Monday, April 17, 2006

Fighting for the Real Truth to Spread Even More.,%20Kauai,%20Hawaii.jpg

Yielding to no evil is our modus operandi. Usually, today (even in colleges and universities), the real history of our nation isn't shown. For example, college intellectuals hammer us about the Founding Fathers being Masons, Diests, and haters of Christianity. While, it is true that many of the Fathers were that, many Protestant and Baptist clergyman and religious leaders were involved in the creation of America as well. People like Daniel Webster, John Jay, and others believed in God and fought for legitimate liberty over 220 years ago. These professors also rarely talk about the role of Secret Societies in world affairs and the greatness of the individual right of self defense. That's why I firmly believe in National Soveriegnty and the Second Amendment. Also, some in the media bash Hitler as a Christian. I just saw TV yesterday about a person bashing conservative Christianity on NBC's Tim Russert's "Meet the Nation" show. I've saw Joel Osteen on the show promoting the non-confrontational, big dome church having, and no exposing real issues fake gospel. We must question the government since the government is executing policies contrary to the Bill of Rights and Constitution. The truth is that Hitler was never a Christian, but got his inspiration to be involved with genocide from the occult groups like the Vril and Thule Societies. Hitler followed the literature of occultist Madame Blavastsky. Here own writings in the Secret Doctrine and other books state the support of anti-Semitism, Altantis, and racial supremacism. Madame Blavastsky praised Satan in her own words. I've seen her words. Not to mention that the Vatican's Knights of Malta Franz von Papen and Reinhard Gehlen aided Hitler and the Nazis. Why doesn't the media mention this? I just don't get it. I seen some new information about the Pro-Life Movement. Days ago, NKU (Northern Kentucky University) British literature professor Sally Jacobsen and her students committed vandalism by destroying crosses made by Pro-Lifers.

Sally decided to retire after the controversy. Outcry decrying the vandalism existed from both Pro-Lifers and pro-Choicers. Obviously, violence and vandalism isn't jusitifed regardless if it's done by the Pro-Life or Pro-Choice side. Reasonable debate is needed, not unnecessary violence. She was angered by the crosses. Sally should be more angered by unborn human beings being tortured to death by metal equipment. That is what the genocide of abortion is all about. Margaret Sanger not only had pro-eugenics quotes, but she went into a KKK rally in 1926 at New Jersey. Sally Jacobson refused to understand that abortion is 8% down in Kansas at 2005 or that a Zogby poll show that 59%of Americans polled agreed that abortion ends a human life. I wanted to say this as well. I see people talking about and exposing the Masons, Bohemian Grove, Skulls and Bones, the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, evil Zionists (i.e. Labor Zionism that funded the Nazis as proven by Israeli researcher Barry Chamish. Many of the Askhenazi Jewish people used poison and discriminated against the Sephradic Jewish people. The Sephradic Jewish people are from Northern Africa and Spain primarily. The ADL is truly anti-Jewish for according to author Webster Tarpley, they issued a no-attack Hitler boycott in the 1930's before revoking it. The ADL to this day have been anti-gun and anti-Ten Commandments being publiclly displayed, which real patriotic Jews have exposed like JPFO's Aaron Zelman), etc. I see no problem with this.

On the other hand, most of the alternative media won't take a serious look in the influence of the Jesuit Order, Vatican, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta (whose members are in intelligence, banking, politics, etc. Big Wigs in it include Alexander Haig, Gustavo Cisneros, Giulio Andreotti, Otto von Habsburg, James Jesus Angleton, etc.), and Knights of Columbus in world affairs. It's almost like a unwritten rule of silence. In the near future, I'm going to write a long explanation of global Vatican power, so don't worry. Some good news is that now in 2006 people like Darryl Eberhart, Eric Jon Phelps, Nicholas Rivera, 2tuff, dp9, Alexandra, and other folks about talking about this issue. Now, some forums have no choice but to acknowledge the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the New World Order. I recall the "Passion of the Christ" movie done by Mel Gibson that was a deception, because it had pornograpers as actressess and so many of its scenes were blatantly not mentioned in the Bible. Reuters on April 17, 2006 talked about how Human Rights Watch found Donald Rumsfeld liable for torture crimes. This isn't too suprising, because Rumsfeld formed the torture Copper Green documents issuing torture-like procedure inside of Guantanamo Bay and Iraq.

