Governor Rick Perry who approved
SB1134 has revived $11.5 million in campaign contributions since 2000. The
attorney General of Texas Greg Abbott has received over $4 million in
contributions and has sued the EPA eighteen times for interfering in Texas
affairs. The Texas legislature is readily influenced by the oil and gas
industry. The environmental group Earthworks investigated the air pollution in
the Eagle Ford area. They found that the pollution was so dangerous that people
evacuated themselves from the area. The regulators took no action to warn or to
protect residents about the dangerous level of air pollutants. Fracking has
poisoned people. Fracking pollution has occurred in California too. In
September of 2013 the Center for Biological Diversity in California released a
report that detailed its investigation into air pollution caused by the
fracking industry in the LA basin. It found that oil companies had used 12 ‘air
toxic’ chemicals on over 300 occasions. Air toxic chemicals are considered as
extremely dangerous as they can cause cancer, harm the heart and damage the lungs
and eyes. Air pollution is a real problem and the fracking industry has
contributed to it. Methane is toxic to humans and it has been found near
fracking wells too. The fracking industry in America has experience little to
no regulation. There are exemptions of the fracking industry from most
environmental regulations. Meanwhile, Congress has agreed not to apply the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to fracking fluids which contain
hundreds of poisonous chemicals. Oil and gas companies keep from the public
which chemicals are used claiming they are "trade secrets.” People have
the right to act as a means to protect the environment.
Many people are taking about the World Cup
in Brazil. Progressives and other revolutionary activists are absolutely right
to mention the issues of race, class, etc. that involve itself in Brazil. Big
business and Brazilian government wanted the World Cup to exist in Brazil. Yet, the issue is that
economic inequality still plague Brazil. Black and Brown human beings in Brazil
struggle for fight for access for basic services like education, healthcare,
sanitation, and security. The police in Brazil have forced the poor to live in
slums away from the beaches and hotels. Sao Paulo Arena in Brazil’s largest
city is hosting the world cup. The stadium costs about 11 billion dollars and 8
workers died from the construction work. There have been anti-Cup protests,
because human beings want jobs and economic rights. Others want better public transportation,
fair wages, security, etc. But as evidenced by their use of the slogan “Não vai
ter Copa!” (“There will be no Cup!”), it is clear that they intend to use the
lavish international spectacle both as a symbol of their concerns and a
spotlight to shine on them. Protest organizer Antonio Carlos Costa told Agence
France Presse, "We want the Brazilian government to ask the nation’s
forgiveness because it promised something it never delivered. It invested a
fortune of public money in things that weren’t necessary.” A recent Pew poll
found that 61% of respondents believed hosting the World Cup is a ”bad thing”
“because it takes money away from public services.” There have been brave people
in Brazil who have organized strikes, protests and strike threats. These people
are teachers, airline employees, and other workers. The government has used
intimidation and even repression as a means to try to stop the protesters.
Brazil has a long history of racism. A large segment of Brazil today is of
black African descent. There are more Afro-Brazilians living in Brazil than African Americans living in the USA. Brazil was the last nation in the Americas to abolish
slavery. Brazil used a racial miscegenation policy called branquaemento (or
whitening) that tried to eliminate the black population in Brazil via a racist
fashion. Classist policies existed in Brazil as well. Brazil was once done by
the wealthy, mostly British elites for years. In 1923, more than two decades
before Jackie Robinson broke the color line in American baseball, the Vasco de
Gama soccer club in Rio de Janeiro fielded a team consisting primarily of black
and mixed-race athletes. The squad went on to win the city championship that
year, breaking the color line in Brazilian soccer with emphasis.
Afro-Brazilians have a strong culture in Brazil too. Brazil has won World Cups
and even National team striker Romario de Souza Faria has criticized social
inequalities and is a strong supporter of the ongoing protests in Brazil. He is
right to do this. Brazil’s government razed people’s houses to build soccer
stadium parking lots. We see the capitalist bonanza of the World Cup. We have
the right to have solidarity to the movements opposed to capitalistic
exploitation, racism, and the criminalization of the poor. We oppose oppression
and all Brazilians need equality regardless if the World Cup exists in Brazil
or not.
Architecture is known for its embrace of
shapes, patterns, etc. Some who do architecture know fully about sacred
geometry. In sacred geometry, 6 is the number of structure. The hexagram is
used for structure in all scales of the Universe (from the microcosm to the macrocosm).
