There is so much bombshell information on Karl Marx, that I had to reveal it to the public. The following information documents his hypocrisy, his bigotry, his racism, and his overt anti-God extremism. I am still an economic progressive, so I do believe in a social safety net, Social Security, Medicare, investments in infrastructure, help to build the environment, fair taxes for the wealthy, etc. Yet, Marx is a person whose character is so revolting, that I have to mention this information to the people. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Karl Marx was wrong on many issues, and that fact should be known. Many liberals and progressives don't know this about Marx. Some progressives and Marxists do know this information about him, but they cowardly omit it from the people in order to save face. He didn't just disagree with religion (which is common in this generation), but he desired all religion to be abolished from society (which is bigoted and a violation of religious freedom). Karl Marx was the grandson of a rabbi as his family had many rabbis in them. He was a follower of Lutheranism or Protestantism growing up by 1824. By the time he was in a German high school, he openly expressed his faith in Jesus Christ in his written work called The Union of the Faithful with Christ. No one exactly knows how he rejected the teachings of Jesus Christ. After Marx's law studies at the University of Berlin, his views changed. According to author Richard Wurmbrand, Karl Marx constantly referred to people as "human trash" and desired to "destroy." He openly mocked God in various poems One example is in his poem called, "Invocation of One in Despair, "So a god has snatched from me my all, In the curse and rack of destiny. All his worlds are gone beyond recall. Nothing but revenge is left to me. I shall build my throne high overhead, Cold, tremendous shall its summit be. For its bulwark - superstitious dread. For its marshal - blackest agony. Who looks on it with a healthy eye, Shall turn back, deathly pale and dumb, Clutched by blind and chill mortality, May his happiness prepare its tomb.” Marx was influenced by the German occultist Georg Hegel who form the dialectic process theory. Engel was an atheist who attended the University of Belin at the same time as Marx. Marx and Engls joined the Young Hegelian group in 1841.
Hegel believed that the thesis and antithesis battling each other would form the synthesis. Hegel believed that all human progress would be the synthesis. The issue with Hegel is that he believed that contradictory statements or ideals can be merged to find the great truth. The reality is that merging concepts that are false ideologies together would lead to more error, not more truth. As the Bible has mentioned, "“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col. 2:6-9).
Karl Marx wrote in favor of dialectical thinking. Marx said that, "In the eyes of dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for all times, nothing is absolute or sacred?” That is false as we know of moral absolutes in the Universe. The reason is that humans are imperfect, filled with a fallen nature. That is why universal moral principles are necessary to stabilize societies and establish justice for all. Marx's bigotry against religion is well known. He didn't just disagree with religion. He wrote in the Communist Manifesto that, "religion is the opium of the people (masses)." Marx believed that all religion was a drug that causes people to be asleep while the world continues to exist. To him, religion was a method to keep people docile which is a lie as tons of religious people fought injustices spanning thousands of years.
Karl Marx hated capitalism with a passion and abhorred any individual effort to improve society. The truth is that capitalism and communism have imperfections and aren't infallible. Both economic systems are man-made theories. They aren't authored by the hand of God, so they will have many vulnerabilities and contradictions. Capitalism teaches that the individual has the mighty power to benefit the free market in a mostly laissez-faire fashion omitting the need for some regulation (and a social safety net) to make sure that economic justice is a reality. Communism teaches that all individual ingenuity must be suppressed for the sake of preserving the collective state omitting that much individuality has contributed to some of the greatest inventions and innovations in human history. Marx tells the truth about many imperfections of capitalism, but he mixes that truth with the lie that there is no alternative to capitalism but the dictatorship of the proletariat (or Communism). Marx said the lie that, "The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness.” Tell that to the many religious charity workers saving lives or the tons of religious people praising the Lord filled with joy and happiness. Marx's words go beyond dissent with religion but total opposition to all religions in a prejudiced fashion. In the Christian faith, there is hope. There is hope in the Son of the Living God who came into Earth to save the souls of the human race. Now, he sits at the right hand of the Father, and the Holy Spirit is very much alive being active to help souls too. Marx praised Darwin. Marx believed that history shows a class struggle whereby it's the workers against the exploiters (being capitalists). Karl Marx was so anti-God that he wrote a poem called Oualnem mocking God (Oulanem is an inversion of God's holy name of Emanuel meaning God with Us. That is the title of Jesus Christ). Marx made many poems calling for destruction and his poem The Fiddler is dedicated to Satan, "See this sword? The prince of darkness Sold it to me. With Satan I have struck my deal, He chalks the signs, beats time for me I play the death march fast and free.” I didn't know all of this stuff until recently. In Marx’s poem "The Pale Maiden," he gives us insight into his condition, and change of destination, "Thus heaven I've forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, Is chosen for hell.” He also said, "The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion." Karl Marx by his system declared his war on the Creator God, “The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.” (Communist Manifesto). How much more blatant can he get.
