Friday, April 28, 2006

Cutting Edge's response to Aho and others.




Cutting Edge Knowledge of the Historical Truth of the Original 1611 KJV -- Authorized Version Listen to our position on the KJV in our Statement of Faith:"At this End of the Age, we recognize that many confusing and liberal Bible translations are being marketed. We believe that the King James Version is still the best translation and should be used by all Christians.

On this site, we quote from a Parallel Bible, with the KJV on the left and the Amplified Bible Commentary on the right. We do this only to bring understanding to those many passages where the usage of words has changed significantly since 1611, so we can turn to the Amplified to gain a better understanding. But, if you have any doctrinal issues, the KJV is on the left to guide you.

"Here are the historic facts which we uncovered in mid-1997. During the time of Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon, Rosicrucians and Freemasons mounted an inside grievous attack on the KJV, symbols of which are clearly seen in our very expensive original copy of the 1611 KJV. However, once this assault ran its course, the text proved to be wonderfully accurate! The Holy Spirit came to the defense of the KJV and prevented these occultists from ruining the text!! We have uncovered this historic truth: Jesus protected the text of the KJV!

Jesus also said, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)You and I can trust our eternal soul to the Gospel in the KJV for the right reason: the Holy Spirit protected this great Bible version!! If the Holy Spirit loved it enough to protect it for almost 100 years after the occult assault began, then we can trust it for our eternal salvation. We can trust the KJV for the right reasons, i.e., Jesus loved it enough to protect it. What better validation can you get for a Bible?We now know Jesus was right, and had the the Omnipotent power to carry His promise out, when He promised: "the scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:35)We have been sitting on this information for very long time -- since mid- 1997 -- because we did not want our brethren weak in the faith to be damaged by this revelation. For the record, we never planned for this information to be part of "Secret Mysteries".

Pastor Ron Riffe knew we were still debating on what we wanted to do, so his statements are truly uncalled for and most unfortunate. My spirit never felt free to come public with this information, because I was afraid of hurting the faith of weak brothers and sisters. But, I knew that if I ever did come public with this, I was going to write it exactly as I said, above -- recounting the historic evidence that Jesus protected the KJV text!!Now, some radical KJV-only people have forced our hand, charging me with sexual innuendo, creating lies about what I said, and insinuating that I was going to "discredit the KJV". Far from discrediting it, I am going to give you all the reasons you can trust it!! If you love the KJV, if you believe with all your heart that it contains God's Words of eternal life, you can relax, for nothing I am about to reveal to you will shake that faith.

If you are depending upon the KJV to get you through the "Shadow of the Valley of Death", you can relax, for our faith has always been in the Jesus as revealed faithfully in the King James Version text, and now your faith can be even greater and stronger because you know the full truth -- these Satanists were not allowed to change the text, as the Holy Spirit expressly refused to allow it.In coming months, we shall be writing articles which show exactly the occult symbols which covered the original KJV over -- you will be amazed, shocked and sickened. But, always remember, these Satanists could not change the text! Once all these symbols, headpieces, and tailpieces were removed, the text of the KJV remained completely reliable. I write these articles in defense of the text of the KJV. Jesus loved it enough to defend it, so we all can depend upon it with our whole heart and soul.Praise the Lord!

May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David BayDirector, Cutting Edge Ministries
100 Old Cherokee Rd,
Suite F-1Lexington, SC 29072