Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The Historic Super Tuesday Results in 2020.

MSNBC and CNN are celebrating the results on Super Tuesday. It seems like the many in the media want a moderate. The truth is that progressives don't want everything for free. People want freedom to end the oppression found in the globe. This is not new. Since 1976, every single Democratic President was a centrist or center-left person. By late February 2020, Joe Biden won the South Carolina primary. Then, that momentum spread in other places of America. By March 2, 2020, the trio of Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Beto O'Rourke united to support the candidacy of the former Vice President Joe Biden. Their goal plainly is to stop the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. Senator James Clyburn of South Carolina supported Biden. This endorsement has influenced South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina (which have large African American populations) to win it for Joe Biden. As an African American, folks should acknowledge the great backbone of the Democratic Party are black Americans. We made the Democratic Party more progressive by our efforts. Things have shifted, and many voters view a moderate candidate as being more viable to defeat Trump politically.

Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren refuse to quit and are in the race. Bernie Sanders is in the race for the long haul too. Many powerful Democratic leaders and members of the Democratic establishment have supported Biden like Harry Reid, Tim Kaine, Susan Rice, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, etc. Every candidate have strengths and imperfections. That is very clear. Also, we have witnessed a bizarre alliance among many neoliberals and neo-cons (from Frum to Max Boot) trying to use red baiting (with people like James Carville who called himself a political hack), lies, and promoting the myth of American exceptionalism in order to stop the Sanders movement.

The financial aristocracy has worked with the sections of the military industrial complex along with factions of the upper middle class (plus some of the wealthy) in order to promote their guy (who is Joe Biden). Like always, we respect the right to vote. We have to accept the right of voters to vote as they please. This is part of our constitutional rights. Also, we should recognize the fact that freedom is not equivalent to moderation. Freedom relates to revolutionary change. There is nothing centrist about the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, and other great legislation. After Super Tuesday, it appears to be a 2 person race. The paradox is that Sanders is more progressive than Biden (Sanders have spoken out more courageously on issues than Biden), but Sanders has trouble in expanding his base to be more multi-ethnic and more diverse in general from across states. To be fair, people of every color and of diverse backgrounds are supporters of Bernie Sanders. Another paradox is that Bloomberg spent millions of dollars in many states, and he hasn't won much during these primaries. This proves that some candidates won't win regardless of wealth. I certainly respect Elizabeth Warren's detailed plans to address racial injustice, housing problems, criminal justice matters, and other issues. As of early March of 2020, Biden has more delegates than Sanders. On November 2020, I will vote against Trump. I won't forget what many have done in slandering progressives though. Every day of my life, I will remember. Therefore, the eyes on the prize is to vote Trump out of office.

The truth matters. There are some who don't know about what the Democratic establishment means. The Democratic establishment is made up of a select group of neoliberal centrist leaders, members of the DNC,  some Congressional leaders, and other people in the Wall Street, corporate world that desire more pragmatism and reform than comprehensive change. In retrospect, I shouldn't be surprised at this outcome. Bree Newsome Bass made an excellent point that many of my people (i.e. black people) aren't monolithic, and many of our people voted for Biden for various reasons. Many African Americans voted for Biden not because of Biden being the most progressive candidate (which he is not). Many black people voted for him, because of different reasons from some liking him, some thinking that he can defeat Trump, some knowing that many Americans won't like a progressive candidate (this is a defensive vote), and for other reasons. Also, many African Americans voted for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Therefore, black voters should never be scapegoated. Still, we will always fight for universal health care and a redistribution of economic plus political power to help all Americans not just the wealthy. We will fight against structural racism.

New coronavirus cases are in NYC, Northern California, Florida, North Carolina, and all over the nation. We should not have hysteria, but we should know about these things. Trump has lied and said that Democrats are fear mongering this issue, and his son Donald Trump Jr. said that Democrats want people to pass away in order for Trump to lose the election. Donald Trump Jr. is very disrespectful to say nonsense like that. Trump is a person with a ego problem, lacks empathy for suffering people, and is a known bigot. There is no discrimination in terms of disease and illness. It can be experienced by young and old, black people and white people, people of any color, those who are men or women, those who are children, etc. That is why real leadership is about sending the message out, investing in infrastructure to handle the situation, making sure that people are educated on coronavirus, and showing the backbone to show empathy for the victims of such an illness. Our public health system must be strengthened. Trump has lacked leadership in responding to the cornovarius pandemic.

By Timothy

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