Monday, April 17, 2006

More Jesuit information.


2tuff: The CIA are more of a direct organisation of the BLACK POPE and JESUITS than many of the others. They're seen as the Black Popes assassins and of course they do good work in keeping his drugs going and gangs in check. So if you know anyone in the CIA they are working for the Jesuit Order and you'll probably find they haven't even a clue about it.Start opening your mouth about the SMOM and try to get some answers. You see that this is the pinacle of control we're talking about right now. We've done away with all the disinformation and multiple diversional pathways and we're on the right path and at the end. People in the know will find it shocking when someone ousts the real masters as their covert tatics work well in around 95-98% of the time. I see through their crap and diversions and know the JESUIT ORDER followed by Sovereign Military of Malta are the TRUE ELITE of this world and more powerful than you can imagine. Remember on that America has many nukes and so does Russia. Now remember on that the Jesuits control both sides and many more including China, UK ect. Imagine the power this allows them thanks to their foreign advisers or should I say dictators known as RIIA, BILDERBERG, CFR, TRL, CLUB OF ROME etc.Yes my friend Roman Catholic control is everywhere, now you know of it you can now see it clearly. This conspiracy isn't jewish, its Roman Catholic and Gentiles. The power of the world has always been in Italy both with the Vatican and of course Black Nobility.



Alexandra: Jack Chick has a tract concerning the Masons. If you want to check it out, I think it's called Good Old Boys.Those on the lower levels are deceived.You know, Billy Graham is a 33rd degree Mason.

dp9: My maternal grandfather was a Mason. I don't know how high up he was. He showed me some of his stuff when I was a little girl. He had a certificate made of chamois that was signed in lamb's blood. There is a bloodline oath or something about the firstborn progeny where each first born child is pledged to the Masons. I'm the first born in my family, so when I found out about this after I became a Christian, I broke the curse. I broke it over my firstborn, too.My grandfather had a Masonic burial rather than a Christian one. Masons were his pallbearers rather than his own sons and brothers. By this alone you can see who he belonged to.My dear old grandparents on my father's side were descended from a long line of Baptist missionaries. A lot of what Brother Eric & 2tuff say, my grandmother taught me. But she was deceived about Billy Graham. I think a lot of Baptists are (maybe SBC more than independents???), and think the Masons must be OK since Rev. Graham is a member.I am very, very new at the whole subject of conspiracies. I really don't know anything. I'm just a student. What has grabbed me about 2tuff is that he continues to encourage people to keep going further up the chain of command (or down, because it's really an inversion, isn't it?).Jack Chick is wonderful. Thank you.

dp9: Brother Rivera,Thank you so much. Your answer clarifies a lot for me.A bit of info about me... I was/am saved, blood-bought, born again, Jesus Christ being my Lord and Savior since March 27, 1977. I grew up Baptist & have gone back to my roots, so to speak, although I attend church in the denomination my husband prefers. You mention wondering about President Bush's faith. I worked on his campaign all the way from his first term as governor of Texas to the 2004 election. When he first ran as governor back in the 90's, he made it very clear to us, the Christian Right (*sigh* I'm learning so much so fast) that he had experienced salvation and that Arthur Blessit, the evangelist, had the priviledge of leading GWB to the Lord.

His aides said Bush prayed and read his Bible daily, he and Laura prayed over important decisions, and he went to church regularly (Methodist). He quoted scriptures often, was a strong advocate for the unborn, & mentioned the work of churches at every turn. I never had the opportunity to meet him or Laura personally, but some of my friends have, and have no doubt that he is a born again Christian.We all knew he was a bad boy at Yale and was a heavy drinker all the way up to his conversion. He didn't go into details, but he made it clear that that was history. We all loved George & Laura and were delighted to have them in Austin.I was surprised to hear his story of his conversion had changed when he was running for President. He told people he had had a meaningful talk with Billy Graham & that changed his life. He felt like God was calling him to be the President, and I'm sure you agree that the Lord does set up leaders and rulers for His purposes. I remember the struggle with his decision to run. Laura didn't want him to run. He asked all of us to pray for him.Once he got on the campaign trail, his faith seemed to take a back seat at times and his true beliefs became more "private."

He seems to have fallen prey to the pressure of politics. I think personally that GWB is a Christian, but he got swallowed up in DC by the powers that be- and we've got a good bet who that might be.I used to be one of those starry-eyed supporters who worshipped George & Laura as the saviors of our nation. But thanks to 2tuff's enduring posts on another forum I began to see I was worshipping a false image that was nothing like the Biblical Christianity I said I believed in. My politics had become my religion. Even though 2 tuff isn't a Christian, he introduced me to Bro. Phelps and others who are strong Bible-believing men.

