Extra Ukraine News
We have more news in Ukraine. The Luhansk Republic recently declared its independence from Ukraine.A total of 96.2% voted for self rule in the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine. The results of the Sunday referendum was announced on Monday. The Head of the Central Election Committee of the self proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic Alexader Malykhin gave a speech about the situation. The Luhansk People’s Republic have residents who supported the act on state soveferignity at the May 11 referendum. It declared independence from Ukraine. ‘Popular governor’ Valery Bolotov stated this at a rally on Monday.“We have chosen our path of independence from arbitrariness and bloody dictate of the Kiev clique, fascism and nationalism, the path of freedom, the path of rule of law,” Bolotov said. “From the moment of declaring its independence, a new life free from dictate of Kiev authorities will start for the Luhansk People’s Republic,” he added. Earlier Ukraine’s Luhansk City Council has demanded that the authorities in Kiev should ensure the process of federalization in the country. “We demand that the current authorities follow the voice of the people and immediately make constitutional changes which should enable the federalization process,” the council’s presidium members said in a statement on Monday. “Otherwise, responsibility for breaking up the country will fall on the central authorities.” Council deputies urged the Kiev authorities to grant Russian the official status of a second state language and to stop “the fratricidal war” in Ukraine’s eastern regions. A total of 96.2% voted for self-rule in the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine, where the results of the Sunday referendum were announced on Monday. We see hundreds of U.S. mercenaries directing the repression of pro-Russian protesters in eastern Ukraine by the fascists forces of the NATO puppet regime in Kiev (as said by German media reports). These mercenaries are employed by the firm previously known as Blackwater (or he big private military contracting firm founded by the former U.S. Navy SEAL Erik Prince). It is now called the Academi since 2011. It was once called Xe too. They massacred civilians in U.S. occupied Iraq. They are now coordinating the attacks by the fascist Right Sector militia or the Kiev regime’s National Guard. This information was communicated to the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other top German officials on April 29. Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND) said that 400 Blackwater troops are supporting Kiev’s security forces in eastern Ukraine, including in Slavyansk. Der Spiegel wrote, “This information reportedly comes from US intelligence services and was communicated during a so-called Intelligence Situation meeting, a regular discussion chaired by Chancellery Chief of Staff Peter Altmaier (CDU). The Presidents of the intelligence services and of the Federal Criminal Office and the intelligence coordinator of the Chancellery as well as high-ranking government officials attended the meeting.” Erik Prince said that his frim became a virtual extension of the CIA. The U.S. mainstream media is not reporting on the Academi’s role in the Ukraine. The Kiev regime is reactionary, neo-colonial, and is illegitimate. It tries to suppress popular opposition, but human rights will prevail in the end.
There has been the Mariupol killings. The U.S. backs the Ukrainian regime’s reign of terror. Washington and its European allies support the regime. The fascist led putsch in last February was a disgrace. The regime is extending it reign of terror against the popular resistance in Ukraine. There are events happening in the major eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol. There were tanks, armored personnel carrier, and heavily armed troops. They were unleashed on unarmed civilians in the city. The Kiev regime has killed some 20 people in the city. The White House solely blamed the violent repression on “pro-Russian separatists.” The violence is similar to a calculated provocation on the 69th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Soviet Red Army. “Victory Day,” long a day of celebration and pride among Russian and Ukrainian workers, who made immense sacrifices to end the Nazi war of extermination in the east, is hated and despised by the neo-Nazi gangs that propelled the US puppet regime in Kiev into power. These admirers of Hitler and his Ukrainian collaborators are now serving, with Washington’s full support, as the regime’s shock troops against popular opposition centered in the industrialized east of the country as well as in Russian-speaking centers such as Odessa in the south. The regime forces have attacked folks who dare resist the fascistic government in Kiev. Many accounts from residents of Mariupol (verified by journalists on the ground) said that many of those targeted by the Ukrainian National Guard and associated fascist elements on Friday had been participating in a Victory Day rally commemorating the anniversary. Those in the rally came to the defense of the police officers who were barricaded inside the local Interior Ministry building after refusing to fire on civilians. Kiev’s armed forces then assaulted the building, using heavy weaponry and tanks, and turned their weapons on residents who flocked to the scene. Later, in scenes reminiscent of last week’s massacre in Odessa, the building was torched. Government troops then evacuated the city along streets lined with incensed and jeering residents. There are video footage, photos, and eye witness accounts appearing on social media (that show tanks and armored personnel carriers rampaging through city streets and parks including troops confronting residents). There are other postings that document how Ukrainian forces are setting fire to the police building in which officers were barricaded and opened fire on unarmed protesters. Ukraine’s interim interior minister, Arsen Avakov, gloated on his Facebook page that security forces had killed about 20 “terrorists”—the regime’s term for all those who have opposed the Kiev putsch. Mariupol is a large working class port city of a half million people. “The National Guard went to war with local police,” local anti-fascist committee representative Pyotr Komissarov told the Russian media outlet RT. Neo-Nazi Right Sector elements were identified, he said, and described the attackers as “volunteers, mercenaries” from central and western parts of the country. Ukrainian MP Oleg Lyashko, who represents the ultra-nationalist Radical Party, claimed on his Facebook account that Kiev’s forces had orders “not to take anyone alive.” During the assault on the Interior Ministry building in Mariupol, he wrote: “Terrorists are barricaded inside and are now returning fire. An order has been issued not to take anyone alive.” So, the extremist Kiev government is deceptive. There should be peace, but not under a Kiev puppet regime at all.