Karl Marx didn't invent Communism as Communist teachings existed for centuries before Marx was born. Marx did innovate it and caused it to be a worldwide movement. The hostile attitude of Marx towards religion is found in many Communist countries that have tortured, imprisoned, and murdered people who believe in God (especially Christians in the previous Soviet Union, Cambodia, China, North Korea, etc.). Marx was overt in desiring to abolish religion. Marx has failed as religious liberty and the freedom of conscience are still here in America and many places of the world. Material comforts should never be used as an excuse to discount spiritual power from God. The Communist Manifesto mentioned that, "There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc. that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience." Marx was clear on how he wanted to change morality to promote his disturbing agenda. The fruit of Marx's agenda is documented in how Stalin murdered millions of people in the USSR. Even Lenin and Trotsky said that Stalin went too far. Stalin had Trotsky killed by an assassin with an axe. Lenin died young. Stalin left Christianity to be a brutal murderer. Later, he became an anti-Semite. Marx was a self-hating anti-Semite who wrote anti-Semitic words about Judaism, and he was a racist by calling black people the n word. He wrote literature being hateful against Mexicans, Scandinavians, etc. Some say that Hitler was a socialist, but he wasn't. He was a capitalist, funded by Western capitalism, and followed fascism, not communism. In fact, the Nazis exterminated both socialists and communists in the death camps. That is evil and wrong as murder is completely wrong. Today, humanism rejects spiritual revelation to people. Not all humanists are religious bigots, but many humanists are overt in their hatred of God. Marx was wrong to say that abolishing slavery would wipe America out of the map of nations. Engels was another anti-black racist too. Marx called Ferdinand Lassalle an anti-black slur too.
The Communist Manifesto is very clear in embracing no compassion and desiring forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. In contrast, real Christians teach compassion, using peace, building institutions of glory, and using self-defense against injustice without trying to destroy the whole world. That is why individuality and collective power can work wonders in helping society if they are done in the right way. We reject authoritarianism whether in fascist or Stalinist Communist regimes. Now, you know the truth. We don't have to follow totally unrestricted Adam Smith's "greed is good" capitalism or the atheistic Karl Marx's Communism. There are alternatives. The Preamble of the Constitution mentioned the following words, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Article I, Section 8 mentioned that, "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States..." In other words, even the Preamble and the Constitution honors the right of the federal government to collect taxes, promote the common defense, and advance the general welfare of the United States of America. It is that moral and spiritual inspiration to promote the general welfare that has blessed the lives of human beings of every color and background. The real teaching of Jesus Christ teaches that we have a responsibility to use compassion to help people with their material and spiritual needs. We don't live by bread alone but by the words of the living God. Some of the greatest progress that America had was when the government interfered in the private sector, regulated the economy, promoted industry and infrastructure, and promoted its constitutional duty to promote the General Welfare (in giving people health care, Social Security, voting rights, civil rights, environmental protections, and laws that combat discrimination and oppression). There are those who want corporate monopolies to dominate the economic systems of the world with no labor rights, lax wages, and completely cut benefits (that were done by the Houses of Morgan and Rockefeller over one hundred years ago). Obviously, I don't agree with that agenda. The evils of Imperialism and Colonialism are opposed by us too because these evils violate the Golden Rule, restrict human rights (in violation of the true principle that all human beings are created equal and are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), and seek exploitation instead of justice for human beings.
