Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Wednesday, March 06, 2019
News in early March 2019.
Tons of news are going on. The House Democrats are starting investigations about the Trump administration on many issues from financial issues to finding out if that administration executed obstruction of justice. Trump has been caught giving Ivanka Trump a security clearance. He overruled his advisers to grant Ivanka the privilege (according to the NY Times. The NY Times reported that Jared Kushner has a security clearance and Trump has denied a role for Kushner's security clearance). This contradicts Ivanka saying that Trump has no involvement in the security clearance given to her. Sean Spicer said that he will cooperate in the House probe. One judge criticized Roger Stone for his book release after the judge issued a gag order against him. Congress has a duty to investigate the Trump administration. The Obama administration sent hundreds of pages of documents to various probes while Trump is hostile to any legitimate probe about his actions. He has something to hide. More subpoenas will exist to figure out exactly what is going on especially with the coming testimony from Russian Mafia-linked Felix Sater. Donald Trump is known for his associations with shady characters. Trump and his allies are filled with lies, manipulation, hostility to a free press, and bigotry.
In our time, we have to realize that not everyone is acting real. Van Jones recently said that the conservative movement is leading the charge to promote criminal justice reform. That is a lie. Back in the day, during the Presidencies of Nixon and Reagan, the prison industrial complex grew into high levels. During that time period, people fought hard to end the War on Drug and harsh sentencing laws that crippled many lives of black human beings (and other people like the poor and other people of color). The author Michelle Alexander fully documents this reality in her book entitled, "The New Jim Crow." I have the book and I have read the book before. Van Jones being at CPAC is surprising since CPAC represents overt xenophobia, sexism, racism, and Trump praise. This isn't the first time Van Jones said problematic statements. He made a colorist remark about Michelle Obama. We know that Jeff Sessions eliminated consent decrees. Consent decrees are used to fight police brutality. There is a difference between jail reform and overall criminal justice reform. Criminal justice reform means abolishing unjust laws, bail reform, giving voting rights to those who paid their debts to society, and ending the school to prison pipeline system. Many conservatives won't touch those issues because of the obvious reason. Trump isn't reversing the actions of Jeff Sessions (which harms individual rights). Van Jones is something else. I'm disappointed in him, but I'm not shocked.
Rev. Dr. Barber outlined a very powerful message. He showed the hypocrisy of the far right. Back in the day, after World War II, America invested billions of dollars to rebuild both Germany and Japan via the Marshall Plan (and other efforts). If America did that in the midst of the post-war economic boom, then billions of dollars can be spent by the government to help the poor, expand health care, and build up our infrastructure. We have every right to challenge authority if authority is acting unjustly. Fighting injustice is a prerequisite in seeing liberation. Trump is truly 1 million times worse than Obama. Trump has promoted torture, xenophobia, and racism. Trump is overt in his threats of allowing a government shutdown under the guise of promoting his illogical border wall. He or Trump is taking credit for economic growth when that economic growth after the Great Recession started under Barack Obama. Many people that I know got new jobs during the Obama Presidency. Trump's friend is a Giuliani (who once married his own cousin since he's sick), Trump is filled with corrupt administration leaders, and he is a total habitual liar.
I don't understand how anyone would support the Kardashians, especially my people (i.e. black people). They have a known track record of exploiting black people for money and celebrity. They have dated or married low self-esteem black males who have outright inferiority complexes. They have also been involved in racism. One example is a photo showing Khloe Kardashian in a pimp outfit with dog chains around the necks of black women. That alone is disgraceful. Black women should always be treated with dignity and respect. Jordyn Woods was a victim of a smear campaign and when it is found that Jordyn Woods told the truth, the haters are silent now. Therefore, we have to use our discernment and we should never worship these celebrities. They are made up of flesh and blood. We or black people have massive spending power. That is why many black people refuse to support those who disrespect us. That is why integrity is important.
Biram Dah Abeid is a modern day hero. He is a black man who is fighting to abolish slavery in Mauritania. He has changed the world in many positive ways via his courage, his activism, and his strength. Later in 2008, Biram founded the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA-Mauritania), which he defines as "an organization of popular struggle," and he serves as its president. He has been arrested, threatened with death multiple times, and stood strong to advocate for freedom. This is the story that ADOS frauds won't talk about since it refutes that bigoted narrative that no Africans are fighting for freedom when tons of Africans are fighting for our freedom literally. I wish the best for Brother Biram Dah Abeid. One truth about Blackness is that it is unapologetic. We don't need the approval of others to define our humanity. Our humanity exists as is and we will advance our black humanity whether others like it or not.
By Timothy
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