The Ukraine conflict deals with the IMF trying to dominate the Kiev. It deals with the West supporting many fascists in the country. Also, the conflict deals with many economic issues as well. Russia disagrees with the NATO intervention in Ukraine. Now, there is a grand geopolitical project where the Russian Gazprom company has signed an agreement to abandon the dollar. Itar Tass is the official Russian news agency. It reported that the Russian main energy company Gazprom Neft has signed agreements with its consumers to switch from dollars to Euros (as transition to the ruble). The action is done for payments under contracts. The Chief Executive Officer of Gazprom is Alexander Dyukov. There has been pressure in Ukraine shown as pressure from Wall Street (including its military, propaganda, and political apparatus). 9 out of 10 consumers of Gazprom’s oil and gas agreed to pay in Euros. The Gazprom Company made an unprecedented May 21 deal with Shanghai. It involved a 30 year $400 billion natural gas supply to China. President Putin and President Xi Jinping have agreed to this action. There is still the Anglo-American sponsored violent destabilization of Ukraine. The ruble and the Renminbi (or Yuan) are important currencies. Russia and China have economically and strategic ties for three decades de facto. Wall Street interests want Russia and China to be separated for competition and geopolitical purposes. Divide and rule strategies are part of British colonial geopolitics historically. Russia and China have many differences (like historical, ideological, and cultural differences) and they have overcome them. China and Russia is allied with the BRICS movement too. The Western elites want more of the resources in Eurasia. For years, they have tried to instigate a perennial rivalry between India, China, and Russia. The West now wants nations to battle against each other in a slick fashion as advocated by Zbigniew Brzezinski. There is a massive U.S. petro dollar system that could be replaced with a more rational economic system in the States. Gen. Leonid Ivashov of Russia said that BRICS nations are trying to form their independent currency system. One reason that Iran, Libya, and Iran are being either attacked or demonized by the West is because each nation tried or is trying to not be controlled by U.S. dollar dominance. In contrast to the US and the EU, BRICS countries altogether own natural resources sufficient not only to keep their economies afloat in the settings of contracting availability of hydrocarbon fuels, food, potable water, and electric power but also to sustain vigorous economic growth. The shift to national currencies in the financial transactions between the BRICS countries should guarantee an unprecedented level of their independence from the US and from the West in general, but even that is only the tip of the iceberg. BRICS nations so far are not massively harmed by color revolutions either. Today, we see the European continent in play. Some Europeans want more independence while others want to ally with the NATO/EU hegemony.
The Bilderberg Group 2014 and Beyond
We know fully that the Bilderberg Group meeting in 2014 will be filled with war criminals, Big Oil leaders, banskters, and neo-liberal advocates. The meeting will happen in the Copenhagen Marriot Hotel in Denmark. The conference will also include members from military intelligence, politicians, finance, academia, and neocon think tanks. While Bilderberg claims its annual conference is “to foster dialogue between Europe and North America”, the worldwide monetary system as well as the US-NATO global war agenda are slated to be discussed behind closed doors. Bilderberg expert Daniel Estulin said that the Bilderberg Group talked about the 2008 economic crisis before. Estulin correctly predicted the housing crash and the 2008 financial meltdown, because of his sources in Bilderberg told him what the elite were planning. This was based on their 2006 meeting in Canada and the 2007 conference in Turkey. We know that many too big to fail banks like Goldman Sachs has too much power in the world. Goldman Sachs will be represented by: Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, and Robert B. Zoellick, Chairman of the Board of International Advisors of The Goldman Sachs Group. Their presence is by no means accidental. Both Sutherland and Zoellick “in their previous lives” before joining Goldman played key roles in strategic trade negotiations including NAFTA and the WTO. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is on the Bilderberg agenda and Goldman Sachs is intent upon playing a leading role. “Too big to jail” HSBC will also have representatives, the Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings, Douglas J. Flint, and his senior advisor Sherard Cowper-Coles. These mega banks have a longstanding record of financial fraud. Goldman Sachs has been caught in being involved in financial manipulation since the 19th century. NATO Secretary General Anders Fog Rasmussen will be in the Bilderberg Group meeting too. As for “too big to jail” HSBC, on December 10, 2013 the US Justice Department “announced a settlement with the British-based HSBC bank regarding charges of money laundering Mexican drug funds that allows the bank to admit to wrongdoing and pay a fine without being criminally charged.” In 2012 the US Justice Department issued a statement saying that after an exhaustive investigation, they “concluded that the burden of proof to bring a criminal case (against Goldman) could not be met based on the law and facts as they exist at this time.” Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers were involved with supporting the policies that contributed to the recession. Robert Rubin was involved in abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act, which paved the way to the Wall Street casino and lead to the 2008 collapse. Lawrence Summers advocated IMF policies in developing nations, whose structural adjustment program policies resulted in mass poverty. So, for 4 days, instrumental people (some of whom are involved in economic disastrous policies, imperialism, and maintaining oppressive surveillance policies) will meet in secret. The mainstream media is not totally covering the Bilderberg Group because of obvious reasons.
