Thursday, February 09, 2006

Longevity and possessing Stability

What are I'm going to do. I'm talking it to the next level and increase my wisdom and intellect here. No delay is my precept. This blog is for anyone loving real liberty, want to expose the New World Order agenda (the words "New World Order" were said by many political figures for years. Once again Masonic Traveler or Greg Stewart forgotten about those quotes. He supports the occult Lodge of Freemasonry), and disagree with the direction that now exists in this nation. A lot of people are still focused on the NSA wiretap story. That story is about the Bush administration using warentless wiretaps domestically against citizens. Now, Fox News (run by Austrailian billionare and Knight of St. George Rupert Murdoch) are presenting the front that it's a "terrorist" surveillance program. This is nothing new since the Bush and Clinton administration wiretapped people before. Some even believe that Bush monitored peaceful groups like Greenpeace, etc. The NSA is a very sophiscated and strong intelligence agencies that have recored phone calls, emails, and other intel for many years. Civil liberty problems are still manifest here in the U.S.A. and Orwelllian, police state like tactics have been executed by Homeland SSecurity and other government agencies for years now. AP on February 8 2006 reported on some new technology by the the police to use GPS darts to stop the advance of criminals. There's information about drugs and Big Pharma (some of the same companies that contributed to the activities of the Third Reich and still here now to send many pills without much consideration of alternative medicine). London Independent had an article (written by Maxine Frith) on February 9 2006 talked about the British sending banned antidepressants to children. Scientists proved that some antidepressants have contributed to suicidal thoughts and other problems.

I've just heard something that even suprised me. Of course in Great Britian, people's God given right of self defense is violated by that nation banning private ownership of firearms (This also occured in D.C. and San Francisco, CA). Now, people in Great Britian want to ban knives. Already, stats show that crime up went up after British banned guns and I don't expect crime to radically decrease if knives are banned in Britian. Not only extremists in England want this, but many American politicans wanted not only gun registration, but gun confiscation of private ownership of handguns (the same ideals that Hitler supported before WWII came along). The London Independent reported on this story, so this isn't a myth. Criminals, rapists, and murderers will have a field day by this new development. Even if you go back into the Roman Republic day, the Roman 1st century B.C. orator Cicero proclaimed that people have a right to use weapons for self-defense

Most people already know of the FEMA terrible response during Hurricane Katrina (FEMA restricted foods to help out in the assistance to people, FEMA is not even a Constitutionally elected body, and FEMA cut communication lines according to Steve Watson), the gun confiscation of innocent citizens in New Orleans after the Hurricane, and other events. Now, Yvonne Lee, who is an All Headline News Staff Reporter, reported on how thousands of Katrina victims will be evicted from Hotels across the nation. This link has even more sources of evidence to refute Freemasonry. On other points, Greg Szymanski interviewed Eric Jon Phelps about the Jesuits. Greg wrote an article about this subject and Eric is correct to point about the Jesuit influences in Universities and other spheres of life, how the CIA was invented by the Knights of Malta (i.e. Donovan and Gehlen are in the SMOM), and the evil of P-2 Lodge of Freemasonry. Many people, even in Patriot circles, refuse to allow Eric to even speak his mind on these issues. I've shown a lot of Nazi propoganda images, because I wanted to make the point that many of the events occuring today is similar to the Third Reich decades. Of course, I don't mean that the Bush administration is identical to Hitler and his Nazis. On the other hand, with the torture going on, with the unfair demonization of both Jewish people and Arabic people, with our Constitutional rights being compromised, and with the Neo Cons so brainwashed in their positions, the parallels are there.

There is not question in my mind. I've written about this for many years. Unlike, Oil, I will expose and resist the United Nations, I will expose the elite support of Peak Oil, and I will expose the evil genocide of abortion in America [the vast majority of American people oppose partial birth abortion, cloning, and homosexual marriage. (Even though I'm socially conservative, I believed that all human beings regardless of their race, color, creed, or sexual orientation should be treated equally with respect. Though, I do disagree with the lifestyles of homosexuality (plus gay marriage) and the transgendered persuasion. God's Word says point bank to love your neighbor as yourself. You are to love our neighbors yet you can still disagree with the lifestyle of homosexuality for moral or religious reasons peacefully] I hate homosexuality, because it's wrong and a sin, but not homosexual people personally like David J. Stewart rightfully wrote about. Though, I respect Oil' stand in exposing people who deny that the Holocaust ever existed. is another site bashing conservative Christians as well, so I'm looking at possibly exposing them as well.

