Friday, July 30, 2021

More Friday Updates on Life.


Some important news is that 11 million U.S. families face evictions as the CDC moratorium expires. The expiration starts on July 31, 2021. We have a massive housing crisis in America where many people are homeless now. There is about $10 trillion in housing debt. We still face job losses, attacks on workers' wages, and a new surge of the pandemic. Over 440,000 evictions have existed now since the start of the pandemic. Many state governments have held up pandemic stimulus resources. About 8.8 million Americans are behind on rent. Rents in general have skyrocketed in American society. According to the Consumer Price Index, it has increased in June at 5.4, which means higher inflation. There has been the billionaire wealth increased by 60 percent in the first year of the pandemic from $8 trillion to $13.1 trillion. Only revolutionary change can solve these problems. Many FOX News hosts like Carlson and others have demonized the U.S. Capitol officers, who spoke their testimonies to Congress, as using theater. It's wrong of FOX to do this. GOP Rep. Jim Banks have slandered the U.S. officers as having "scripted" their testimonies, which is fragrantly disgraceful. GOP Rep. Clyde refused to reject the notion that the 1/6 was a tourist event. The House wants subpoenas for Congresspeople to testify if some GOP members had logistical involvement in the 1/6 insurrection. Many Republicans hypocritically talk about law and order, but 190 of them voted against the investigatory committee into the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol.


Sinema saying that she won't support an infrastructure bill costing $3.5 trillion outlines that moderate Democrats have been a hindrance to progress in America. Mitch McConnell's words praising Sinema tells us all that we need to know. The basic irony about Republicans is that the powers that be want Democrats to compromise. Yet, the Republicans won't compromise on a thing. Republicans won't compromise in promoting federal federal voting rights legislation. We see our planet burning, and working class Americans suffering economic inequality for decades. As stimulus checks, food stamps, and expanded unemployment insurance declined, we have the new threat of growing poverty after a 45% decline in poverty during 2021. That is why Congress must renew the eviction moratorium behind the Saturday's deadline.


The person Kevin Samuels have crossed the line for years (from arguing with women in disrespectful ways to making obscenely offensive comments about relationships). Now, he has once again crossed the line. Kevin Samuels is a more slick version of Tommy Sotomayor, as Kevin is a notorious sexist too. He has no credentials as a relationship expert, but his commentaries seek further division among men and women. Later, Kevin Samuels has promoted the lie that the value of a grown woman is determined on his arbitrary 1-10 scale. Kevin promotes distractions. He refuses to promote the discussion of real issues like education, the pandemic, radiation, reparations, and Pan-African subjects. Kevin makes it his business to argue with women, and he once called a woman looking like Emmitt Smith. He has no respect for women at all. Also, Kevin Samuels recently said that a man can use so-called "domestic discipline" against a woman. This is not coded language. This is Kevin's advocacy of domestic violence against women which is abhorrent. No one should put their hands on a woman period. As human beings, we can't tolerate that nonsense from him or Kevin Samuels.


One woman is accusing the Hotep Young Pharaoh of domestic violence. YP has denied all allegations. You can believe him or not. Young Pharaoh is not only a God hater by making derogatory comments about believers in God. He also believes in the myth that extraterrestrial beings existed. One black woman said that he punched her and her child in their faces. I have no respect for Young Pharaoh for a long time. He is a person from Buffalo, who is known for cursing people out who disagrees with him. He obviously has anger issues. Also, he allied with the white racist Maga crowd in supporting Donald Trump. So, he is a traitor to black people. Folks have to keep their hands to themselves. There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to put hands on any innocent person period. For years, I knew about Young Pharaoh being a disrespectful person.


Simone Biles has recently withdrew from individual all-around gymnastics competition. Simone Biles is the greatest gymnast in human history being the GOAT. She is entitled to take her mental health needs seriously. We live in a new generation where the stigma of mental health care is eroding. We don't need that stigma in society, because we should always show an open mindedness and compassion towards any human being who are dealing with mental health issues. Like usual, far right extremists have Piers Morgan has trivialized Simone Biles' issues as Piers said that she is refusing to accept defeat. Not only is Piers wrong. He is offensive, because he is not in the shoes of Simone Biles. He doesn't comprehend the sacrifice and the courage of Simone Biles in any comprehensive way. Simone Biles is transparent and honest. Simone Biles has gone out of her way to compete against the best and win. She is a very courageous black woman. We are human beings, not machines. Handling mental health issues is very important in growing the human soul. So, we express solidarity with Simone Biles 100 percent.


By Timothy