I bought an AV1611KJV Bible and started comparing it to other Bibles & was shocked. I have gone back to my Baptist roots and embraced my heritage. I am emphasizing real history to my children as well as telling them the truth about global governance, etc. Most importantly, I am equipping them to be able to share their faith boldly.I use the Neopets "BaaBaa" sheep avatar to remind myself of what I have been. Thank you again so answering my questions so thoroughly. It's amzing to see who's hand appears at every turn throughout American history, trying to undermine the work of God.Prayers & blessings,-Donna

Nicholas Rivera: Jesuit-trained Temporal Coadjutor and Knight of Columbus House Majority Leader Republican Fascist Roman Catholic John Boehner pictured with one of his Jesuit masters Charles Currie SJ President of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)

Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Senator Tom Harkin is pictured with Jesuit Currie as well.

Senator Harkin returned from a trip to Cuba and told the Bush Administration "to calm fears by stating clearly that it has no intention of undertaking military action against the island." (See page 12) Boehner invited Jesuit Currie to preview a House bill.

See page 2- Jesuit Currie is on the Board of the Washington Office for Latin AmericaJesuit Currie is the master of the U.S. Secretary of Education-Richard Wilson Riley Rep. James McGovern from Massachusetts is a member of the Jesuit International Volunteers Board of Directors.

Not surprisingly Rep. McGovern advocates "easing" and eventually lifting the Cuban embargo.Read it and weep Jesuit Alumni in the 109th Congress

More information is forthcoming.Brother Nicholas N. RiveraAnti-Romanism, Anti-Arminianism, Anti-Black Pope, Anti-Jesuitism, Anti-Jesuit, Anti-Vatican, Anti-Pope, Anti-Papacy, Anti-Masonry, Anti-Illuminati, Anti-SMOM, Anti-Opus Dei, Anti-Knights of Columbus, Anti-secret societies, Biblically Elected, Saved, Born Again King James Bible Believing Baptist-Calvinist by the sovereign grace of God, His gift of faith to believe on His Son for the salvation of my soul, the Precious Blood of His Dear, Risen, and Returning Son the Lord Yahushua Ha Mashiach Jesus Christ and His imputed righteousness.

Alexandra: I'd say Bush is a pseudo-Christian. Look at what he's like.He doesn't mind torture.He hasn't repented of being a Bonesman.He's a Jesuit puppet.If he truly were converted he'd stop acting like he was above the law.As far as Abraham Lincoln...I really don't believe that he was a tyrant. According to a book "Abraham Lincoln, the Christian" published about 100 years ago, Lincoln converted to Christianity in 1863 following the Battle of Gettysburg.He was asked to sign death warrants for army deserters and he said don't ask him to do it, there were enough weeping widows.

He wanted to go easy on the South when they came back to the Union--which is one of the reasons for his assassination.Lincoln was between a rock and a hard place, because the Jesuits had really stirred the pot and were playing both sides against each other. So I think calling him a tyrant is really unfair. He knew what was going on because Samuel Morse (inventor of Morse code) had told him what he'd learned while in Rome. Lincoln did not tell the people because then it would have turned into an even bloodier religious war.Also note that the Vatican was the only "nation" to recognize the "legitimacy" of the Confederacy. As Lincoln pointed out, had the Vatican not been backing the South, it would not have rebelled.

The Constitution does permit habeas corpus to be suspended under certain conditions, rebellion being one of them. Article 1 section 9 states: The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. [I wonder if Bush will use the Mexican invasion as an excuse?]I know Lincoln was accused of stopping presses, and I wonder if maybe he was stopping the Catholic-controlled presses.

About half the newspaper chains 140 years ago were Jesuit-controlled. So that makes me wonder, was he really being tyrannical, or was he putting the gag on Catholic papers? They had been printing lies about him, that he was born and baptized a Roman Catholic, that he was a heretic, ad nauseum.From what I gather, the Jesuits were trying to play the North against the South, using the issues of slavery and states' rights as an excuse--I would go so far to say as using the Constitution against America. They were trying to divide and conquer America.BTW I got a lot of this information from "Fifty Years in the 'Church' of Rome" by Pastor Charles Chiniquy, who was a former Catholic priest. Chiniquy was a friend of Lincoln's.

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