Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Liberty To Captives Ministry updates on Anne DePrato and others.


Anne DaPrato is Currently Being Dehydrated to Death

in Courtenay Springs Nursing Home on Merritt Island, Florida

update April 9th 3:38 pm

Anne DePrato now has an IV, but she needs a care plan that will enable her to live out her natural life span.

Anne DaPrato, an 89-year-old woman who is in the care of the Courtenay Springs Nursing Home of Merritt Island, Florida, has been denied food and water for three consecutive days.
Anne DaPrato is being denied normal care in violation of her Living Will on the order of her daughter, Carol Gilliar, who holds the power of attorney. Carol Gilliar's order to deny her mother food and water violates her mother's Living Will and therefore, is without legal authority.
Anne has never been on a feeding tube and she is not terminally ill. According to her son, John DaPrato, Anne has recently been diagnosed with hydrocephalus and possibly has had a mild stroke which has been exacerbated by possible ongoing dehydration. (She has been hand fed for some time.) She has already demonstrated her hearty constitution because after she was forcibly dehydrated for days—John intervened and demanded that the IV be reinserted—she recovered and began producing urine in only two hours. The hospice workers' woeful prediction that her organs had shut down proved to be inaccurate. John DaPrato remarked that the hospice workers and his sister seemed to be dejected after learning about the healthy functioning of his mother's organs.

Three days ago, Carol Gilliar, against the wishes of eight members of her family, ordered the removal of her mother's IV again. Even though Anne DaPrato has had no fluids of any kind for three days, she is fighting for her life and to her son's knowledge, her vitals are stable. She is being dehydrated-—in violation of her expressed wishes stated in her Living Will—by the order of her daughter, whose decision regarding her mother might be affected by the philosophy of the hospice workers. She currently has no discoloration of her nails, but her skin is warm due to her dehydration. She communicates by raising her eyebrows, smiling and gesturing. She is responsive only about three hours per day probably due to the forced dehydration. She needs and is legally entitled to, not only the proper medical attention, but NORMAL CARE.
On Friday, April 7th, John called 911 and the paramedics arrived with the intention of transporting her to the emergency room for hydration and a proper diagnosis. The director of nurses, Dawn Johnson, as well as John's sister, Carol Guillar, signed papers to prohibit her transport for treatment for dehydration, which was previously diagnosed by a nurse by the name of Carolyn. John DaPrato said:

"They made excuses for this behavior by saying the 'end is near' That is not true. My mother will live longer with water. Who does she [Dr. Maurice] think she is fooling? In my judgment, this relates to assisted suicide."

Carol Gilliar has NO LEGAL OR MORAL AUTHORITY to deny her mother normal care, and Courtnenay Springs Nursing Home has no authority to make a non-terminal patient terminal by denying NORMAL care.

Carol Gilliar holds the power of attorney which includes the duty of making sure that Anne DaPrato's Living Will instructions are honored. Anne DaPrato's Living Will is simple and straightforward: "Do not resuscitate." Providing NORMAL CARE to sustain life has nothing to do with resuscitation.

If you can help, contact John DaPrato immediately at:

4:00 am April 9, 2006


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