Network News: Resigned to Defeat
by Victor Thorn
With the recent placement of NBC’s Katie Couric at the helm of CBS’ Evening News, the networks have officially resigned themselves to an unceremonious and disgraceful death.The era of “Big Three” dominance is over, as ABC, NBC, and CBS crawl toward their graves like fallen dinosaurs. No, they won’t become extinct, simply outdated and obsolete.Now don’t get me wrong. Network news has always been a CIA-propaganda scam. But at least in the olden days their liars had some stature, like William S. Paley, Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Eric Sevareid, David Brinkley, John Chancellor, and Chet Utley. Even the much-heralded trio of Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Peter Jennings has vanished, leaving the networks even more clout-deficient.As most of you already know, the cable news shows are no better, for what they present is nothing more than staged political theater with divisive partisan bickering between faux crackpot idealogues further dividing America.
The entire televised news industry is slipping fast (as are daily mainstream newspapers), for now we have “Who Cares” anchoring ABC, “I Don’t Care” at NBC, and a candy-striper chipmunk dwarf (Katie Couric) soon-to-be at CBS.So imagine this scenario. What if a real terrorist attack is waged against the United States? What are you going to do? Tune into a perky Katie Couric to bring calmness, authority, and dignity to the situation?
It’s a train-wreck waiting to happen.Let’s face it – if you want to know what’s actually happening, and if you want to be on the cutting edge – it’s all happening right here in the alternative media – Michael Collins Piper, Frank Whalen, Bill Brumbaugh, WING TV, Vyzygoth, the Information Corner, the American Free Press, and a host of other excellent sites. They’re the ones laying it out, breaking the inside stories, providing in-depth commentary, and exposing wrongdoing that hits all the way to the core.Katie Courie and the rest of their half-baked puppets – who needs 'em!