Friday, April 14, 2006

Waking up to Reality.

There are turns in the what time is going. There are news about how the Pentagon proposed to form a new agency. Mark Hosenball from Newsweek on April 14, 2006 talked about how it's a real possibility that 2 Pentagon units (which are called Counterintelligence Field Activity or CIFA, a post-9/11 Pentagon creation that has been accused of domestic spying, and the Defense Security Service or DSS) would want to merge and create a new group. Both Pentagon units are headquartered in Northern Virginia as is the Pentagon. It's interesting to note that former San Diego congressman Randall (Duke) Cunningham directed CIFA to defense contracts to MZM. Mitchell Wade, the former President of MZM, pleaded guilty for federal corruption charges. As deaths continues to grow in the controversial war in Iraq, more and more military officals are calling for Donald Rumsfelds' resignation. Retired army Maj Gen John Riggs and retired Maj Gen Charles H Swannack Jr. are the recent Generals calling Rumsfeld to leave the White House. The reason is that the Generals believe that Rumsfeld was incontent involving the strategy in handling the war, especially after the fall of Baghdad in mid-2003.

A couple of days ago, Cindy Sheehan came into Texas to protest against the Iraq War. I've heard of this new stuff coming. Steve Walters wrote about how Muslims are protesting Playboy. The group called themselves of the Islamic Defenders' Front (FPI). 300 of them protested and attack Playboy offices in Indonesia. As I know, Playboy ruins a lot of men's perception of woman and pornography can ruin people's love life. Pornography have destroyed thousands of families across this nation. I don't agree with Islam, but the Muslims are right to abhor pornography as having a corruptive influence to people. Child porn is an epidemic here in America and we must oppose all forms of pornography. Regardless of you think about Charlie Sheen, the mainstream media still hasn't taken up his challenge to evaluate his opinion that the offical story of 9/11 is a fraud.
Betsy Hart and Kermode mock people in the 911 Truth Movement instead of having a real debate. They don't won't the public to know about the failure of NORAD to respond to 4 planes when 4 transponders were disabled (the wargames by the US military crippled NORAD from responding adequately) or when firefighters and other witnesses heard bombs going off in the Twin Towers. Nothing to mention that nothing hit Building Number Seven, which was very far from the Twin Towers, and fell in a symmetrical fashion. Larry Silverstein owned Building 7 and made a profit after its collapse. People like Hart, Sean Hannity, or O'Reilly definitely don't want to talk about how Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset , how the U.S. government funded Muslim radical cells in SE Europe, the Bohemian Grove, neo-cons, Islam, Muslim radicals being allied with governments, Muslim radical persecution of religious and political dissidents, Zionism, the Kabbala, and other really important issues. Many people are discussing about the Gospel of Judas. I will elaborate about it later. I will say though that it's similar to the Gnostics Gospels, Irenaeus rejected it, and the liberal theologians haven't found any evidence that Judas wrote the book. The found book is only traced to about the 300's A.D. The media is on the bandwagon and many liberal theologians classify the NT scripts as almost a legend, while saying the the Gospel of Judas is almost a fact. Bill O'Reilly talked about this subject yesterday.

When Halliburton recieved money to build detention camps, I know that I need to continue to embrace reality. When the Washington Post on January 2, 2005 talks about plans to jail terror suspects forever without a trial, reality is definitely sinking in. The AP on April 14 2006 talked about random searches to go on in New York City public schools. As for censorship, I don't agree with it. It doesn't who does it or what motivation is behind it. It's wrong. That's why here in this blog, I won't censor a thing. I will respond to people though since that's my personality. Unlike the Anti-Defamation League's Abe Foxman, I won't bash conservative Christians. Unlike real anti-Semites, I will not hate Jewish or Arabic people. I will also not support a belief that a cookie has the presence of Jesus like the Jesuits and the Vatican believe in. I won't accept a doctrine that a human is to be a Worshipful Master or swear death oaths like the Order of Freemasonry accepts. Being an indepedent man without intimidation is my modus operandi.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

Dedicated to Passover (Peasch) and the Resurrection Day

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