Charlie Sheen appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show talking about his views. The truth is that most people in polls want a real investigation about 9.11. An intelligent man or woman, when looking at the facts from an unbias angle, can clearly see that the offical story of 9/11 is not only a myth, but the biggest "Conspiracy theory" of the 21st century. I'm not too fond of the Hollywood crowd, but Sheen is right that Building Seven had no plane hitting it and it fell in a symmterical fashion in less than 7 seconds. No doubt that Building 7 and the Twin Towers were destroyed by a controlled demolition. The "9-11 on Trial" book by Victor Thorn and "Martial Law: The Rise of the Police State" movie by Alex Jones talk about this rather conclusively. You have witnesses like firefighters, newsmedia, and other witnesses hearing explosives in the basement of the Twin Towers (plus inside of it). Not to mention that no skyscraper have ever fallen by fire alone before 9/11.

The Twin Towers had huge 47 steel columns in it. Also, the government has yet to show the 5 frames video of the Pentagon crash, though I believe that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon because of the bodies of the victims found, tons of eyewitnesses seeing Flight 77, etc. Much of the mainstream media is trying to block out 911 Truth Movement related information including the wargames, how the hijackers were trained in government facilities, Flight 93, the business connections between the Bush and Bin Laden families, NORAD intercepting aircraft years before 9.11, the Saudis flown out of America after the attacks, and how warnings were given to White House officals and SF Mayor Willie Brown not to fly. The Saudi connected Kean Commission don't want people know this information. Doug Thompson doesn't want to accept this information as well. What's even wierder is how many shows talk about 9.11-like attacks. One was the Fox show on March 4, 2001, called "The Lone Gunmen." That episode talked about a rogue element of the goverment to remotely control use planes to attack the Twin Towers, so a war can come (and businesses can increase their profits)9.11 is a pure inside job, no question. Mark Hosenball from Newsweek on April 14, 2006 talk about the threats of a new plan by the Pentagon might create a secret police.

We need more than profanity talking people like rapper Eminem talking the truth about some issues. His video "Mosh" talked about the Patriot Act, tons of money funding the Iraq War, propaganda, etc. Even the rapper Paris discussed about this before Eminem did. William Jefferson Clinton is a globalist, pro-abortion (just like his wife Hillary Clinton. I guess Hillary stood by her man even though Bill cheated on her. ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!), and I don't agree with me. Although, I find it ironic that he was impeached for lying about adultery, yet Bush and his team aren't impeached for carrying an illegal war, torture memos, election fraud (confirmed by Greg Palast's books. Electronic voting machines have known to be imperfect), D.U., and other points. Dr. James Howenstine, MD. wrote an article in April 6, 2006 on how Depleted uranium can contribute to lung cancer. This isn't just effecting American G.I.s It's also effecting Iraqi civilians. Many Iraqi children are dying of malignancies. The "war on terror" is an excuse of the elite to involve sovereign nations and gain more resources for globalization. The BBC on April 17, 2006 wrote the U.S. military admitted that seven Afghan civilians were killed by them. The U.S. will have an investigation of the murders.

The truth is getting out on many levels though. It's getting out from Hollywood people, military, politicans, theologians, and people from all over the political spectrum globally. Many of the environmental movements (funded by Rockefellers and others) fail to talk about the threat to biosphere of transgenic creatures and other things. Some of them promote global taxes and getting private property for the sake of controlling people. As for Iran, the Raw Story has an article written by Ron Brynaert on April 16, 2006 said that retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner believes that military operations are occuring in Iran now. I don't even discuss that much about people like Mike Ruppert promoting the overpopulation lie. Mike said that we don't need to investigate even more of 911, which is a deception. The 911 Truth Movement is stronger than ever. I have hope and we will win in the end. What we need to do is to allow the real truth to spread even more.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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