Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth News.


Donald Trump praising autocrats like Xi and Putin is not shocking. Putin came to North Korea, so Putin could get military assistance in Putin's illegal war against Ukraine. So, North Korea, China, and Russia are unified in military programs and their political agendas. North Korea wants Russia to help its ballistic missile program as North Korea is constantly testing ballistic missiles that hit near Japan. The terrorism of the Houthis has caused innocent Yemeni fishermen to not earn money from feeding their families from fishing. These are the same Houthi racists enslaving black people in Yemen too. According to Farah Griffin, Trump talked about executing people at several White House meetings. These facts make us aware of the dangers of reactionary extremists who desire to ruin society as we know it. 

A new poll shows that 21 percent of Independents have said that the recent Trump conviction will make them less likely to support Trump.  President Biden has a new $50 million ad buy in swing states criticizing Trump on his 34 criminal felony convictions, sexual assault liability, and financial fraud verdicts. With all of these facts known, people should not support Trump, whose support is fueled in part by toxic male masculinity. Trump makes a mockery of the black community in trying to gain black votes in the Bronx, Detroit, etc. Trump's disrespecting the city of Milwaukee shows his hatred of America. The folks who truly hate America are those who hate America's diversity, abhor American charity helping people, and dislike American activists who desire progressive values to enrich all Americans and all people of the rest of the world. Trump and his MAGA cult members seek the destruction of modern-day American democracy, but we want more blessings and solutions to help the oppressed and the rest of the human race.

Sometimes, lies go around the world before the truth is known to more people. This is the first time of me mentioning my views about Tariq Nasheed's hip-hop documentary called Microphone Check. First, the "documentary" is half true. It tells the truth that African Americans played a key role in the origin and cultivation of hip-hop music. That is self-evident from the role of DJ King Mario to black people in the Bronx spreading hip hop worldwide from the 1970's and beyond. We black Americans have a beautiful and inspiring culture that has been a blessing to the whole world. The problem with the documentary is that it minimizes the role of Afro-Caribbeans in hip hop's origin for the sake of promoting a pro-FBA agenda. The FBA and ADOS movements (which hate Pan-African unity) are reactionary movements that seek to infiltrate the legitimate black American reparations movements to promote anti-black immigrant policies, scapegoat black immigrants for the problems in the black community, and these movements are silent on Western imperialism's role in the oppression of all black people, regardless of nationality. These movements are heavily silent on capitalist exploitation and the plight of black people in Haiti, Congo, etc. because they have a selfish mentality of not desiring to free black people globally. The unintended consequence of this documentary is of course the spread of division, arguments, and unnecessary hatred among black people based on nationality and xenophobia. For example, Tariq Nasheed said that New Orleans has no ties to Haitian culture. A Google search can prove that Haitians have strong cultural ties to New Orleans for centuries (this comes after he said the other lie that black people from Louisiana have no ties to African Americans as a whole. African Americans and Afro-Caribbeans have strong ties to Louisiana. So, Tariq is a liar). Many followers of the FBA and ADOS cults have cursed, threatened, and harassed people on social media who disagree with their rhetoric too. 

We know that Tariq Nasheed is a classic xenophobe and sexist by calling women out of their names if they disagree with him, calling Afro-Caribbeans and Africans the slur of the t word, being a former rapper who shown vile lyrics about women (that he has not apologized for), writing books promoting sexist, red pill rhetoric, etc. As for Latinos (I heard of KRS One's recent statements), Latinos didn't create hip hop, so Fat Joe is wrong to say that hip hop is 50/50 black people and Latino people in hip hop's origin. Latinos did play a role in the early stages of hip hop from graffiti and dancing plus other aspects of hip hop. It is important to note that Afro-Latinos are black people, and many Afro-Latinos are some of my favorite heroes. As for Tariq and Fresh and Fit, both of them are wrong. Fresh and Fit are sexist, haters of women, promote manosphere lies, and extremists who make a mockery of black people. Myron Gaines is even worse than Tariq, as Myron Gaines denies the brutal nature of gentrification and racism against the black community of America. Therefore, as a black American, as my ancestors were in America long before 1800, I disagree with the divisive rhetoric of Tariq Nasheed (who recently befriended the hate-monger and sellout Tommy Sotomayor. Tariq also disrespected Tennessee state representative by calling him a fake Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.). 

Some people want to underestimate Russia. Russia is struggling to defeat Ukraine is transparent. Yet, Russia has nuclear weapons. They have an alliance with China and North Korea. Russia has subs near Scotland and near Cuba (to have military drills in the area). Russia is promoting more military cooperation with Iran and Kazakhstan. Palestinian general discusses military co-operation at talks in Moscow in 2022 according to Reuters. The Pentagon has admitted that Russia launched anti-Western satellite killer weapons in space called Cosmos 2533. So, Putin is being very slick, and we shouldn't play around with this. The Soviet Union isn't here anymore, and Putin wants to be a future Tsar into the 2030's. The 2030's will be a crucial time in our history in what we shall see involving America, China, and Russia. Russia destroyed over 900 schools, hospitals, and churches in Ukraine since the Russian illegal invasion of Ukraine. Yet, many people ignore that because they care more about making token political points instead of showing the real truth. Russia has a new generation tank called the ARMATA T-14 (about 20 years ahead of its time), being helped by China's AI systems. So, this is real. We don't know exactly what this will lead to in the future, and we have to be prepared for the future. Pro-Putin GOP factions in America from Carlson to others are truly wrong.

By Timothy