Dear Brother Nicholas,
I have a picture of Smolich in VAIII. He, as the former California Provincial, was the boss of Arnold S., governor of CA.Further, the Jesuit Conference seeks to outlaw every handgun, shotgun and rifle so what was done in Stalin's USSR and Hitler's Germany can be done here.Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
Thomas Smolich SJPresident of U.S. Jesuit ConferenceThomas Smolich SJ (age 47) was rewarded for protecting his "sucks" convicted and registered sex offender in CA crossdresser Angelo Mariano SJ (age 47) ( and othersubordinate Jesuit sodomites like Charles Carroll SJ and Thomas Burke SJ)-who lived with Smolich along with other Jesuits in the same house. Smolich was the California Jesuit Provincial and was promoted to Washington DC for refusing to kick out guilty sex perverts out of the Order and paying less than the plaintiffs requested in damages. Smolich of course did nothing to protect the abused two mentally challenged men at a Jesuit retreat center. -This Roman Catholic webpage says "Smolich is Provincial for the Western Province of Jesuits; this includes 5 Western States.
Apparently, he is either an active homosexual or a rabid homosexualist who defends, promotes and advocates the homosexual life style even amoung priests who have taken the vow of chastity . The following is a compilation of various articles regarding him and the Jesuits of the Western province. Again I must warn any parent thinking about sending their children to Jesuit run schools to please think twice. If you ignore this warning you put your child in spiritual and moral danger. They will not receive a "Catholic" education and in many cases their minds will be brain washed in Liberal/Masonic concepts and moral perversity. In all honesty, the Jesuits can no more be trusted to provide a Catholic education than used car salesmen can be trusted to sell you a reliable vehicle." AGHere's evidence that Thomas Smolich SJ is a criminal that should be in prison at this very moment.
Six religious at Los Gatos Jesuit Center were accused of sexuallyabusing two retarded men in their employ for nearly 30 years.According to court records,one of the accused, "Mariano," had also been arrested in 1998 for having sex with a 17-year-old boy. "Mariano arranged to meet twoteenagers by posing as a 25-year-old woman on an Internet chat room.He wore lipstick and rouge when he met the boys," reported GeorgeNeumayr in the American Prowler. Today, Mariano reportedly lives withFr. Thomas Smolich, the head of the California Province of Jesuits.When asked about Mariano, Smolich said: "This is anonymous sex. This doesn't involve people at the parish. It wasn't a priest thing. Hewasn't dressed in a collar." Smolich did not inform police about thealleged abuse of the retarded workers because the men weren't minors. The lawyer for the Jesuits told the Los Angeles Times: "The Jesuitshave no obligation under California law to disclose the information."Quoted from: 5. "Jesuit Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse," Mercury News, December 14, 2002.More evidence Jesuit Smolich is a sodomite criminal "During the course of this investigation, late one Saturday night duringthe summer of 2002, this writer went to the Jesuit website's bulletinboard where anyone can ask a question about St. Thomas Aquinas or Teilhard de Chardin or the like.
I choose a different topic. I wrote,"What in the world is Tom Smolich, the head of the Western JesuitProvince in the United States, doing living with a convicted sex offender and cross dresser in the Provincial house across the streetfrom the University of Santa Clara?""Smolich then oversaw approximately 436 Jesuits in a five state area.Although his office is in Los Gatos, California at the Sacred HeartCenter, the provincial residence is elsewhere. It houses about sevenJesuits. Angelo Mariano, S.J. was the convicted sex offender. He islisted on the Santa Clara Police Sex Registry "ŠMariano is 47 years-old.
Tom Smolich is 47 years-old. [Mariano and Smolich are sodomite abusers of themselves with mankind working that which is unseemly-the abomination of homosexuality! Why else would Smolich protect Mariano and have him live with him?] Smolich is an UNTOUCHABLE! He was as California Provincial and even more so now as U.S. Jesuit Conference President.
