Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Worst President in History? by Victor Thorn

Note by Me: I slightly disagree with him on Israel, but I agree with the rest.


Worst President in History?by Victor Thorn

In these turbulent times (some would say borderline psychotic), wouldn’t it be reassuring to have a president that had the country’s confidence behind him? Instead, we have a commander-in-chief who is so distrusted, and looked up with such suspicion that if he said the sun was shining today, many of us would open the door to make sure. Things have reached such a low that Rolling Stone magazine recently ran a headline asking: The Worst President in History? On the cover beside this question was a befuddled looking George W. Bush sitting in a corner with a dunce cap on his head. Of course there have always been political cartoons throughout our nation’s history, but when it reaches a point where our supposed “leader” is seen as nothing more than an incompetent, dim-witted buffoon twiddling his thumbs in la-la land, we’ve reached a very dangerous point.

Caricatures are one thing; outright mockery another.The one shining ray of light is that no, George W. Bush is not the worst president this country has ever had. That award undoubtedly goes to Woodrow Wilson, who during his tenure allowed the Federal Income Tax bill and the Federal Reserve to be created, while at the same time letting his handlers drag us into World War I. 1913 was the year that changed this country and set the stage for what we’re seeing today; and President Wilson was the one who has to bear that responsibility.Of presidents in the modern era (post JFK), here is a quick summary:

Lyndon B. Johnson: Gulf of Tonkin deception; escalated Vietnam to abominable proportions; opened the floodgates for aid to Israel; USS Liberty betrayal

Richard Nixon: Watergate; took America off the gold standard; kept us in Vietnam; Kent State massacreGerald Ford: Bumbling Bilderberg fool and Warren Commission crony who pardoned Nixon

Jimmy Carter: Hijacked by the Rockefeller clan; complete Trilateral Commission administration; Iran hostage debacle

Ronald Reagan: Iran-Contra with Ollie North & company running drugs and arms; beginning of our astronomical federal deficit

George H. W. Bush: Although drugs have been run by the CIA for decades, first time it was ever directly overseen by someone in the Oval Office

Bill Clinton: Murder of Vince Foster; murder of Ron Brown; sell-out to China; Monica-gate; total disgrace of executive branch of government; beginning of political correctness and the “graying” of right & wrong

George W. Bush: Orchestrated 9-11; lied us into Iraqi War; federal deficit reaches point of no return; complete sell-out of foreign policy to Israel; possible nuking of Iran

So, if America decides to drop atomic bombs in the Middle East and subsequently begins World War III, then George W. Bush will officially become the worst president in history. Will this chain of events transpire? Only time will tell.

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