Thursday, February 16, 2006

Daryl Bardford Smith Exposed

is his bigoted, half truth link.

You know I had to mention this link about this liar Daryl Bradford Smith. Once, I even though there was some things that I could agree with this guy. Now, he uses the Khazar canard (when real Hebrews are here in North Africa, Africa, Yemen, India, and other places). This liar goes around and blame as much people as possible who disagree with his agenda as being either a Jew or a Cypto-Jew. My question to him is that what is wrong with being a Jew? Nothing. Being a Jew had nothing to do with you being evil or good. Your actions and behavior and other factors determine that. Let's look at history shall we. This bigot doesn't want to talk about the Roman Catholic Heirachy since they've been involved in more suppression of knowledge and wisdom plus more religious deception, and almost more murder than any other creed in human history. In the Middle Ages, the Vatican controlled the vast majority of the wealth inside of Europe. Many people who were religious dissidents were killed in their Inquistion. This is was created by Gentiles, not Jews at all. Patriots like Wyndale, the Waldensians, and other died in the Inquistion and other events for just religious dissident. In fact, one of the founders of Roman Catholicism was Constantine and many early Popes, who were Gentiles not Jews. Many Jewish people during the Middle Ages were persecuted because of their faith. Many were restricted and placed inside of the ghettos of Europe. Many were forced to wear badges as a sign of discrimination and dishonor.

I'm a black and I can relate to that since our people were discriminated against and oppressed for centuries. This coward Daryl never delves into the Jesuit Order at all. The Jesuits were involved in many plots against Protestants and Baptists (people gave us the Word of God in the English speaking world as you see today). For example, the Vatican was involved in the attempted Spanish Amada invasion of Britian. record the Gunpowder plot against the British throne instigated by the Jesuits. The Jesuits were expelled from over a dozen European nations for their corruption in the 1700's. Even Pope Clement issued a bull banning the Jesuits for their evil in the 1770's.This liar claims that he doesn't blame all Jews in general, yet he goes into a tirade assign blame for most of the world's problems on Jews.

That shows his hypocrispy. Now, not only did the Vatican kill people, but invaded many lands in imperialism worldwide before any creed did on that scale. For example, Roman Catholic Columbus, conquistadors, and other groups used the tactic of forced conversion unto many native inhabitants of Europe, the Americas, parts of Africa, and parts of Asia. Roman Catholicism itself was invented with many false, illogical beliefs like the Pope being infallible, Rosary beads, purgatory, etc. Pope Pius IX in 1864 condemned freedom of religion and conscience in his Syllabus of Errors – thus showing the Vatican’s hatred of our wonderful Bill of Rights. Daryl Smith's other lie is that not true Catholics are involved in evil, but many true Catholics have followed their own decrees and dogmas that are fundamentally evil like the Council of Trent bashing anyone who believes that man has a right to believe in freedom of religion. The vast majority of the people in the Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, etc. aren't Jews at all. He never wants to admit to that. The liar Daryl Bradford Smith doesn't go into the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, which many authors prove (including Eric Jon Phelps) that it had Jesuit involvement with Freemasonry in a lower role of covering up the thing. Even co-conspirator John Harrison Surratt, to escape first to Canada, and then on to Rome, where he became a member of the pope’s Zouaves military unit.

The Vatican definitely wanted America to be destroyed and many of the co-conspirators in the assassination were Roman Catholics. Daryl goes into the Turks first. The truth is that the Turkish massacre of Armenians was supported by mostly Freemasons even if some Jewish people had involvement. Jewish died in persecutions in Europe and Russia during the 19th to early 20th centuries. Daryl doesn't mention that, but blames the Jews for everything. Many persecutions in China, Africa, and other areas of Asia were not instigated by the Jews or Zionists at all. Then this liar talks about the Marranos. The truth is that the Sephradic communities and the Muslims brought a lot of literary vitality in that region. When Europe experienced the Dark Ages, Muslims and Jews worked together peacefully and advanced the culture of architecture, calligraphy, and other things in Spain. The reason why many Jews became Marranos was for fear of Catholic persecution. Mostly, it wasn't for sinister reasons or to infiltrate the Catholic Church at all.

Some Marranos had sinister motives, but the Spanish Inquistion was real. You don't forcibly remove people out of Spain just for their race or creed. That is immoral and the liar Daryl doesn't see that. This liar Daryl forgot that innocent Jewish people did die in Spain and Germany in the 1930's. That's fact and he's a racist bigot. Even if Muslims and Jews were pretending to be Catholic (which most Jews in Spain weren't), the solution would be for excommunication not throwing people out of a country. I've heard of the rumors about Hitler being part Jewish. Whether Thomas de Torquemada or Hitler was part Jewish is not the point. Their ideology and actions and agenda are the point. It's not race, but your alliegance to evil groups and the actions that you do that concern me. Evil people exist in all races not just Jewish people. Evil Masonic Jewish Zionists do have strong influence in government and the evils of society, but they aren't the only ones in the show. They are not the most powerful people on Earth.