We are fortunate to live during the same of a great humanitarian and athlete. Serena Williams is the greatest woman tennis player in history and one of the greatest athletes of all time. To do what she has done in her early 40's is just incredible. Also, we know about her work to fight for pay equity regardless of sex, and Serena Williams has always been a hero for so many human beings (especially girls and women) who desire their dreams to be realized. She was born in the Midwest and raised on the West Coast. Her parents instilled in her the values of hard work, determination, perseverance, and a sense of destiny. Her own father predicted that she would be an outstanding tennis player like her sister, Venus Williams. Her sports accomplishments are very lightly. She won 23 Grand Slam singles titles, the most of any player in the Open Era, and the second most of all time (behind Margaret Court's 24). She earned 4 Olympic gold medals, and she was ranked number one in singles by the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) for 319 weeks, including a joint record of 186 consecutive weeks (finished as the year-end No. 1 five times). Serena Williams won 14 major women's doubles titles, all with her sister Venus. The pair was unbeaten in the Grand Slam doubles finals. The Williams sisters created a new era of tennis filled with a new generation of tennis players, a new era of athleticism, and the realization of past legends before them (like Althea Gibson, Arthur Ashe, and Zina Garrison). Serena Williams overcame a lot from false stereotypes to illnesses to be the best. As the highest earning woman athlete of all time and being a trailblazer (winning matches in her 20s, 30s, and 40s), Serena Williams will always be remembered by us as the G.O.A.T.
There are very few people in our generation who took basketball into the next level offensively, defensively, and inspirationally. He was the one person we use as a nickname to describe human beings who display the utmost in excellence. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player in human history in my view. I saw him play during his prime in the NBA, and there is no player like him. Jordan had excellent defensive skills by winning awards for his defense. Also, he was a great NBA offensive player with records, 6 championships without any defeats in the finals, and used a diversity of fundamental skills to have victory. There is no victory without defeats, and Michael Jordan has many defeats on the court. Yet, he used those defeats as motivation to do better in the future. One example was that he host to the Orlando Magic in 1995, and then in 1996, he swept the Magic in 4 games to win his fourth NBA Championship (on Father's Day. He loved his father, and he loves his mother too). In life, you have to get back up and fight for justice sincerely. Michael Jordan also is not perfect. No human is perfect, and there are no justifications for his imperfections. Yet, Michael Jordan has grown to be a better man than many years ago. As a global cultural icon, Michael Jordan loved the essence of competition. Outside of basketball, Michael Jordan wanted to compete against people eating food, drinking water, playing cards, playing golf, etc. Yet, he always had a great love for his parents and family. Without family, we wouldn't be here, so the essence of the community is always important to advance in our lives. He was born in Brooklyn, New York City, and he was raised in the South in Wilmington, North Carolina. Jordan has many haters, but he never came out in public to hate on people in a vicious fashion. He just lives his life. His accomplishments in the NBA are very extensive. In his Rookie Year of the NBA, he was already one of the top players in the League back in 1984. Today, it's the perfect time to evaluate his life and legacy.
When I saw the controversial trailer for the Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul movie, I thought it would be just a satirical, P.C. comedy type of film. I was mistaken. It is a much more controversial film that uses satire from a mockumentary format that has been around for decades. First, I will give an introduction about the film, then I will show what I agree with the film on and what I disagree with film on. Lastly, I will give a conclusion about the film. First, the film was written, directed, and produced by Adamma Ebo in her feature directorial debut. It is the feature-length adaptation of Ebo's 2018 short film of the same name. It stars Regina Hall and Sterling K. Brown. Other producers of the movie are Daniel Kaluuya and Jordan Peele. The movie also starred Austin Crute and Nicole Beharie. The movie had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 23,2022. It was released theatrically and streaming on Peacock on September 2, 2022 by Focus Features. Many people love it, and many people didn't like it. The film has comedy and seriousness mixed into it. Director Adamma Ebo is overt with her intentions in the film. At least she never lied about her intentions. She said that the film wants to critique certain aspects of what she views of the black church. She says that she is spiritual, not religious. Sterling K. Brown has said the same thing that he is spiritual, not religious. Brown's mother is very religious and fears for his soul. Regina Hall 's grandmother went to a Baptist church in Georgia. She attended Catholic schools and experienced the Catholic church. Regina Hall considered being a nun twice, but it didn't work out. The film is definitely influenced by the fraudulent preacher Eddie Long, who died years ago as a product of an illness. The film starts Trinitie Childs starring Regina Hall and Pastor Lee-Curtis Childs played by Sterling K. Brown. They are the leaders of a Southern Baptist megachurch. The film has Childs experiencing a scandal of him cheating on his wife with younger people in a predatory way. The scandal is so bad that people leave the church in droves. Pastor Childs and First Lady Trinitie Childs try their comeback by trying to set up a new church. They compete against Pastor Keon Sumpter and Shakura Sumpter with their new church. The Childs invites a documentary crew to film the weeks leading up to their grand Easter Sunday reopening.