It is interesting to note that hexagonal shapes are found in snowflakes and
many crystals others than ice have hexagonal crystal systems. The gaseous
planet Saturn has hexagonal clouds on its north pole discovered by Voyager 1 in
1977 and verified again in 2006 by the Cassini spacecraft. This means that the
hexagon is a persistent structure on the surface of the planet Saturn. In the
microcosm, living creatures like bees create hexagonal houses and birthing
chambers for their young. Hexagonal space frame make solid structures. In sacred
geometry, the number 5 refers to the number of life. We see that the Pentagram encodes
the golden number of Phi fractally. 6/5 times Phi squared equals to about Pi.
The patterns of the Hexagram and the Pentagram are related to each other.
Adenine is one of the four bases that code for all life in deoxyribonucleic
acid (or DNA). Adenine's molecular structure is based on a hexagonal ring
bonded to a pentagonal ring. Even the DMT molecule has the molecular structure
of a hexagonal ring bonded to a pentagonal ring. Melatonin is secreted by the
pinecone shaped pineal gland in the center of the human brain. The core of this
molecule yet again is a pentagonal ring bonded to a hexagonal ring. Hermetic
symbolism is also found in Hermetic Renaissance Art. We know about the
symbolism found in the original planning of Washington, D.C. One planner of the
map of D.C. was the Freemason Pierre L’Enfant. Sacred geometry is very complex.
Years ago, I only knew a few things about it. As I have gotten older, I know
more about it. The patterns of 6 and 5 exist in many structures of the world.
For example, St. Paul’s Cathedral is 555 feet long if you include its entrance
steps. That is 6600 inches according to Steven Skinner’s book entitled, “Sacred
Geometry: Deciphering the Code.” St. Paul's architect, Sir Christopher Wren,
also encoded the solar 365 in the height of the cross on top of the dome as
measured in English feet. The Washington Monument has the height of 555 feet as
well. John Martineau's superb A Little Book of Coincidence has a page about a
discovery made by Alex Geddes which relates the products of mean orbital radii
of planets in our solar system through a series of elegant ratios. Some believe
that 6/5 is like a universal code built into the establishment of the Universe
from the snowflake, the Earth, and to the rest of the Universe. The exact
distance between the center of the Kaaba in Mecca and the center of the Dome of
the Rock in Jerusalem is 665.65 nautical miles.
Some people act like that Europe is so
progressive on racial issues, but Europe originated the modern system of white
supremacy. Many Europeans on the issue of immigration are more reactionary than
Tea Party members in the States. Also, the Afro-French have spoken out against
the racism in France too. I remember the rebellion in France back in 2005. I
and my brothers were in solidarity with the poor Brothers and Sisters suffering
in communities of France during the rebellion. Yes, France historically has
been a colonial power brutalizing our people in the Motherland and even in the
Caribbean for centuries. That is why Haitian Brothers and Sisters defeated the
French imperialists back in the 1800's. White racists are jealous of our
beautiful melanin, our blackness, and our resilient spirit. So, our eyes are
open. Also, we have to continue to express compassion towards our people, to
use strength, and to speak valiantly out against bigotry. Bigotry and unwarranted
hatred have no place in the world. It is also important to know that many
people globally want peace, want an end to racism, want economic justice, and
want hope too. We are not alone and black people have a great legacy that ought
to be appreciated and respected. That is why we should have solidarity with
each other as black people. Too many of our people are naive about the
viciousness of white racism. We must never embrace neutrality or accommodation
on this issue. We are a gifted people and a strong people. We will continue to
defend our people. That is why black people organizing, mobilizing, and working
to do something constructive are actions superior to the agenda of white
bigots. That is why Brothers and Sisters unified in the common cause of justice
is a great thing. After MLK's anti-Vietnam War speech in 1967, the
establishment demonized him too in a higher level. You are right that the
establishment tried to play Dr. King and Malcolm X against each other (the
mainstream media back in the day called Dr. King the good guy while they
slandered Malcolm X as the bad guy when both legitimately advocated liberation
for black people). Not to mention that Malcolm X united with Dr. King in 1965
when Malcolm X supported his efforts in Selma, Alabama. Coretta Scott King and
Malcolm X cordially talked to each other about justice back in 1965 too. Any
human being has the right to see women and life in a fair fashion. Respecting
women and seeing nuisances in certain areas of life have nothing to do with weakness.
Strength is about staying resilient and being wise to witness the fact that
showing humanity respect is a key part of human existence.
By Timothy