Recently, civil rights leaders have met with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris about voting rights issues. We have a fragile democracy in this multicultural nation of the United States of America. We have now, the biggest voting rights crisis since the 1960's and the American Civil War. This is not hyperbole or an exaggeration. This is real. Many states from Arizona to Florida including Texas have proposed or passed voter suppression legislation. You have one Republican leader admitting on tape that he wants chaos during the Biden Presidency. We need the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. We want any American to have equal access to voting. There should be no discrimination involving voting at any circumstance. We want change now. This change requires involvement from the federal, state, and local governments. Also, we want living wages, an end to the filibuster, and real solutions to climate change issues. Our votes always matter. Nationwide, people are protesting this assault on our voting rights. You show your love for the people by respecting black people. Our black identities aren't meant to be erased but expressed without apology. There is the story of Nikole Hannah-Jones and Ta-Nahesi Coates being part of Howard University. This comes in the era where some reactionaries want to sugarcoat real American history. Both Hannah-Jones and Coates have been heroic to write literature and give speeches on the accurate stories of America. You can't change America unless you tell the truth about America.
Eric Adams won the New York City mayoral primary for the Democratic side. He wants to be the mayor of New York City. About 120,000 absentee ballots had to be counted. Like usual, many people decided to vote for a moderate, because on many cases fear inspires people to reject progressive values unfortunately. In the eyes of the moderate, standing up against police brutality is equivalent to nihilism. Mayor Bill de Blasio is about to leave office after serving the mandatory 2 terms. The Republican Party primary have Curtis Silwa, who is a right wing radio personality and founder of the Guardian Angels vigilante group. I heard of Silwa for over 20 years being on Geraldo, etc. Adams said that he is a great candidate, because he was a cop and he was a victim of police brutality. Adams supports a limited version of stop and frisk. He is supported by the far right New York Post and sections of big business. The crime uptick is not a product of culture. It's a product of the poverty, record inequality, and socioeconomic issues. Now, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo have announced a state of emergency involving gun violence. Maya Wiley was the most progressive candidate. Maya Wiley would have made an outstanding mayor of NYC. Today, New York City is witnessing a new era. Now, here we are in the Summer of 2021.
This is the time when most of America's military forces have left Afghanistan. Now, Afghanistan is going through massive changes. Some fear that the Taliban will control the whole country as they have conquered many Northern territories of Afghanistan. Tons of troops have left Bagram Air Base. The Afghan government was shocked at the early leaving of the U.S. forces from the area. We have lived in almost 20 years of the Afghanistan War. At first, the Western forces flushed the al-Qaeda and Taliban out of the area. Years later, war and conflicts persisted to this very day. This war is the longest overt American war in U.S. history. Tons of U.S. military and Afghan civilians have died. Special forces teams have been involved. Enhanced interrogation existed at the Parwan Detention Facility. Many prisoners were abused and abused in sick ways. About 175,000 civilians have killed in the war. Trillions have been spent in the war too. The end of the Afghanistan war is about a shift in the West wanting preparations for further agitation against China and Russia.
There is a story about the former White House chief of staff John Kelly in his new book saying that Trump praised Hitler by saying that he did a lot of good things. If that is true, Trump is wrong and sick. Trump, of course denies this. We can't take Trump seriously in this regard, because he is known as a habitual liar. His credibility is abysmal. Kelly said that Trump said these comments in 2018 on a trip to Paris to commemorate the armistice after the end of World War I. Trump (who was impeached twice by the Congress and is one of the worst Presidents in American history) has a long track record of defending racists and authoritarian dictators. Donald Trump's personal hero is Andrew Jackson, who was the President that viciously transported Native Americans against their wills into Oklahoma during the Trial of Tears. Jackson hated abolitionists and helped to spread slavery in America. Trump has also praised gone out of his way to defend the usage of Confederate names on U.S. military bases. We know who Trump is. The big picture is that society is filled with people like Trump. We must stand up for our democracy against overt fascism spreading in America.
One of the most important news today is how Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated early Wednesday morning. Like always, we condemn the assassination, as we should always express dissent without murder. Also, Haiti has been through a lot. Haiti's borders and international airport are closed. The acting Prime Minister has declared a "state of siege" after martial law was been declared in Haiti. Haiti is part of North America, and we are really concerned about what goes on in Haiti. The murderers are unidentified now until recently. Many of them are Colombians and 2 are found to be Haitian American. The attack was done by a highly trained and heavily armed group of people. The First Lady of Haiti Martine Moise was injured and shot, and she is in stable but critical condition. Martine Moise is the late Haitian President's wife, and she is recovering at a Miami hospital. Kidnappings have happened in the nation and violence. There should be an investigation to find out everyone involved in the assassination. Haiti is linked to us Americans in many ways, and we want Haiti to rise beyond this storm. It will take time.