The Childs suffer turmoil, pain, and hurt. The First Lady Trinitie Childs have a complex relationship with the blatantly narcissistic, corrupt pastor in feeling emotional hurt over betrayal by her husband, but she continues to be with him. Even the New Testament says that divorce can come when one partner commits adultery or infidelity. Yet, First Lady Trinitie Childs persists with her charities, ceremonies, and supporting Pastor Lee-Curtis Childs. At the end of the movie, the First Lady has an emotional breakdown and confronts the pastor over his many evil deeds. The movie delves into many issues, namely the black church. The end of the film shows a mystery on whether the couple remains, whether their church continues, and what will the future brings. The movie is unlike any film in our generation in my opinion. It's not a religious film per se. It's a satirical film that deals with critiques of institutional religion. The film mixes humor and serious issues. Sterling K. Brown and Regina Hall gave powerful performances. The director Ebo said that she made the film because she loves Harry Potter (while witnessing a pastor saying that Harry Potter glorifies witchcraft) along with her disagreements with mainstream Christianity.
Here are things that I do agree with the film on. I agree with the film exposing the Prosperity Gospel. Liberals like Adamma Ebo underestimate how many conservative Christians agree with them on disagreeing with the materialism, consumerism, egoism, and corruption found in the Prosperity Gospel. In fact, many Christians are some of the biggest critics of the doctrines of the Prosperity Gospel as wealth doesn't determine your character. Also, the film is right to expose hypocrisy and corruption among some people who claim to be clergy (like the late Eddie Long who abused his power to harm human beings). Being a preacher is a calling, and I do advise any man or woman to take time to meditate and get things in order before being a clergyperson. That carries a huge responsibility. I agree with the film on making sure that people condemn hypocrisy and abuse. As a people, there is no excuse for abuse period. The pastor forces his wife to wear white mime makeup to attract a crowd to their church. Many black churches have voluntary mime celebrations to promote the worship of God. That is part of our black culture. I agree with the film giving a voice to the First Lady of the church as many First Ladies haven't been given a prominent role in film that much.
Here are some things that I disagree with the film. Many parts of the film view the black church collectively as too monolithic, narrow-minded, and ignorant. There is a lack of nuance in the film about the complexities found in the black church. In other words, the film doesn't delve into the black church members who are helping the community, who are promoting therapy, and who are using charities to help the poor. Everything in the black church isn't negative. Adamma incorrectly said in an interview in Rolling Stone that the black church doesn't have a conservation about truth. The reality is that tons of black churches have political and social discussions about truth spanning centuries in America alone. In fact, American black churches were home to political organizing involved in the Civil Rights Movement, labor rights movements, and other movements for social change (back in the day and today to be honest). Many black churches do realize that life is complicated and can be messy. The truth is also that Christianity or belief in God isn't about being messy. It's about cleaning up the mess and improving souls. Tons of churches do embrace asking questions, but there are moral absolutes in the Universe. There is no question that life is sacred, murder is wrong, and integrity is important to advance. Many people who say that they are spiritual, not religious follow New Age views. Moral relativism doesn't work. Also, many people are saying comments like folks are mad in the Christian church over the film. No, we aren't mad.
