Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Freedom and Justice.

It is not complicated to say that African Americans are owed reparations. We are owed reparations period. The good news is that this call for reparations has increased mightily. Other groups of people have reparations and we, as black Americans, are calling for our legitimate reparations too. Our ancestors were forced in this land without pay and treated with abuse and other unspeakable acts of tyranny for centuries. In 2019, we ask for just compensation whether anyone likes it or not. One of the silliest arguments people use in opposing reparations is that since they didn't live during that time, so they shouldn't pay for the reparations of others. Back during the 1980's, my parents paid their taxes for numerous Japanese Americans in terms of getting them their rightful reparations. My parents had nothing to do with the Japanese Americans experiencing internment camps, but they paid their money via taxes to be used in giving many Japanese Americans their legitimate reparations. Jewish people received reparations for generations. Many people; who paid money for their rightful reparations, had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but money was used to give Jewish people their reparations (that they ought to receive). The truth is that reparations for African Americans are just. Just because some people, who will pay for them had no role in the Maafa, doesn't mean that payment should be excused. Many folks' ancestors were slave-owners.

Also, many people today benefit via privilege from the systematic oppression against African Americans. African Americans' ancestors were stripped from our original homeland, forced to work in America without pay under tyranny, suffered Jim Crow, experienced the prison industrial complex, etc. Yet, black Americans haven't received just compensation. We pay our tax dollars to fix oil spills, but we aren't responsible for them. We are the first generation in history where a widespread, serious conversation about reparations for black Americans are in existence among Presidential candidates in this 2020 election season. Reparations deal with more than about a check. It is about ending the structures of racial oppression and developing a system of justice.

The proposed budget from Trump is a disgrace. It leaves no ambiguity about what it wants. It proposes draconian cuts to food stamps, Medicaid, and Medicare. It grows the military budget. This plan is an assault on the social benefits that working class people earned by work. It has further proposed cuts to health, education, and the environment. Trump is a clear and present danger to American society. The dollar amount of the increase involving the military is $34 billion, while the Pentagon asked for only $17 billion. Trump wants to cut $2 trillion from Medicaid and Medicare. Trump and his extremists want Medicaid to be converted into block grants to states, which is ludicrous. According to the Washington Post, he wants further cuts in the following areas: $327 billion over 10 years from food stamps, housing assistance and other means-tested programs; $200 billion from retirement programs for federal and postal workers; $207 billion from college student loan programs, including those that provide food and housing assistance; cuts of 32 percent from the Environmental Protection Agency, 22 percent from the Department of Transportation, 11 percent from the Department of the Interior, 12 percent from the Department of Education and 12 percent from the Department of Health and Human Services. Trump is not a populist. Any voter of Trump should have realized that. With his budget plan, he is an outright authoritarian extremist. This plan is austerity on overdrive, and it should be rejected by any freedom loving person.

Jeannie Piro has been criticized quickly for making the bigoted statement that since Ilhan Omar wears a hijab, Piro implied that Omar could be bound under shariah law. Also, Tucker Carlson made sexist remarks about women in very vulgar terms (as recorded by a tape). These 2 FOX News hosts are totally wrong and are reactionary people. This comes after news reports document the symbiotic, collaborative relationship between the Trump administration and the FOX News network. Piro and Carlson's words were so vile, that FOX News leaders had no choice but to condemn both of their repugnant comments. It is no secret that FOX News is not fair and balanced, but far right, especially among its commentators. Trump also recently lied and said that Democrats hate Jewish people, which is a flat out lie. Jewish people include some of the greatest freedom fighters in history like the Warsaw Ghetto freedom fighters. FOX News not only influences Trump, but they are agents of Trump. Trump's world view is shaped by FOX News. FOX News could care less about how Tucker is a misogynist and how Piro has bigotry against Muslims since they are still paid to spew their lies by the FOX News Network. Also, the liar Netanyahu made the racist comment that Israel is for Jewish people alone. Even the Jewish actress Gal Gadot condemned him by saying that we should treat our neighbors as ourselves (as we should). Israel is not meant for Jewish people alone, but for all freedom loving people regardless of color or background. In the final analysis, we desire the Israelis and Palestinians to have justice and peace via dialogue and solutions without far right demagogy as shown by Benjamin Netanyahu. I will always condemn anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bigotry. We want fairness and equality in the Middle East and throughout the Earth.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Brother Courtney B. Vance, and he is now 59 years old. For decades, he was part of the most powerful films of our generation like Panther, Hamburger Hill, Dangerous Minds, and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Detroit, Michigan is the place of his birth. He is the son of Leslie Anita (Daniels), a librarian and Conroy Vance, a grocery store manager and benefits administrator. Also, he graduated from Harvard University with a bachelor of art degree. From Yale, he earned a Master of Art degree. This is the place where he met Angela Bassett, who would be his wife. He won a Tony Award. He has been a serious actor involving movies and theater. He was part of the original Law & Order show too. Courtney Vance has been in dramas, thrillers, comedies, and autobiographical movies. His wife Angela Bassett has supported him every step of the way. They both have two children. He supports the Boys & Girls club as he was part of it as a child in Detroit. He is on the Board of Directors for The Actors Center in New York City. One of his great roles was in the film The Preacher's Wife and Piano Lesson. He teaches us that our dreams have merit and our passion for life should be exhibited in a multiplicity of ways. I wish Brother Courtney B. Vance more blessings.

By Timothy