Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tremendous times


Tremendous times are occuring. Yesterday, George W. Bush discussed about immigration. He wants in his words "immigration reform." The speech lasted for about 16 minutes. I agree with Bush that the catch and release process by the border patrol must be banned. He is also right that more border patrol agents must be placed onto the border. I disagree with his omission of the illegal immigration criminal problems. I disagree with Bush on that his National Gaurd deployment plan. The reason is that his National Gaurd deployment is limited in scope and it's only used for a temporary period of time (for a year, then a gradually reduction will occur). The National Gaurd troops that Bush wants on the border aren't even armed. Now, I believe in Posse Comitatus and that the military shouldn't be used domestically in our country. I also don't agree with militarized police. Also, it is perfectly legal to send the National Gaurd troops on the border to back up the border patrol though. It's obviously that President George W. Bush is saying these words, because he wants more conservative support for his "guest worker" (or amnesty) program. Bush is using this, so the rest of the at least 12 million illegal folks are legalized without all of them returning from their homeland first.

To allow folks to be legal without leaving America and coming back first is amnesty plain and simple. I do believe that people should leave in an orderly and humane way in a span of 6-11 years before they apply for citizenship. Bush is also supporting the biometrics for illegal immigrations like ID cards and fingerprint. This is Big Brother and I oppose such finite tactics in eliminating privacy for any human being. The problem of illegal immigration is worse than even the media is showing. The point is that murders, assaults, kidnappings, etc. are on the border now. Some have called it a warzone. Just look at the Mexican town of Nuevo Laredo. The real agenda behind illegal immigration is not only because of cheap labor and the strengthening of multinational corporations. It's about wanting to create a Pan-American Union and breaking up American sovereignty. Even mainstream news articles talk about the Council on Foreign Relations creating a 59-page report titled "Building a North American Community." That report by the CFR wants to create a North American community merging our economies and sovereignties with Mexico and Canada by 2010. That's globalism plan and simple. This is one of the many smoking guns proving that certain individuals want a new world order or global government. Now, it isn't just Hispanics that are coming in here illegally. There are Russian, Chinese, and Arabic illegal immigrants as well. Sheriff Sigfriedo Gonzalez has admitted to this. Tons of Hispanics Patriots and believers in God abhor illegal immigration as strongly as I do. I commend them and all people for standing up against the new world order, regardless of their skin color or ethnic group.

There is another show promoting torture and Big Brother. The Herald Sun from April 23, 2006 (which was written By ANOOSKA TUCKER-EVANS) talked about the Big Brother show. The show makes people to suffer electric shock torture in order to recieve a $1 million first prize. Australian Medical Association Queensland president Dr. Steve Hambleton opposes this show. The reason is because that Dr. Hambleton calls the show very dangerous. Endemol Southern Star, the producers of Big Brother called electric show as fun. I guess according to Star, Mengele's torture was good. The reality is that torture is evil, because it's unnecessary violence against a human being. Scientists and scholars have said that torture has no value for people and it's very unreliable in the world. I find it suprising that Joe Scraborough is not supporting Bush's NSA spying program. I guess he awaken to the fact that this is a country with laws and people need a warrant to monitor citizens. The Fourth Amendment is important to embraced not bashed.


As for 911 news,
Judicial Watch on May 16, 2006 talks about how the government will release images of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. My personal opinion is that those who people in a plane or no plane hitting the Pentagon are apart of the 9/11 Truth Movement. This could be a distraction from the real 911 issues, because it has taken the government years to just release the footage. The real issues about 9/11 is about the Foreknowledge, Building Number 7, the collapse of the towers, NORAD's response to the aircraft, and other issues. I do believe that the establishment is trying to obsess with the Pentagon for one reason. That reason is that the establishment and the elite media believes that they can crush the 911 Truth Movement by obsessing with the Pentagon. The truth is that the 911 Truth Movement has never been crushed then and now. Most of the mainstream media doesn't want the truth behind 911 out. They don't want the Bush/Bin Laden families'connections exposed or talk about how governments act in terrorism spanning thousands of years. Not to mention that some of the hijackers were trained in government military bases.

On an ABC News blog talked about how the UN still is doing sexual abuse at the nation of Liberia.
The Iraq War is still going on. An aljazeera article believes that the Pentagon is lying about all of the people dying in the Iraq War. Aljazeera believes that because according to them, the Pentagon omits the deaths of Soldiers killed other than by a bomb or bullet, Anyone who dies in hospital or a U.S. military base, etc. Now, Greg Szymanski is having a debate between Michael Collins Piper and Eric Jon Phelps. The mainstream media have called them controversial. The truth that I agree with both of them on is that Israel has made mistakes and isn't perfect plus the Vatican/Jesuits aren't perfect and have made mistakes. That's a historical fact. They are debate to see who has more power, whether it's the Zionists or the Vatican/Jesuits with its Knights of Malta and other groups. I'm hearing it as I'm typing these words.

These times shouldn't lead us into fear mongering. It's all more the reason to fight back against lies and deceptions in the world. I'm going forward with my life. Criticism from people like Daniel Randle is nothing new. I guess he doesn't want to know that world leaders have talked about the new world order and global government for decades. Not to mention that conspiracies is all over the world. The Bible mention the word conspiracy. He's now trying to call me 12. When you look at my long articles and other writings, it's apparent that I'm not 12. I've rebutted Daniel's lies before and Daniel Randle isn't too hard to figure. He's trying to mock alternative points of view that doesn't fit his own. He also has some obsession with Calvinism. I feel it's time now to move on unto other issues. I have no problem with most Calvinists and I've said for a long time that most Calvinists are Christians. I just disagree with some of John Calvin's doctrines. I'm used to ad hominem attacks and I just refute people who use them all of the time.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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