Both parties are responsible for the damage done to the economy. Both parties in their leadership follow orders from the one percent. Bill Clinton was a centrist and he used triangulation. A centrist is a person who have done both legitimate things politically and made errors including compromises as well. That sums up the Clinton legacy. He ended welfare as we know it. He allowed policies to grow the prison industrial complex (with his love of the War on Drugs and strict three strike laws. He believed in the death penalty) and he eliminated Glass Steagall. So, he was not a radical progressive as some reactionaries have called him. He agreed with not only NAFTA, but the WTO, and GATT too, which contributed to the loss of millions of American jobs. Bad trade deals should be replaced with fair trade. Even with the tax increases in Clinton’s 1993 budget plan (which I have no issue with at all), the wealthy pay a substantially lower percentage of their income in taxes during his Presidency than they did in 1977. The economy boomed in the late nineties, with unemployment reaching historic lows. Wages, after years of lagging behind economic growth, finally began to rise. However, a majority of the twenty-two million jobs created during the Clinton years paid less than $7 an hour. The reality was that Clinton played his role in helping to create a low-wage, low-benefit economy. The number of working poor increased under his watch. According to a 1999 report compiled in part by the National League of Cities and the National School Boards Association, “The number of children in working poor families leaped by one-third from 1989 to 1997, despite a booming economy and a twenty-five-year low in the nation’s unemployment rate.” Clinton had a reactionary foreign policy too. So, people know the truth. Clinton, the one-time anti—Vietnam War so-called "protester", continued Bush’s 1992 invasion of Somalia, invaded Haiti in 1994, bombed Serbia in 1995 and 1999, Sudan and Afghanistan in 1997, and Iraq almost continuously throughout his administration. To force North Korea into negotiations, Clinton threatened in 1994 a war that could have provoked a nuclear conflict. He enforced the murderous sanctions of Iraq that killed over one million Iraqi civilians. Bill Clinton's Presidency was better than other Presidencies like Harding, Coolidge, Andrew Johnson, and Reagan, but he followed Republican-lite policies as a means to preserve his political power.
When I have researched Republican and Democratic Presidents in the past decades, I see the same pattern. They are funded by the same corporate interests. They are part of the same engine of oppression against our community. Many of them advance blatantly reactionary policies. Carter and Reagan radically deregulated industries. Clinton and Bush Jr. advanced the blatantly racist War on Drugs, mass incarceration, and bad trade deals for years. Truman advanced aggressive Cold War policies too (he consented to the dropping of two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945—incinerating hundreds of thousands instantly and subjecting millions more to cancer—even generals winced like Dwight D. Eisenhower). There is nothing radically left wing about these Presidents. The Democrats in their leadership have been just as much involved in war mongering as the Republicans. That is why many Democrats voted for the Iraq War just like the Republicans. Our condition has not radically improved either since the late 1970's. That is why revolutionary solutions are needed to help us as a community. You have shown interesting information. At the end of the day, humanity needs jobs, education, adequate housing, affordable health care, and other rights that all human beings deserve. There must be a revolutionary transformation of the social order where democratic rights are maintained and the neo-feudal ideology of austerity is purely repudiated. Also, I still believe in revolutionary solutions. There must be active political involvement in the world as a means for us to transform it and make it better for humanity. Our people will have to continue to struggle for justice excluding accommodation to the status quo. We need an end to imperialism and the blatantly destructive War on Drugs. I will always agree with workers' rights, with environmental justice, with racial justice, with human rights, with universal health care, and with economic justice (as the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. accurately said, we need a radical redistribution of economic and political power to address the needs of the poor & all oppressed peoples. I will never bow down to crony capitalism. I am opposed to monopoly capitalism for capitalism is not God. I will believe in social democratic power & that people power is important too).
By Timothy