Well Maya was a participant in the Movement, at times working with Dr. King and Malcolm. I'd like to get back to he book I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS. GOING DOWN JERICHO ROAD; THE MEMPHIS STRIKE, MARTIN LUTHER KING'S LAST CAMPAIGN by Michael K. Honey. Check it out. It revels how in the struggle of the impoverished Black working class in Memphis, King began to articulate the transition from "civil rights to human rights"--with special emphasis on the fight for economic justice and equality. Fighting the twin evils of race and class oppression.
I am paying more attention to people who are carrying on the legacy of Dr.King, Malcolm and other righteous warriors in the Struggle. Charlatans oand fools like you have nothing to offer. But for HONEST and INTELLIGENT readers and posters thread I hope that I can share some things of value, and that we can take up, enrich and expand on the revolutionary legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Be very careful. What was Tsombe and Mobuto if not CIA agents?. And we also have agents over here like Earl Anthony and Gene Roberts. Less we forget we Black "slaves" of American domestic colonialism and you black slaves of Western imperialism face the same enemy. Whe you put forth a narrative which prsents te African American PEOPLE and the African PEOPLE as mutual enemies, then you are playing the game of imperialsm, playing into the hands of the "white master."