Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Living in this Journey of Justice.




Yesterday, many officers gave their emotional testimonies to the first House January 6 Committee hearing. The testimonies were very powerful, and their words outline their pain. The footage of the terrorists harming people and destroying property at the U.S. Capitol is disturbing. The officers said that the terrorists was grabbing their weapons to try to harm them. Many officers (who are black) were called racial slurs by the insurrectionists. The four officers names are DC Metropolitan Police Officers Daniel Hodges and Michael Fanone including Capitol Police Officers Harry Dunn and Sgt. Aquilino Gonell. The terrorists supported Qanon, wore Confederate flags, and had neo-Nazi T-Shirts (in disrespecting the Holocaust victims). Many of them had pro-Trump banners, as the person who provoked these people is Donald Trump directly. Donald Trump believes in the lie that these criminals are "loving people." Trump still believes that the 2020 election was stolen which is a lie. The terrorists took shields from the police to beat U.S. Capitol police. Yet, many Republicans are silent on these events or even try to sugarcoat these acts of overt treason. The terrorists involving in the 1/6 disaster are traitors to the United States of America. The hearing continues. The officers at the Capitol literally saved democracy on that day. Now, we must find out what Trump knew, the responses by entities, and other information.



Many protesters in Brazil have taken down the statue of Manuel de Borba Gato in Brazil. To this day, protesters have made their voices heard in opposing the far right President of Brazil. Gato was a person who is known for advancing genocide against Native Americans and Afro-Brazilian black people in Brazil. This happened in Sao Paulo. Gato was involved with a group of men who came into the interior of Brazil. They were part of the Bandeirantes or "flag carriers." The Bandeirantes has been accused of abusing indigenous women and trafficking them too. They or the Bandeirantes stole gold and other resources in the regions of Brazil. Another person involved in this terrorism was Domingos Jorge Velho who was involved in harming the black Quilombo de Palmares community. This community was made up of former slaves. Their leader Zumbi dos Palmares was killed in 1695. Therefore, we have to understand about these subjects, because black folks live globally. Wanting all human beings liberated means all. We certainly believe in unity among our people in the globe as people of black African descent.

I find genealogical information all of the time. One was about my late 1st cousin named Thelma Lee Whitehead Highsmith. She was in my paternal side of my family as she was born in Halifax, North Carolina. She lived from 1933 to 2014. Her descendants have been a mystery to me until now in this year of 2021. Her grandfather was my 2nd great grandfather Adam D. (b. 1862). Thelma moved from North Carolina where she lived in Brooklyn, New York City. Many of my ancestors migrated into the North as a product of the Great Migration of African Americans. Her parents were Gustave Whitehead and Penola D. Thelma married a man named Herbert Reed Highsmith at Martin, North Carolina on August 30, 1950. Their children are my 2 cousins. Their names are Hebert Reed Highsmith Jr. (1951-1993), Leathe Highsmith (1956-1991), Reginald Highsmith (b. 1957), Bishop Rothel Highsmith (b. 1951. He is a religious man who lives in New York City), and Rhoda L. Highsmith Alexander (b. 1974). This family living in Brooklyn interested me, because I never heard of these human beings until recently.



There is tons of information about my distant cousins on my father's side that I didn't know. One heroic person was my paternal late 2nd cousin named Lois Carolyn Beech Jacobs (1923-2020). She was born in Cape Charles, Virginia. We share the same ancestor of Isam Tillery (b. 1835 who was my 3rd great grandfather). Isam Tillery is the father of my 2nd great grandmother Georgianna Tillery (1868-1854). Lois Jacobs' parents were Cora Lee Tillery (1895-1955) and Walker Beech Jr. (1885-1966). Lois Jacobs's grandfather was Isam Tillery. Lois was a very religious woman being involved in the Baptist church. Lois married Wesley Floyd Jacobs, Jr. on June 14, 1948 at Cape Charles, Virginia. Cape Charles is located at the Eastern Shore. Lois Jacobs's children and grandchildren are my 3rd cousins and 4th cousins like my 3rd cousin Crystal Jacobs Eaton (b. 1952). So, the journey continues, and I keep on learning information about my distant relatives.


Voting rights are being damaged by new, unjust laws. That is why activists are in the streets fighting back against voter suppression efforts. Soon, the Texas House Democrats will testify before the Congressional Committee on the state voting bill in Texas. Many people have spoke their minds on this issue like the Texas State Representative Jasmine Crockett. Some news is that author Ilyasah Shabazz or the daughter of Malcolm X will produce a series on her father's life. It is found at Sony Television's TriStar. The series will be based on the novels of X: A Novel and The Awakening of Malcolm X. These novels were co-written by Shabazz. X: A Novel was co-written by Kekla Magoon and The Awakening of Malcolm X was co-written by Tiffany D. Jackson. 


By Timothy