Today is differently new. Even decades ago, we never really had a lust to bomb innocent nations for the purpose of wanting some utopia of in the President's words "a global democratic revolution." This is the reality today. on February 9 2006 talked about a New facial technology to prevent the damage from IEDs (or improvised explosive devices). These suits look at a Star Wars warrior or a stormtrooper suit. Afghanistan and Iraq have nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11. The Taliban even warned America of terror attacks before 9/11. New people like Patricia Starr of Colorado aren't just buying the government's offical story about the attacks of September 11 as well. BYU’s Dr. Steven Jones went to Utah also to talk about Building Number 7's mysterious collapse and he said that 650 degree Celsius temperature of burning jet fuel would not have been hot enough to even bend the steel girders of the WTC Towers (not to mention that both Twin Towers had 47 strong columns in it, which the 9/11 Commission omitted once again). While, we need to question the establishment's falsehoods about 9/11, we need constructive criticism amongst ourselves to become more accurate in our work and minds. Don't think that I would leave writing this article without discussing about Daryl Bradford Smith.

Smith is right to point out evil secular/pro-Talmud Zionists involved in world affairs, but won't exposed other groups like Freemasonry, the Jesuits, P-2 Masonry, Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group (never forget that the Bilderberg Group was invented in the 1950's by Britain's pro-genocidal & pro-depopulation person Prince Philip and the Nazi SS Prince Bernard of the Netherlands according to Webster Griffin Tarpley), Skulls and Bones, SMOM, Bohemian Grove, and other groups. It's not only evil Jewish people involved in the evil in the world. Also, I don't believe in censorship, so I don't believe that GCN should cancelled Smith. Gentlemen can easily refute Smith. His new tirade is his usage of the self hater Arthur's lie about the Khazars and the Askhenazi Jewish people. The truth is that Jewish people lived in Germany, France, and Pannonia before the Khazars existed in Europe during the 500's A.D. Real Jewish people are not only in Spain (i.e. the Sephradic), but they exist in Iraq, North Africa, Ethopia, other parts of Africa, Central Asia, India, and other places globally. Smith's tactic is trying to talk about Ashkenazi (DNA info, Encyclopedias, and other evidence proves that many of the Askhenazi are descended from the ancient Hebrews) as an excuse to try to de-legitimatize the claims of Jewish people to own the land of Israel.
The fact is that Israel have a permanent presence in Israel, have paid people in their Aliyahs to settle in the land (that wasn't theft), and worked with Arabs peacefully in the early 20th century to form the land. If Israel doesn't have a right to exist, then America and North Africans nations have no right to exist since real land theft occured in the creations of those nations though I still love the good in America. Unlike extremists, I will never be anti-Semitic, I've shown evidence to refute the Khazar canard , and I will also not support dual loyalty as well. Israel is a beautiful land, I will expose the evil leadership in it (i.e. I don't agree with Palestinian Arabs being assaulted or killed by anyone), but I will praise the good people in Israel as well. Many people know how I feel about WINGTV, but I do respect a lot of what they do in exposing the globalization agenda and the economic situation of the world. I wish Condoleeza Rice would wake up. Her friends suffered the Burmingham bombing back in the 1960's and Rice is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She calls herself an Evangelical, but she is pro-abortion, which is shocking to me.

Bill O'Reilly's "The Factor" was quite emotion. Me and my little brother laughed when he said to Prince Hall Freemason that I want you to come to my funeral in chains. I know racism and subliminal cheap shots and the Irishman Bill O'Reilly used an old racial cheap shot. This isn't unusual for him since that Irishman Bill O'Reilly called Hispanic people a slur before. Michelle Malkin created another controversy by showing the images of controversial cartoon painting Muhammad as a terrorist. This is shown in the blogosphere. The great scholar Webster Griffin Tarpley mentioned that the Bush team and Neo Cons might use this crisis in the Middle East as an excuse to invade Iran. Iran has a significant among of oil and Russia and China are trying to have a strong economic connection with Iran as well.
What do we need to think about longevity? Well, longevity should be the wish of every human being, longevity is never a sign of accuracy, holiness, or whether you possess the real truth or not. Longevity is a gift, but it is not confirmation if we acted good in our life. Evil folks want good people to be unstable, because it causes tension and choas. Instead of following the false path of instability, mind control, and compliancy, we must go forward and be stable and firm to tell the truth.
I feel very good about this article since it shows fully about how I feel today. I'm still here in Virginia (especially in the 7 cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Newport News, Hampton, Suffolk, Chesapeake, and Virginia Beach). I don't agree with the fraternity or sorority scene, and I'm still back showing hard information. My mind is made up and still I've refuted these doubters. From my "Freemasonry Exposed" work back in 2002 to my recent work of Everlasting that I've finished in early February 2006. I'm still strong. All of you Jesuits, Freemasons (The Masons cry out tolerance, but it's really about trying to make us compromise our core convictions. People have a right to peacefully dissent with Masonry and that isn't intolerance at all regardless of what any Mason will say), skepdics, haters, doubters, and anti-Semitism have nothing to say to me like always. The Federalized Homeland SSecurity, the theft of private property, and the demonization of dissent isn't my cup of tea.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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