Friday, December 29, 2023

The Last Friday of 2023.

There is purpose in life and in the Universe. We are formed with a wonderful design. The quarks are the smallest particles of the Universe. Then, you have the parts of the atoms (being made of electrons, neutrons, and protons). Atoms are in constant motion in the Universe in this three-dimensional reality. Even in this reality, human beings can't see all things because there are electromagnetic waves that are not visible by the human eyes (but these waves are very real in the world). From atoms, we see elements. Many atoms unified together make up molecules like DNA. DNA is one major building block of human life that helps to transmit genetic information from human life to human life. DNA is like a powerful drive of information that sends the genetic code necessary to make up future human lives in a miraculous fashion. DNA and RNA are made up of long chains of simple nucleotides. A nucleotide is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus atoms. Carbon is heavily found in organic life on Earth. One of the powers of human life is to reproduce, copy genetic information, and pass it on to our offspring. So, DNA sends the genetic information, then RNA has the role to store genetic information, copy itself, and do metabolic functions like forming proteins. These acts are done inside the nucleus inside of the cell membrane. Therefore, the DNA (made up of four different bases of adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. These bases stand for A, T, G, and C) has the genetic material or the genetic instructions, the RNA transcribes the DNA (the RNA acts as the messenger carrying information from DNA to the protein building centers of the cell), and the instructions after RNA are transformed into amino acids then proteins (the proteins make up the phenotypes of the human). So, the DNA is used in a code of like letters to send the plans to make proteins in a cell. DNA has many genes. Many strands of DNA are called chromosomes (each person has 22 pairs of chromosomes). We inherit our genetic material from our mother and our father. The phenotype is your physical appearance from the arms, skin color, eye color, head, etc. Proteins are vital to the structure and the function of our cells, and they play a important role in forming our phenotype (or the observable characteristics of an organism). Versions of genes are called alleles. The genes working together influence how we look physically in this three-dimensional reality. The genotype is the genetic material in the cell. In other words, the genotype affects the phenotype by providing the instructions for making proteins. The human genotype is only made up of genes and alleles. The phenotype can be influenced by the genotype and the environment around us. 

I am absolutely not shocked at Nikki Haley. Haley recently said the lie that slavery didn't cause the Civil War. The truth is that slavery was directed related to the cause of the Civil War. The Confederate traitors explicitly mentioned that they separated from the Union to promote slavery and advance the myth of black inferiority. Promoting slavery is explicitly mentioned in the early U.S. Constitution and in the Confederate constitutions of multiple Confederate states. The owning of humans was the motivation of why the Confederate traitors attacked Fort Sumter preemptively in South Carolina (which is Nikki Haley's home state). Later, Nikki Haley wanted to clarify her statements that she now says that of course the Civil War was about slavery to the radio host Jack Heath on Thursday morning. A child knows that the slavery is related to the Civil War. Therefore, Nikki Haley is a far-right candidate who may not be as vicious verbally as Trump but both candidates have similar goals as GOP members.

Loving freedom is important in living life. We are certainly well aware that our rights are sacred. They are so hallowed that men, women, and children in many cases have died for the fight for these democratic principles. We have new threats to our democracy like many of Trump's fake electors (who tried to illegally overturn the 2020 election) holding official roles overseeing elections in many swing states. We have legacy admissions in abundance in universities while the Supreme Court hypocritically bans affirmative action in universities. Now, people are galvanizing for raising the minimum wage into a living wage (as no grown adult can survive in America in the income of $7.25 an hour. That's very infeasible), unemployment benefits, taxing the super wealthy, promoting unions, enforcing the rule of law, promoting reparation for African Americans, ending imperialism, having health care for all, ensuring environmental justice, promoting voting rights, and desiring justice for all. I have hope for the future, because we have been here before (and in many generations, kindhearted people have stood up for the revolutionary change that did cause benefits to humanity from the labor rights movement, the civil rights movement, the abolitionist movement, etc.).

The Special Counsel said that Trump shouldn't be allowed to spread false information in court. This relates in the trial case in Washington, D.C. Jack Smith wants to stop Trump from saying that the Biden administration personally directed Jack Smith to go about to start the case. That isn't true. There is the Michigan State Supreme Court rejecting the bid to remove Trump the ballot. The Michigan court dealt with a procedural issue. This will increase the change of the Supreme Court to decide on the case. The Supreme Court may want to form uniformity on how Trump will be or not will be on the ballot. The Supreme Court will likely also take up the Colorado case. The Colorado high court barred Trump from the political ballot. Since the Supreme Court is dominated by mostly conservatives, it is a likely possibility that the Supreme Court will block the Colorado's Supreme Court decision.

There is the COP28 Summit that ended with an agreement. This summit dealt with climate change for two weeks. Many people want to have a transition from the use of fossil fuels to more alternative fuels. The UN Framework Convention of Climate Change, UNFCCC are dealing with many important environmental issues from climate change, pollution, lead, etc. The agreement desires those nations who have agreed with it to triple their renewable capcity and double energy efficiency by 2030. The Loss and Damage Fund to deal with climate has been established with the UAE pledging 100 million dollars to the fund. There is no way that limiting the Earth's temperature to 1.5 degrees increase Celsius can exist without a long-term policy of fossil fuels being phased out. The problem is that developing nations need resources to stop population displacement, hunger issues, and environmental destruction. There is a contradiction of Western capitalist exploitation and imperialism and the need to have renewable energy models. There is no end to climate change without an end to imperialism.

By Timothy