Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Political News being Historic.


The 2024 Presidential election near the quarter-century mark of this new century is the most important election in human history period. There is no other way to put it. During this near Summer of 2024, we see a new era of our history. Some people have underestimated the Trump MAGA cult, but that cult has increased in its viciousness. For example, many Trump supporters have used death threats against citizens, prosecutors, judges, and progressives constantly this year alone. We have Trump threatening to jail journalists who oppose his reactionary agenda. We have median CEO pay at major corporations jump 13 percent last year, but some still have economic regressive policies. There are wars in the world, including the Middle East (after Hamas murdered and raped innocent Israelis, the Netanyahu regime has gone and committed overt war crimes against the Palestinian people). We have GOP operatives trying to help Cornel West get on the ballot in key states not for the sake of political choice but to stop Biden from having re-election. Third-party candidates should exist in America as part of the freedom of speech and association, but we can't be naive about reality. Some people forget that violent crime has decreased by 15.2 percent during the Biden Presidency (according to a new FBI report), there have been millions of jobs grown, we have low unemployment, President Biden will remove $49 million in medical bills from the reports of 15 million Americans (causing credit scores to rise and lead to 20,000 new mortgages each year via a new CFPB rule) and childhood poverty has been cut in half. After this election, only Trump or Biden will win the 2024 election. The question is whether we want democracy or fascism in American society. The choice is clear.

The breaking news is that Hunter Biden has been found guilty on all counts in the gun case. The jury looked at the evidence and found him guilty. The Republicans continue to attack the rule of law after the Hunter Biden guilty conviction because they are hypocrites. Many MAGA GOP members pick and choose who they advocate the rule of law for. When Trump was convicted for various crimes after evidence documented Trump's wrongdoing, Johnson and other GOP members tried to obfuscate the issue and claim that Trump is innocent. The reality is that Trump is guilty of defaulting people trying to go to a university, liable for rape, and guilty of other crimes. Trump is a convicted felon. Hunter Biden has been found guilty of all three federal felony gun charges. This is the first time when a President's immediate family member has been found guilty of a crime during their father's tenure in office (the crime predates Joe Biden's tenure as president). President Biden will not pardon his son and will respect the judicial process. Hunter faces up to 25 years in prison and a $750,000 fine at the sentencing, but since he is a first-time offender, he may get a far less punishment. President Biden and Hunter emotionally hugged each other at Delaware, because they are family.

I agree with Ukraine using self-defense to defeat Russian imperialism. Yet, I don't agree with Ukraine acting in Russian territories for many reasons. One is that it is strategically a mistake because it gives Putin license to escalate his military illegal campaign. Other reasons are that it is wrong to attack a sovereign nation beyond self-defense, and it is ultimately futile as the goal is to liberate Ukraine. This legitimate goal should not be used to punish ordinary Russian citizens for the overt war crimes of the evil Putin regime in Russia. Putin in his Russian imperialism is overt in his intention to create a new Russian Empire in Eastern Europe like the Tsars did over one century ago. The only solution to this crisis is for Ukraine to resist Russian aggression, call for a political solution, allow Ukraine to have independence, and desire Ukraine to not be ruled by Russia or Western imperialistic interests either. Ukraine has the right to exist and function as its own nation.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has been caught on tape revealing his true, biased views. His words on tape confirmed what many people have been exposing about the Supreme Court for years (i.e. Many on the court have an agenda to violate the rights of many Americans under the guise of "conservative values"). Alito admitted that either one side or the other side is going to win. Alito said this in a private conversation at the Supreme Court's Historical Society's annual dinner on Juen 3, 2024. The footage was recorded by progressive filmmaker Lauren Windsor. Alito said that America must return to a place of godliness. I believe in righteousness in America, but America back in the day had massive crimes against humanity like slavery, racism, genocide of the Native Americans, etc. We shouldn't desire to revert to that past but desire a better future filled with justice for all people. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts said that the court isn't polarized and denied that America is inherently a Christian nation. There is a separation of church and state.

Trump calling the January 6th terrorists warriors disqualifies him from anyone supporting him. Yet, you still have MAGA cultists allying with him. The situation of the January 6th insurrection caused many people to die, commit suicide, and be injured for life. According to witnesses and evidence, there were 14 frantic calls for the deployment of the National Guard to stop the insurrectionists. In Washington, D.C. back then, only Trump and the Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller could deploy the National Guard. They denied them 14 times from deploying them. The National Guard was never immediately deployed to stop the terrorists until hours later. Trump and his allies are the same ones who are planning a fascist regime via the Project 2025 plan. There has been a recent tape revealed of Senator Chuck Schumer demanding that acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen ask Trump to call off his supporters from invading the Capitol vicinity violently. Nancy Pelosi was with Schumer too during that occurrence. Trump, in his recent speech in Las Vegas, outlined his paranoia, habitual lying, bigotry, and extremism. Trump said to his brainwashed supporters that he doesn't care about them but seeks out their votes. Trump is a hypocrite for being a convicted felon while dehumanizing suffering immigrants (when Trump refused to support a bipartisan immigration bill because Biden was part of the negotiations in trying to get a policy going about). Trump is a fascist who wants to end birthright citizenship, re-create a Muslim ban, and issue mass deportations.

By Timothy

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