-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
I did quite a bit of evangelizing VA during this past weekend at the 9-11 Conference in Chicago. Lisa and I met with Meria several times, and things are looking very positive in that area. Indeed, following your work has shown me quite a lot about the world we live in, and you have my THANKS for being on the vanguard of your profession- and for your inspiration.
May the Lord be praised, my friend.
The Guys at Loose Change are now getting on the boat- and though they WERE “friends” with Alex Jones, I think that our conversation with them (after Alex left on Sunday) was enough to get them to see that he’s only taking them so far- and especially ignoring the Jes connection.
Well done! Jones will not even say the "J-word."
That all being said, I have *one* and only *one* request/suggestion for VA III- it ties directly to the credibility that you seek:
Here it is… I do not think, and others I trust on this matter do not believe that Greer did the final shot…
Who do you think made the fatal head shot?
From my end, I completely see what you see when I look at frame 313, but Henry Luce & co had the footage edited- so that it looks like Greer took the final shot-
No, SMOM Luce tried to edit that out.
and though many people are familiar with William Cooper’s work in this area, those who have what I consider to be the “tightest” angle on this point to Felix Rodriguez, Frank Stergis (?), and *definitely* G. Gordon Liddy.
Where did that shot come from? Those who advocate the theory say the kill shot came from the grassy knoll via Liddy on orders from Poppy Bush---an impossiblity in light of the wounds caused by the trajectory of the final shot.
I also remember someone that you correspond with also naming Liddy…
It was Emily, the illegitimate daughter of King Edward VIII. She said "Poppy" Bush gave the order for Liddy to take the kiill shot.
so when people ask me why (after such a great lead up) do you finger Greer as the final shot; I basically express that it’s easier to name Greer (since he’s dead, and Liddy’s very much alive) but that you are aware that Liddy was one of the shooters.
I know he was a shooter NOW and will be naming him in VAIII on the testimony of Emily. I did not know he was involved when writing VAI or VAII.
I guess I just figured that I’d mention it- because I respect your work, and I want people who are educated in these final details to respect all of your work- not all of it “except Greer”.
OK. The facts are as I understand them:
1. All Jesuit assassinations are up close and very personal when a firearm is involved. No assassinations are carried out using rifles in a civilian theater---ever! Jesuit Coadjutor Stone was right in JFK; a chief executive has not be executed with a rifle in over 200 years.
2. Abraham Zapruder was a 32nd Jewish Freemason and a contract agent for the CIA. In Dallas, that fateful day, he was contracted to film the assassination. He was not forced off his post and his secretary was there behind him, stablizing him. After the fatal shot and as the limo was accelerating, Zapruder followed the limo filming the vehicle until it disappeared under the underpass, yet Zapruder heard the shot at the grassy knoll and must have seen the smoke in his peripheral vision. Because he was a contract agent for the CIA, he deliberately did not move his camera just a little farther to the right, which move would have photographed the fence at the grassy knoll and quite possibly would have revealed the shooter. People were running towards him and he knew a shot had been fired from behind the picket fence, jet he refused to go there with his camera---ever.
3. The shot at the grassy knoll was a mere distraction evidenced by the smoke emerging after the shot. We have had smokeless gunpowder for the last 100 years. The grassy knoll shooter (possibly mafioso James Files as he claims) shot a "fireball" that was so loud and smoky that it only could have been a distractionary tactic just as the planes plowing into the WTC were distractionary shots, not at all responsible for the crumbling of the buildings. Further, I have been at the fence at the grassy knoll and it is a most difficult shot in that the vehicle was still moving; JFK was moving somewhat; Jackie was not to be hit on orders of Spellman's SMOMs; and most of all the trajectory could never have made the resulting head wounds as noted by the doctors at Parkland Hospital. The trajectory entered above and to the right of the right eye. This entry wound was surgically tampered with before the body arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital according to the work of David Lifton. As you know, the exit wound was almost level with the entry wound and quite large, with the right rear portion of JFK's head blown out. There was brain matter on the trunk which Jackie grabbed after she was forced back into her seat by SSA Clint Hill, he having mounted the limo after he had anticipated the shot.
