Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday Information.


Tucker Carlson disrespected the black officer from the U.S. Capitol in saying that he is just a liberal puppet pushing an agenda. The black officer will give his testimony to January 6 Committee. Tucker is known for disrespecting people, and for Tucker to minimize the officer's courage in saving lives is truly disgraceful. The officer sacrificed his life in order to preserve democracy. Tucker Carlson is known for lying about progressive activism (like the right of universal health and voting rights are sacrosanct rights), and he has been caught in numerous scandals. Tucker works for FOX News, and FOX is known for their far right extremism. They once lied and called themselves "Fair and Balanced." We know that FOX is not fair and balanced. The black Capitol police officer was called the n word by the terrorists who stormed the U.S. Capitol. The insurrectionist desecrated locations, fought officers, and caused mayhem in general. I remember Tucker Carlson from Crossfire on CNN (almost 20 years ago with Novak) when he was spewing his far right deceptive rhetoric. Officer Harry Dunn is certainly owed respect for defending the lives of people in the Capitol building.

Some good news is that the Missouri Supreme Court rules in favor of Medicaid expansion. That means that Missouri must expand Medicaid to help its low income residents and those with disabilities. We realize that health care is a human right. Missouri had a ballot resolution that most people in Missouri promoted the expansion. Yet, many Republicans didn't want this. The Republicans were politically defeated. The Missouri Supreme Court ruled in favor of Medicaid expansion in a 7-0 ruling. Oklahoma has approved of Medicaid expansion too. Newly eligible residents started on the program by July 1. The social safety net is a precious instrument that not only helps people. It strengthens the government, as true government is meant to be comprised of the people for the people. Now, we have more discussions on the infrastructure bill.


Nancy Pelosi has rejected Reps. Jordan and Banks for the 1/6 Select Committee. Later, McCarthy went off and made up distractions and exaggerations. The truth is that Pelosi didn't play politics. Banks and Jordan are 2 people who questioned the validity of the 2020 election (which is the most monitored, fair, and successful election in American history). People want to know the truth. McCarthy has pulled all five Republicans from the committee, and he wants to set up his own biased Republican investigation. Pelosi is right to have a real investigation to understand more about what took place. 1/6 was a date filled with terrorists who wanted to overthrow our democracy. Now, Pelosi wants McCarthy to name 2 new January 6 committee members. Liz Cheney has criticized McCarthy's comments. The hearings will exist by next Tuesday. 


It is important to recognize the billionaires doing into space will not solve massive economic inequality in the world. There is nothing with legitimate technology advancement, but we still have to fight for justice. Now, Biden wants to tax capital gains at 39.6% up from 20% earning more than $1 million. In America, workers are striking. There are over 1000 coal miners in Alabama being on strike for over 200 days. Many are not reporting on such things, but we still have workers desiring their rightful economic rights. Mitch McConnell said that the GOP will vote to raise the debt ceiling, but he supported the tax cuts for the rich in 2017 that mainly benefited large corporations and the super wealthy. That fact outlines the necessity for billionaires to be taxed fairly. Frito-Lay workers are on strike in Kansas too. The biggest irony is that the states without Medicaid expansion and with low vaccination rates have the highest percentages of cases with the pandemic virus. Numerous Republican hypocrites lecture us on "family values," but no Republican in Congress vote for the Child Tax Credit. With these events, the filibuster must be gone. Many Republicans are even resisting a progressive infrastructure bill. The far right Republicans demand compromises and still say no on many bill negotiations.


Yesterday was the Birthday of Brother Danny Glover, and he is 75 years old. For decades, he has been one of the greatest actors of all time. Also, he has been a social activist for years and decades too. He was raised in a conscious family. Oakland, California is the location of his birth. Both of his parents were active in the NAACP, and they came up to fight for equal rights. His mother came from Georgia. His father was a World War II veteran. Danny Glover graduated from George Washington High School in San Francisco. He survived an epileptic seizure before too. He attended the San Francisco State University (SFSU), and he was trained at the Black Actors' Workshop of the American Conservatory Theater. Danny Glover worked in theater. Danny Glover was in many movies like  The Color Purple, the Lethal Weapon trilogy, Predator 2, and other films. He loves his child. Danny Glover worked in strikes, and fought to have a Department of Black Studies at SFSU (San Francisco State University). He protested to promote humanitarian help to the people in Darfur. He opposed the Iraq War. Danny Glover has promoted Pan-African movements too. He won many awards. Danny Glover recently married a fellow activist in 2009. I wish Brother Danny Glover more success. 


 By Timothy