Monday, June 30, 2014

Pure Truth

The Republicans advancing imperial wars, tax breaks for select corporations, gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, eliminating environmental regulations, fake ads/billboards, austerity, refusing to expose the system of white supremacy (we know many of these extremist Tea Party members ally with neo-Confederates), refusing to expand health care for humanity, etc. are disgraceful. That is why we as black people need to be political Independents. We can take solace in the fact that we will never be like them (or the racists and reactionaries). We believe in justice for our people. We believe in expressing the ideals of excellence, mutual respect, and the love of Africa as we are of black African descent. Our destiny lies in the growth of our communities and the establishment of a society where civil liberties are truly honored. We seek for ourselves and our posterity the same things that our ancestors fought for (which deals with freedom, justice, and equality). Not to mention that we express compassion for the poor and we greatly believe in economic justice. We are an international people and there is nothing wrong with having a great understanding of not only things going on in America, but empathizing with our people who exist in the four corners of the world. The words of Ida B. Wells, Fannie Lou Hamer, Malcolm X. Dr. King, Marcus Garvey, WEB DuBois, and so many other Brothers and Sisters ring true today. When we have faith and use proactive action, then solutions can flourish. I respect so many human beings in the world that are fighting for the truth (they know who they are). These racists failed at Appomattox, we defeated them in the many slave revolts globally, we won many victories in America, and we will win in the end. Obviously, the Tea Party is filled with extremists, neo-Confederates, and demagogues. People have the right to disagree and oppose the agenda of the Tea Party. I thank God that I will never ally with them at all. More and more Black people should be angry at the War on Drugs, misogyny (since when a people disrespect women, they are disrespecting all genders too), the evils of colorism, self-hatred, and the nefarious corporate system exploiting the lives of black people. People have the right to be angry at injustice and to ACT in a proactive fashion, so the masses of black people can improve their own lives. I am not worried about the haters since the haters not only can't stand the truth. The truth is not in them. We have a lot of work to do, but doing the work is so much more important than distractions. True unity in our people along with fighting injustice are quintessential concepts that are necessary for our real liberation. I am not going anywhere and we will continue to express our ideals and to adhere to the excellent, authentic values that our elders and families love.

First, the right to vote is a human right. It must be protected. The NAACP has made errors. Back in the day, many of their leadership supported the unjust Vietnam War and some in their leadership have been too moderate (or bourgeois. Some NAACP has done some good over the years too). Now, regardless of the issues folks have with the NAACP, voting suppression efforts are real. Many Voter ID laws restrict the days where human beings can vote, limit the places where citizens can vote, and use other reactionary measures. That is real and has been documented by credible scholars. Many federal courts have struck down some voter ID laws as well. So, we need to discuss about these issues. One weakness of the NAACP is that they need to be more revolutionary. Some want our families to be improved upon (there should be more unity among families. We need to improve our morality. More men and more women should stand up for what is right. A man has every right to express his manhood and a woman should never be ashamed of her womanhood either. We need to be upright and stand up for honesty) and I have no issues with that. Yet, that is not enough. We need political action also to address unemployment, poverty, and other real issues. That means that workers must be treated right (& have a living wage), that the poor should have power & justice. Health and educational problems ought to be addressed. That means that we should not support imperialist policies or neo-liberal economic extremism. Voting should be part of a larger program that ought to address the needs and aspirations of black people. Advancing voting rights is fine, but voting rights alone can never totally liberate us. Folks can Google the stories of Dorothy Cooper, Willie Mims, etc. to see that the struggle continues. It is a shame that the rights of these human beings have been violated. A solution resolves around a cogent plan. We have to organize and mobilize as a means for us to advance our socio-political interests as human beings. Also, we have to assert our political independence. We should not bow down to the Democrats or the Republicans. An elephant or a donkey should not own us. We own ourselves. Standing up for ourselves doesn't cost a penny. There is nothing wrong with self-determination either (i.e. building up own institutions as a means for us to address the needs of our people is a common sense action). Freedom, justice, and equality means that racial oppression and class oppression ought to abolished. We want Africa to be free too. We have the right to think for ourselves.

