Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Stand up for Truth.

We have a redacted arrested warrant used to go into Michael Cohen's home. We find that the Mueller team investigated Michael Cohen since May of 2017. Also, Trump is allied with the terrible Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro. Jair Bolsonaro supported the past Brazil dictatorship that existed from 1964-1985. Trump said that the twilight of socialism is here. He obviously makes no difference between the authoritarianism of Stalin and true socialism (which has nothing to do with violating democratic rights). Socialism is an economic philosophy not a political system. Fascists hate socialism too. One of the many people that Hitler and the Nazis placed into the concentration camps were socialists. Ironically, the murderer Brenton Tarrant wrote in his manifesto that he wanted to promote his "white identity" in racist terms, and he wants to end Marxism. Trump uniting with Bolsoanaro (who does nothing on the police brutality and racism against Afro-Brazilians) represents the unity of far right extremists globally. Fascist movements is growing worldwide. The global promotion of extreme right wing politics was embodied by the presence of right-wing ideologue Steve Bannon, a former Goldman Sachs vice president and Navy officer, as a guest of honor at a dinner with Jair Bolsonaro Monday night.

Bannon has close ties with Bolsonaro’s son, Eduardo, who is a member of the Brazilian Parliament and a Latin American representative of the political consortium set up by Bannon, known as the Movement, whose aim is to promote extreme right-wing political parties throughout the world. “Some of the Bolsonaro team on the right see themselves as disciples of the Bannon movement and representatives of Bannon for Brazil and Latin America,” one former Trump administration official told McClatchy. Both Trump and Bolsonaro have threatened military action in Venezuela. Trump talks about God, family, and nation went he disrespects God, his own family, and the American nation with his words, policies, and actions. Fascism is worthless and seeks to harm the working class and the human race in general. We have to oppose such extremists like Trump and Bolsonaro.

It is important to note that the fascism of the murderer Brenton Tarrant didn't exist out of thin air. The ideologies of xenophobia, anti-Muslim hysteria, and anti-immigrant scapegoating influenced Tarrant to do his acts of murder. Many people in New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and in America advanced these bigoted views. In Australia, Liberal-National Coalition and Labor Party enforcement of a brutal and racist policy of preventing predominantly Muslim refugees from claiming asylum in the country on the grounds they could be “terrorists.” The dominant figures within the current Coalition government, including Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, are among those most associated with these policies. In New Zealand, the Labour Party-NZ First coalition government headed by Jacinda Ardern came to power on an explicit program of slashing immigration, on the false grounds it was responsible for housing and other social problems. NZ First leader Winston Peters, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister, is an open racist, on record as sowing xenophobia against Muslim, African and Chinese migrants. Peters is praised by the far right in New Zealand. Fascism is promoted by those who want to split up working class solidarity. Anti-racism is the antithesis of fascism, and we have to work together to defeat injustices worldwide.

 A lot of news are coming about. Some want the Mueller report to be redacted. The Trump team wants to claim executive privilege to limit the public from seeing parts of the future Mueller report. I don't agree with that, because total transparency should be given to the American people. The people deserve to know the findings from the Mueller team. Also, the racist Steve King of Iowa said the comment that red states have 1 trillion bullets and would win a civil war against the blue states. He also made other bigoted comments. Therefore, we have to be clear to condemn King's abhorrent views and realize that the epidemic of injustice is global. A recent poll found that 69% of white Evangelicals in America support Trump. This is not shocking as they include many of his base. It is hypocritical for many of them to support Trump though. The reason is that Trump said that he doesn't ask God for forgiveness, he uses vulgar language constantly, he is a habitual liar, and he is a racist. Trump's actions contradict the actions of Jesus Christ, who helped the poor, preached the Gospel, and transformed the world. Also, there are tons of believers of God who stand up for the truth and disagree with the bad policies of Trump. I want to make that clear as well.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Ruth Pointer. She is 73 years old, and she was born in Oakland, California. She is the elder sister of the Pointer Sisters. For decades, she displayed a great amount of talent and enthusiasm about great music. Yes We Can was a hit from her and her group back in 1973. They performed country music as well. Break Out came about in 1983, and it was a very popular album. She has five children and continues to be blessed in her own life. To understand American music, you have to realize information about Ruth Pointer. She also has grandchildren like the singer Sadako Pointer. To this very day, members of the Pointer family show their musical gifts all across the world. The Pointer family not only impacts our society positively. They have fans worldwide. Music is a universal language. What is truly important is to show love to family, friends, and neighbors. Ruth Pointer has expressed those principles thoroughly in her life. I wish Sister Ruth Pointer more blessings.

By Timothy