Wednesday, February 24, 2021

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The Breaking news is that Tiger Woods had a car accident. Now, he is in the hospital with serious leg injuries. Tiger Woods is the greatest golf player and one of the greatest athletes in history. Like always, we all desire him to have a full recovery. The injuries are found in his legs. The vehicle crash occurred in California. Tiger Woods have monumental popularity. When he won his first Masters in the 1990's, it sent shockwaves worldwide. He was the first person of color to win the Masters. He has dominated the sports culture for a number of years. A few years ago, his comeback Masters win in 2019 was about him coming back full circle. Tiger Woods at the scene of the crash couldn't stand on his own. They took him to a trauma center. Woods was traveling at a high speed before the crash. He was pulled out of his car via the windshield. He wore a seat-belt. Tiger Woods had surgery. He has compound fractures in both of his legs and a shattered ankle. 


There was the Senate hearing among former capitol security officials on the January 6, 2021 terrorist attack against the U.S. Capitol. Each of the people interviewed either blamed someone else or another figure of the chain of command that caused much miscommunication in the response to the attacks. All of the security officials agreed that the U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated and planned. The D.C. police chief said that the Pentagon was hesitant to send in the National Guard in order to stop the violence. The former head of the Capitol police said that the rioters and terrorists came prepared for war. The Democrats and the Republican Senators asked detailed questions. The former head of the Capitol police also said that the attack was like a military assault, because many of the terrorists had links to the military and law enforcement. We know that the attack involved white racists and far right extremists. The law enforcement officials told the Senators that they were prepared for limited violence, but the intelligence available ahead of time didn't warn of a coordinated attack. Former House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving said that reports before the January 6 attack were wrong to conclude that there was only a remote or improbable chance of civil disturbance on that day. The truth is that many warnings existed before the terrorism existed in D.C. on January 6, 2021. Chatter was found that mentioned extremist behavior which was agitated by former President Donald Trump. The terrorists wanted to stop the certification of the 2020 election as promoted by Trump. Captain Carneysha Mendoza of the U.S. Capitol Police said that she smelled CS gas. Senator Ron Johnson promotes the lie that non-Trump supporting provocateurs were involved. We know that people with Trump flags and Confederate flags (who are Trump supporters) terrorized the U.S. Capitol. The violence that happened weeks ago is reflective of tons of Trump supporters. Many Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. 


President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have commemorated the 500,000 Americans who lost their lives due to the pandemic virus. It has been over 1 year since the world changed forever. A lot of tragedy has existed as a product of a virus. One of the greatest concepts are the Golden Rule and to promote the general welfare. A great way to give tribute to the lives lost is to do what is right by being safe, helping our neighbors, and being active to improve upon the world that we see. Candles were lightened on the White House stairs to honor the victims. We saw see what the legacy of President Biden will be in the years and decades into the future. One thing is true. Biden's legacy as President will be so much better than Trump's legacy when he was President. Trump lied about the severity of the virus. President Biden is certainly representative of a new era of our time.


Yesterday was the Birthday of the late Brother Dr. W.E.B. DuBois. He lived so long that he lived from the 1860's to 1963. He lived to be almost 100 years old, but his impact was wide ranging. He was born in Massachusetts and was educated at the HBCU of Fisk University and other universities worldwide. DuBois wanted to use sociology and politics to fight for black freedom. That is why he was part of the Niagara Movement that called for racial equality. Du Bois was a lifelong progressive. He was one of the founders of the NAACP. Also, he worked hard in the Crisis Magazine and in the Philadelphia Paper (which was a sociological study about the lives of black Americans). He married a great wife. DuBois articulated the viciousness of white racism and the concept of double consciousness among black Americans (meaning black Americans have both African and American cultural links combined). 


He sympathized with socialist movements while he traveled the world as DuBois was a socialist. He also lived to see the rise of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and he wrote about him as a nonviolent trailblazer. Dr. King gave a speech after his death in 1968 in praising his work for human justice. Dr. King rejected the anti-Communist paranoia embraced by the far right when the truth is that Communism is not monolithic (different variations of it have existed in human history). Economic justice, being against imperialism, and opposing the bombings of Nagasaki & Hiroshima are all part of Dr. DuBois' long legacy. W.E.B. DuBois moved so far left that he was rejected by the NAACP (as the leaders of the NAACP was pressured by the FBI and the establishment to red bait and go after NAACP members who were suspected of being "Communist." This is against free speech as any man and any woman has the right to be Communist or not without oppression). Dr. DuBois  went into Ghana to work on Pan-African studies. He wanted to make an encyclopedia about Africa in the 1960's. Later, he passed away. Dr. DuBois was a legendary icon whose intellectual and political contributions to the black struggle are priceless. 


Rest in Power Brother Dr. W.E.B. DuBois.


By Timothy


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