Both parties have been disgraceful. Also, John Boehner has been very hypocritical. He has not been doing his job in advocating real solutions that can help the Americans. Boehner is apparently afraid of the Tea Party base instead of being a true independent and condemn the massive folly which exists profoundly in both of the major political parties. He has not advocated an end to the war on terror (yet, he loves the Patriot Act and policies that represent a neo-imperialist agenda). He has blatantly been responsible for the austerity policies that have caused havoc in our economic system. He has not called even for a slight increase in the minimum wage that most Americans enthusiastically support. He refuses to expose the nefarious deeds of the NSA and he has not advocated affordable, quality health for all Americans universally. He only promotes the status quo. We have to be reminded of important issues. Our health is very important to protect. I am glad that the innocent black man was not falsely imprisoned in Ferndale. Also, we have to deal with issues of stop and frisk (including other matters that relate to our civil liberties. The opposition to unreasonable searches and seizures means something). Like always, we should grow, continue to learn, inspire people, and have love for our people including Africa. Africa is our ancestral homeland. Also, our elders back in the day opposed colonialism and imperialism, so we should continue on with expressing disagreement with any neo-liberal imperialist policies in the world (without equivocation). Dangerous diseases are serious. Black men should receive physicals regularly as a means for people to possibly identify diseases early on. Also, they can inspire people to improve their health more. Being diagnosed sooner of diseases like colon cancer can make all of the difference. Exercise and eating healthy correlate into better physical vitality and greater emotional strength as well. We have to eliminate poisons and to eat more fruits & vegetables. There should be more awareness about colon cancer in the black community. Sheriff Arpaio is an enemy of liberty loving peoples. He has violated the law and federal courts have condemned many of his actions as illegal. He has supported the wickedness of the War on Drugs (he enforces those laws and he easily publicly condemn those federal laws, but he doesn't. Also, the War on Drugs influences local and state policies, which he can condemn), which people from across the political spectrum has opposed. He has been pictured with a Neo-Nazi (as proven by the article writer Stephen Lemons. The Neo-Nazi has left that movement). He enforces the law and he can refuse to enforce them via resignation in protest of unjust laws. He doesn't. That is why we have every right to condemn the War on Drugs, and any evil. We have the right to stand up for justice for real. He is a hypocrite by claiming to express respect for the law when his policies are all about advancing reactionary evils.

Robin Thicke has a bizarre video called “Get Her Back.” The video is self-explanatory. In the video, Robin Thicke wants to get Paula Patton back in a desperate plea. Robin cheated on his wife and Paula has left him for real. Time will tell what will happen, but Robin is pleading to her to take him back. The video deals with the themes of desperate and even death. The imagery of the video is disturbing. The video shows the story of a stalker with violent plus suicidal tendencies, who harasses his ex-lover. Robin Thicke is well known for his performance with Miley Cyrus where he fondled her when he is married (the couple divorced a few months ago). He did this in the 2013 VMAs. His new album is entitled, “Paula.” The music video is bizarre, emotional, and it shows many messages. Many artists like Robin Thicke promote the mixture of art, music, love, and relationships with sick, twisted, and debased messages including imagery. The song talks about how he or Robin Thicke should have never raised his voice and should have done better actions in his life. The video sows images that could be actual text messages between Thicke and Patton. Robin Thicke shows his faced as bloody. We don’t know exactly why he did it. The video continues with many “positive” words mixed with images of evil and violence. The industry in real life deals with double speech, deceit, semi-subliminal messages, and evil. The words “I’m sorry” in the video with a shady figure looking to claw someone to death. The video has a person with a mask and a devil face flashing for a section. These images exist to appeal to the subconscious mind. There are images of death and a woman drowning while fighting for her life. The video is about the desperation of a man seeking to reunite with his ex-lover. The video has much mind control imagery, images of death, and a sense of creepiness. Many of Robin Thicke’s videos and performances deal recently with either degrading women or acting desperate towards women. Obviously, the video is not a true representation of love. Love is about moving forward, peace, holiness, life, and peace. We don’t need an Eyes Wide Shut situation in the world. We need relationships filled with altruism, love, peace, and human justice.

