Friday, March 29, 2019

Honest Truth.

Many people are waking up. To be independently progressive means many things. It means to realize that the majority of the mainstream media and the multinational corporations are controlled by a select group of people in the 1%. It means to expose not only Russian corruption but also U.S. imperialism. It means to realize that privatization of public education only benefits the few at the expense of the many. An oppressive system doesn't work. That is why you see massive economic inequality and teacher's strikes. Too many people refuse to call out racism, xenophobia, capitalist exploitation, sexism, and other evils by name. Yet, we will. The deepest love for something is what you are willing to sacrifice for. In life, you will speak the truth that will make some people feel uncomfortable. It is better to show the truth than to advance the status quo. Massive foreclosures and corrupt practices by some in real estate has been a detriment to true home ownership. As we know, home ownership is key in building true wealth in current and future generations. Also, there must be an urban and rural coalition to solve these problems. Our people live in both the urban and rural regions of America. We have common problems. We have common goals, and we should unite in solving our issues.

Adam Schiff gave a speech about the inappropriate actions in dealing with the 2016 election era. After Schiff's speech, Republicans and Donald Trump called for his resignation from the House Intelligence Committee. He refuses to do so. It is obvious that Trump has used lies, intimidation, and other tactics to try to make the government go his way. Trump (whose ancestors were German immigrants, yet he wants to slander undocumented immigrants) is a notorious narcissist who is so insecure that he wants people to respect him unconditionally or he lashes out at people. In closed doors and in public, he has used a lot of vulgar language and slurs to demonize his opponents. Even his policy to try to limit legal immigration and send kids into internment camps shows his fascism. His silence on the epidemic of police brutality against black people outlines his determined authoritarianism.

He has publicly stated that cops should act brutal against suspects in custody. Trump wants Schiff to resign from Congress. Schiff shouldn't resign. Trump should resign from office as he is not fit to be President of the Untied States of America. Trump wanted Russia to hack Hillary's email. One associate of Trump has communicated with the GRU. Many former Trump cabinet members were tried and convicted of serious crimes. Trump's university has ended in ruins against the lives of innocent people who just want an education. His supporters advance lies and obfuscation. The anti-democratic actions of Trump are very clear. It is our job to do something about it. We will work in our communities, be mentors, help the oppressed, and speak our minds. Our ancestors in America suffered much worse than us today. Therefore, this is our call to make sure that the Dream is made real.

The recent news shows the cruelty of the Trump administration. He executes a tax cut that benefits mostly multinational corporations and the super wealthy, but he wants to propose spending cuts from the Special Olympics (until pressure came to cause him to stop promoting those cuts). That administration has split families near the border, promotes a Muslim ban executive order, and slanders peaceful protesters. He wants to eliminate the ACA with no improvements on it, and he is a hypocritical person. His supporters are not brainwashed. They made a conscious decision to support a xenophobe, a sexist, and a racist. They are hypocritical and have deplorable character. What we should do is to not give up hope. We should always have the faith and fight positively for a better future. That is our job.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Cheryl Renee James, and she is 53 years old. For a long time, she was part of one of the greatest hip hop groups of all time, which is Salt and Pepa. This group also included Spinderella too. Brooklyn, NYC is the place of her birth. Her music has been about empowering women, growing hip hop, and being honest about living life. Many of her records were anthems of the 1980's and in the 1990's. From being involved in hip hop and gospel with the Stomp record from 1997, she is versatile musically. Salt and Pepa first came out during the Golden Era of hip hop music (which in the 1980's and early 1990's). They brought down barriers for artists and made music that appealed to a wide spectrum of human beings. She has a husband and two children. For years, she has shown her life in a way that deals with the fact that you can express yourself with courage and still be yourself. I wish Sister Cheryl Renee James more blessings.

By Timothy