As for WWII, this liar omits a lot of stuff. For one, the Vatican (ran by Gentiles) had firm involvement in the Third Reich. The Roman Catholic party of Zentum supported Hitler. Gentile Knight of Malta Franz von Papen were one of the many Catholics that led Hitler into being a dictator. Hitler modeled the SS after the Jesuits. Edmond Paris' book "The Secret History of the Jesuits" elaborate on this well. According to "The Nazi Persecution of the Churches" by J.S. Conway, Pgs. 25, 26 & 162., Hitler wanted to fulfil the policy of the Catholic Church in persecuting the Jewish people. The Catholic Church has a well known record of being anti-Semitic toward Jewish people for a long time. Even Pope John Paul II years ago tried to apologize for it. He omits the Serbian Holocaust where thousands of Jews, Gypsies, Serbs, and other people were murdered by the Roman Catholic Ustashi terror ring. He says nothing on ther Catholic dictators during WWII by the name of Mussolini, Franco, Petain, Tiso, Pavelitch, Degrelle, and other who weren't racially Jews at all.

Why doesn't Daryl talk about the Knights of Malta, Order of the St. John of Jerusalem, Order of the Garter, Le Cerle, Bilderberg Group, high-level Freemasonry, CFR, etc. It's bigger than just the Zionists. Many Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta have influence in today's society, not just the Masonic Jewish Zionists. I don't agree with Alex on his ecumencialism, but he's right to point out about a Germanic death cult. Germanic death cult existed before modern Zionism came into play at the 19th century. In fact, the Kabbala, Freemasonry, Jesuits, etc. all came from the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian Mystery schools. That's a fact and even some high level Freemasons mention the Ancient Mystery Religions as their own origin. Smith doesn't talk about that, because it ruins his "Zionists run the globe" mantra. He also doesn't want people to know how Knights of Malta Reinhard Gehlen and Donovan help create the CIA and how SMOM Gehlen help train Mossad troops.

He doesn't want people to know the influence of SMOM Spanish King Juan Carlos of Spain, and Queen Elizabeth (not only the Grand Patroness of Freemasonry, but is a member of the powerful Order of the Garter and of the Germanic Saxe-Gotha Coburg family tree). Many of these people own corporation and have many global influence. The Knights of Malta not only funded Hitler, involved in assassinations, but they head corporations and many other infrastructures today. Many of the SMOM were and are involved in the Carlyle Group, NASA, Ratline, business, media, etc. Not to mention he doesn't talk about how high level Freemasonry is influencing the world with folks like Robert Schuller. Drayl Bradford Smith's whole tactic is intimidation. He won't let people agree to disagree on some issue. He just says that if you don't blame the Zionists for everything, you're a shill, which is stupid and illogical. People who disagree aren't shill necessarily neither are trying to support the evil present in Israel. I don't agree with the evil in Israel, but I still have hope that Israel will change and I will not curse the good people living in Israel. Funny that this liar wants to talk about the Ashkenazi, when there was a permanent Jewish persence in Israel from 70 A.D. (i.e. Jews were in the land during the reign of Hadrian, the Byzantium Empire, the early Arab Islamic Empire, the Crusades, and the Ottoman Empire communicating with Arabs) and science and history proves the Sefadi, Indic, Ethoipic, Yemeni, and other tribes of Jewish people are descended from the ancient Hebrews of the Bible. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the folks who signed the PNAC document weren't even Jewish. Most of them were members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). He's talking about Dave von Kliest, Greg, and other people.

I don't consider Dave a shill and Greg courageously interviewed Eric. I don't agree with Eric on racial matters, but Eric is right on about the Jesuits. Now, Greg is suffering a new slander campaign and this isn't suprisingly because 2tuff experienced it recently. I've experienced it from Freemasons in 2003. These liar never scared. I've got the ammo in my bag friends. I've just wrote this immediately when I say Bardford's screed.Then this clown talks about UFOs. For thousands of years, there have been artwork detailing UFOs. Personally, I don't agree with aliens existing, but I do know that the Nazis, America Operation Paperclip, and other government project do indeed have anti-gravitational technology similar to the UFOs people claim to see. That is fact not fiction. His use of the word "goyim" just expresses his hatred even more. He doesn't say a word on the radical Muslim/Nazi connection at all and he omits a lot of information, but bashes people constantly.

While people like Daryl Bradford Smith have a sick obession with Jewish people, we will expose evil in all nations, promote alternative medicine, oppose torture, promote real spirituality (not myths), love all men equally, hate evil, dissent with illegal wars, expose human trafficking, respect the real truth on what's behind 9/11, making people known of voting fraud, waking people up, speaking out against rendition, abhoring the soveriegnty taking United Nations [who now wants to control the Internet. I guess they don't want people to know that they support population control, abortion, anti-gun iniatatives, etc. plus they were involved in sex scandals], enjoying real liberty, and keep on debating to back up what we say. I don't care if someone is Jewish, Cypto-Jewish, or whatever, as long as they embrace the truth, never support corruption done by any people, and fight against real evil in the world. Instead of building Patriots up yet exposing errors, he's speculating on people on whether they are Zionists in an excuse to bash them unfairly. That's a typical tactic of a shill.

I'm not done yet.
Stay Turned.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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