This article entitled, "Lupita Nyong'o and the Media's Conditional Fascination with Black Beauty" is very excellent. People should read this article, because it discusses issues that totally outline the truth about true beauty. Lupita Nyong’o is a very talented and beautiful Sister. Also, we have to allow the Sister to grow. Some folks want Lupita to fulfill their expectations. No, she should fulfill her own expectations and fulfill her own dreams. She is an individual and she is part of the collective beauty of black women in general. Like always, everybody should reject colorism and fetishism which unfortunately exist in the world (Hollywood have advanced those 2 evils for decades. That is why Brothers and Sisters have stood up against the injustices in the world, so future generations can exist in the better world in the future). Lupita did the right thing in giving an excellent speech in expressing opposition to the evil of colorism. I do believe in solidarity among black people in the world. We need more unity as black people since more UNITY EQUALS INTO MORE STRENGTH AS A PEOPLE. Dark skinned black women should be respected and treated with dignity just like all human beings should be treated. Her career is bright and I wish the best for her. She is a role model for Sisters and all women globally. The only way that we can find solutions is by discussing about these issues relating to race and diversity (and using policies that address issues too. Some have made the great point before that either we have to deal with other fairly as human beings or society will fall apart.. There is strength and power when we respect each other, work together, and proactively establish solutions. Decency is a great ideal to follow as well). We have to express true understanding about each other and respect the cultures of the world. Many people are absolutely right that the Republicans and the Democrats are funded by the same corporate elites. For a long time, both parties have advanced imperialism, neo-liberalism (people have the right to express compassion to the poor since austerity has harmed the lives of the poor. There is no sin in fighting against record income inequality too. Income inequality is real and I want those who deny it to come to the faces of the poor and homeless and say that income inequality is nonsense. The same ones that try to lecture to us refuse to advocate revolutionary solutions as a means to handle poverty. It is just to believe in human justice as Dr. King, Malcolm X, Ida B. Wells, Ella Baker, and the rest of our real heroes have advocated too), bad trade deals, the War on Drugs, NSA warrantless spying, etc. We have the right to assert our own political independence. Not to mention that our soldiers like Patrice Lumumba, the old school BPP, etc. wanted economic justice too. So, folks who try to mock real causes for freedom and liberation are completely wrong. Our people shed blood in opposition to the military industrial complex, legal apartheid (here & abroad), class exploitation, human civil liberty violations, and neo-colonialism. Only a traitor would ally with neo-Confederates (who are nothing more than protofascists) ideologically and politically. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died for the rights of sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee. Even Malcolm X questioned capitalism and died for the liberation of Africa. I follow these men ideologically beyond the views of neo-Confederates. Edud, keep up the great work and you have made it perfectly clear that you are not a Democrat or a Republican (yet, ignorant people seem to forget that. Others including me have exposed the evils of the Democrats and the Republicans for years. I have written and voiced my opposition to both parties for a long time). We are political Independents. We are not reactionaries. We are revolutionaries. All of this information is documented. We are above the propaganda from reactionaries and sheeple. I have no problem with the late Brother Chokwe Lumumba's advocacy of economic cooperatives too. Chokwe Lumumba was a real political Independent (not a pro-Tea Party extremist). RIP Chokwe Lumumba. Communities need unique solutions. Corporate personhood should be banned, there is nothing wrong with environmental improvement, and black people have every right to build up their institutions & support their own interests.

By Timothy