We have the free speech right to critique. See, the real hypocrites want to blame the church and believers in God for everything under the sun, but they get mad when people who are believers show their free speech right to show their doctrines about salvation, repentance, and righteousness in public. Freedom of speech is a two-way street. Many hypocrites believe in the lie that the film Honk for Film is immune from any critique. No film is immune from critique. I am not keen on the movie showing overt blasphemy, excessive profanity, and overt stereotyping of many Christians as brainwashed bigots who need more "enlightenment." The movie is not for kids as many scenes in the film have sexual content. My view of the film Honk for Jesus is that it's a worldly critique of the megachurch culture and the Prosperity Gospel. I have no problem with the movie exposing materialism, sexism, religious hypocrisy, and the prosperity gospel. I have no quarrel with that. I do have disagreements on its stereotypes (in promoting the myth that Bible Believing Christians collectively accept the prosperity gospel with earnest when that isn't the case) and other parts of the film that I don't agree with. So, this movie represents a turning point where I do believe that more believers have to use apologetics to defend our faith peacefully and never back down when people slander our faith. Many people in this generation don't know about the Virgin Birth, the resurrection, Secret Societies, MK Ultra, radiation, and other real topics of the world. Christians are oppressed worldwide (for real in China, Nigeria, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Russia, etc.), and we should stand on our doctrinal views. Being spiritual is fine, but spirituality without righteousness is falsehood. The truth is that we have to be righteous and stand for justice in being real about truth. We can all agree that we want solutions to problems (not just criticizing something). Regardless if someone is a believer or not, it is important to create solutions (like developing systems of accountability, inspiring clergy people to stand up for justice, ethics workshops, promoting therapy, endorsing apologetics, and reaching souls out of sincerity without excessive, greedy materialism). That is certainly real talk.
Time is going fast. This year is the 30th year anniversary of Batman: The Animated Series. The television show is based on the DC Comics superhero Batman and other characters. The show was developed by Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, and Mitch Brian. It was produced by Warner Brothers Animation. It is one of the greatest cartoons in history. It came about on September 5, 1992. In 1992, I was 9 years old. The series evolved into The Adventures of Batman and Robin. By 1997, the show was on the WB as The New Batman Adventures. Then, the series merged with the Superman cartoon of the late 1990's and early 2000's including Batman Beyond plus The Justice League (plus Static Shock and the Justice League Unlimited) of the 2000's. The Batman cartoon of the 1990's had action, adventures, and creative graphics. Kevin Conroy played the original Batman. Its film noir aesthetics, acting, and soundtrack caused Batman to win many awards.
The series inspired films like Batman: Mask of the Phantasm in 1993 and Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker in 2000. The image of Gotham City, the villains, the good people, and Commissioner Gordon certainly was popular among the people. Batman: The Animated Series is one of the greatest animated television shows ever created in human history. The cartoon had mature themes too, which is why it was shown sometimes late night Sundays at 7 pm. I watched the show a lot as a child during the early 1990's.
Also, one of the biggest deceptions in the world is Donald Trump. Trump has brainwashed a whole generation of many people (especially far right extremists) to follow his agenda. With his racism, lies, xenophobia, sexism, and overt treason, we know who Trump is. Trump has glorified violence and promoted violence by saying that people should punch peaceful protesters. DJ Akademiks (who curses out women, acts drunk on his platform, and a mean-spirited person) wanting to vote for Trump if he runs again in 2024 shows his treason. The MAGA Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. Donald Trump has deceived many Christians when he doesn't read the Bible much, admitted to grabbing women in their prrivate area, and had corrupt business practices for decades. He said that he never asks God for forgiveness for his errors. In a town hall meeting with Sean Hannity on June 25, 2020, Trump called himself a "perfect person." He also was involved in a conspiracy to try to overthrow the legal election of 2020 when Joe Biden legally won the 2020 Presidential election. Trump also mocks the communion by calling it "little cracker" and "little wine." The communion is a remembrance of what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross to save the souls of the human race. Trump has shown respect to dictators like Kim Jong-un (when Christians are persecuted and killed in North Korea), Putin, etc. It's obvious that Trump lying about the FBI raid and on other issues shows his character. His anti-democratic agenda should be completely rejected.
By Timothy