Friday, March 27, 2020

Truth and Justice.

We certainly live in a class struggle. True diversity and inclusion is to make sure that black working class people and all oppressed people have justice and liberation. It is not meant to allow some people of color to have privileges in the 1 percent while everyone else still struggles in this system. It is a historical fact that black Americans are among the most progressive people in the world on issues on economic justice, war and peace, and on racial justice issues. That is why during the 20th century, the black liberation struggle was about social and economic redistribution in order to free people from Jim Crow apartheid, imperialism, and other evils in the world. Also, we, who are African Americans, aren't monolithic. Many of us want freedom and justice. Likewise, there is a minority of black people who are more concerned with including non white people into the upper echelons with corporate power (and advancing neoliberalism, militarism, and the status quo) than serving the collective interests of black people.

For example, many decades ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. opposed the Vietnam. It wasn't just LBJ, the New York Times, and TIME magazine criticizing him for his heroic anti-war stance. It was also members of black bourgeoisie that criticized him like Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, and others. In fact, Young and King were debating with each other (in Long Island, NY) over their disagreements on the Vietnam War. You won't hear this in many history books, but this is real. We a'int children here. We're grown, and we are entitled to show grown folks facts up in here. Dr. King continued to fight for justice, and ironically after Dr. King's passing, then Young and Wilkins opposed the Vietnam War. Recently, in 2019, Dr. William R. Harvey of Hampton University make a mistake and spoke at Liberty University's Convocation when Jerry Falwell was a known racist and extremist. He once opposed the sanctions bill that targeted the apartheid state of South Africa.

Many of the compromising black people may speak about racial justice, but they refuse to promote full employment, unionization, and a radical redistribution of economic and political power to help humanity. The compromisers are the dedicated moderates who care for the lust for private wealth at the expense of black liberation. That is why the grassroots has always been the heart of the overall freedom movement from the abolitionist movement, the slave revolt movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and other movements in our time. The coronavrius serious tragedy proves once again that centrism doesn't work. Massive cases in Michigan, New York, Louisiana, Illinois, and in other places of America make us aware that people need ventilators, masks, and more production of other resources now. Hospitals are being overwhelmed. Like always, universal health care, an end to poverty, and a revolutionary change in the structure of society are needed for us to reach into the Promised Land for real.

The numbers involving the coronavirus are staggering. Over 200 U.S. servicemen have the virus. Over 1,100 Americans have died from it. Over 86,000 people have it in America. Increases of the infected are in Louisiana including in New Orleans. The White House advises travelers from NY to isolate for 14 days. Span has more than 3,000 deaths and Italy has almost 7,000 people passing away. Spain has reported 738 deaths in one day. Almost 600,000 people have it worldwide and over 24,000 people have died from it worldwide. We never seen something like this since the Spanish flu in 1918. The World Health Organization warn of a significant global shortage of medical supplies. That is why medical supplies are running out in NYC, in Detroit, and in other places. When the history books are written about these medical tragedy, we shall see that the Trump administration was warned about it as early as December 2019 (and his response has been terrible, especially in the early stages of this virus). That is why real leaders have to study and display intellectual curiosity. You have to trust the experts and respond to the needs of the community ASAP. That represents the essence of due diligence.

We certainly have choices here in life. Our choice is either we can worship Caesar and Mammon or accept truth. We desire to accept truth. We shouldn't be arrogant in our walk either. The reason is that we aren't perfect. Also, many years ago, we didn't know the truth from books, the Internet, and spiritual forms of information. There was a time when we didn't know about governmental corruption, Operation Northwoods, Operation Phoenix, and other nefarious plans. Yet, we live in an unique time in our history where we know a lot of things. This isn't by happenstance in my view. I believe in destiny and our fight for justice for the human race. We have to be prepared for these times. In the past generation, we have witnessed an acceleration of global warming, pestilences, religious persecutions worldwide, famines, earthquakes, and other tragedies in this era of sorrows. 2020 has always been a key year in our world history. 2020 is the year where there is increased competition among America and China for sole superpower status. After the Cold War, we have seen a massive growth of terrorism done in a more decentralized fashion. Many of the same ones claiming to be "woke" are not really that woke to truth. They regurgitate what the establishment tells them to believe in while ignoring international corruption and other nefarious acts done by the oligarchs. It is our responsibility to not only defend our human rights. It is to make sure that government promotes the general welfare, protects the rights of the oppressed, and makes sure that justice is secured. We have the responsibility to help each other and fight for the truth too.

By Timothy

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