President Joe Biden gave a recent speech at Philadelphia (which was the place where the Constitution was officially signed over 200 years ago) to make his case for voting rights in America. He is right to mention that this is the biggest democratic crisis currently in America since the American Civil War. GOP extremists, in many cases, still believe in the big lie, when the 2020 election is the most scrutinized and protected American election in the history of the United States of America. There was no massive voting fraud during the 2020 election. The recent voter suppression laws and bills in many states of America (not just in the South, but everywhere in America) are not only anti-democratic and evil. The legislation is immoral. Many of these laws restrict when people can vote, restrict who can monitor elections, and even heavily restrict mail in voting locations. The American people should hear from the President on this important issue of voting rights.
The For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act should be passed. The filibuster, being a throwback from slavery, must be gone. The moderate Democrats (i.e. Sinema and Manchin) must wake up and oppose the filibuster, because very little legislation will be passed (especially in dealing with voting rights) if the filibuster remains. Fascists and terrorists nearly destroyed America in the 1/6 insurrection months ago. So, this is personal for all of us to fight for our democracy in July of 2021. Republicans have no mercy in their extremism, so we should be compassionate and determined to maintain progressive values in our generation. Not to mention that we ought to never compromise with fascists and racists in the Republican Party. Finally, Black Americans brought him into the White House, and our interests (as black people) must be respected.
The assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise changed Haiti forever. Now, we know that one of the accused assassins was a DEA informant and might have links to the FBI. This is strange. It has been reported that a rival (named Christian Samon) may have been involved in the assassination in using Colombian nationals including 2 Haitian American people in the plot. We do know that Colombia is an ally of America, and many police/paramilitary forces have killed peaceful protesters in Colombia recently. Moise stayed in office past his term. It seemed that Moise was murdered by mercenaries with shady links. Two of the accused assassins have ties to oligarchs. According to The Washington Post, Solages’ Facebook profile, which has since been removed, listed him as the chief commander of bodyguards for the Canadian Embassy in Haiti. The Canadian Embassy confirmed that Solages previously worked as a security guard. We must allow the Haitian people decide their leaders. It must not be the United Nations or anyone else. The West's disrespect of Haiti is not new. After Haitian independence, Jefferson opposed Haiti's freedom in 1804. France forced Haiti to pay it reparations when it should have been the other way around. America brutally occupied Haiti during the 20th century. In 1994, Biden made the evil, offensive remark that if Haiti sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter in our interest. You can't believe in democracy and truth and promote neo-colonialism. Solidarity among workers worldwide and the oppressed is our precept. A capitalist-imperialist system has ruined many lives over the centuries.
There is a crisis in Cuba. There are those far right forces who are exploiting the crisis as an excuse for them to make Cuba a puppet state. Many people don't know that before Castro, Batista ran Cuba. Batista was not only a U.S.-funded dictator. He was allied with exploitative corporations, he aided the Mafia in their casinos, and many poor Cubans were oppressed heavily. The problems now in Cuba (with food shortages, spread of the pandemic, etc.) is caused by both restrictive economic embargoes and anti-democratic policies done by the Stalinist Cuban government. Many of the restrictive embargoes have harmed the Cuban energy sector. Then, food, medicines, and supplies are in short supply in Cuba. Some forget that the U.S. occupied Cuba in 1902 and imposed a brutal regime. Likewise, the Cuban government is wrong to use brutal force against peaceful Cuban protesters and restrict Internet access in Cuba. Two wrong don't make a right. The Cuban people deserve democratic rights and freedom. That is true. The Cuban government should do a lot more in promoting real freedom in their nation. I don't agree with Cuba arresting over 100 protesters, activists, and journalists. You have to promote real liberty in any nation in the Universe. Yet, the Cuban people don't deserve to become some puppet Western regime either.
The Texas Democrats have spoken in D.C. to advocate for voting rights legislation. Vice President Kamala Harris meet with these Texas Democrats too. Governor Abbott have threatened the Texas Democrats with arrest when they return to Texas. People desire a plan involving courts, eliminating the filibuster, and other things that we wanted in order to advance justice. Today, we witness the fight for our democracy. Many state Texas Congress people left Texas to try to stop the vote of the bad voter suppression bill in Texas. The Texas GOP wants these voting laws to exist. This is a national problem too. Nationwide, tons of legislation have been proposed and passed to limit voting days, to restrict which types of IDs can be used for voting, to restrict in mail voting, and to shift power into other hands on how to hand voting policies. Biden gave his speech on Tuesday to address federal voting legislation. Voting rights is one of the most important issues in the world. Voting determines how revenues are sent, which types of people are in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government, and voting directly will determinate which Supreme Court Justices will be on the Court. GOP leaders and Trump still promote the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. Democracy must be protected.
By Timothy