This means that the killing shot came from the front and was level as it traveled through JFK's head. Kellerman had turned around before the final kill shot; Greer had turned around twice, the second time at frame 313 JFK's head lights up with flame (the flame evidencing a point blank shot) from the kill shot at the moment Greer turned around anticipating the final shot coming from "somewhere."This means that the final shot could only come from the front, directly in front of JFK and not from the right front as a right front shot would have blown the left side of the rear of JFK's head out, not the right rear side as is well known.Further, it was Dr. Peter Beter who in one of his audio letters of 1976 said that the killing shot came from within the vehicle---but he never said that shot came from either Greer or Kellerman. Later, Dr. Stuart Crane, a coordinator for the JBS for seven years said openly that the driver shot JFK years before William Cooper ever proved his point. Further, when I was in Reno in 2001 for a TV interview with Dennis Grover, a woman approached me after the show and told me that it was indeed the driver that killed JFK. A close relative saw the driver shoot his weapon and as a result he had been forced to move from city to city for the last thirty years.Let us look at the Nix film. The key frame at the time of the fatal shot was doctored by UPI and a section running from right to left about one foot in scale was obliterated, removing any view of the driver. Look at the JFK film by Jesuit Coadjutor Oliver Stone: the driver is completely cut out of the film! Why was this done, if the driver did not do the shooting? There is only one puzzle piece that does not fit together here. According to Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig---who was later murdered with a rifle at close range---a .45 slug was found in the grass among blood and brain matter just on the other side of the curb opposite the curb on the side of the grassy knoll. If this .45 slug was indeed indicative of the direction from whence came the final shot, then the driver did not shoot this .45 round. I believe that the slug was indeed shot by the driver as indicated by the wounds in JFK's head; that it was brushed by Hill off the trunk of the limo into the grass when he mounted the vehicle. Jackie knew that Greer did the shooting for which reason she tries to exit the vehicle.One final thought. In 1973 Executive Action was released. It is said that George DeMohrenshildt was secretly involved in the making of the movie. One of the subliminals in the movie is that actor Will Greer plays the old industrialist "Mr. Fergeson," who is portrayed as the character ultimately resposible for the assassination. Could it be that the secret message of the film was that the real Will Greer was indeed the assassin of JFK? I most definately think so. It is the safest conclusion in light of all the facts.
Maybe you should just narrow it down to the group, leaving Greer in (after all, he did drive the Ambulance to Bethesda as well); and letting the reader make a determination.
Good point! I did not know that Greer drove the ambulance to Bethesda. Thanks,But the reader will never come to a determination on his own. A position must be taken, right or wrong, and then attacked with facts. If incorrect then the position must be changed if the author is honest. I have not yet found any facts that would contradict that a shot was fired from the front---point blank evidenced by the flame on JFK's head---that would indicate anyone other than Greer could have done the shooting. There is a button on my site (Assassin Greer) that explains this quite well if you have not seen it.Further, I believe that William Cooper was right in fingering Robert Groden as a agent provocatur, Groden denying that the driver did the shooting. Groden is to keep the parlor game alive.
Lastly- MC Piper’s book references Gary Wean’s book/research (Wean died recently) and Wean’s work is tight- Piper’s still off base, and since I like you, I thought that I’d return the favor to let you know what the word on the street is, from people who are into these pieces of history.
What is Wean's position on the fatal shot?
Piper has referenced many accurate sources evidencing much work went into his FJ. But yes, to claim that the Zionists killed JFK evidenced by Rabin's presence in Dallas is, I believe, a deliberate lie on his part. He knows too much necessitating a conclusion that a much bigger power was behind the assassination and cover-up. The Gentiles are the head; the Jews are the tail as long as Jerusalem is "trodden down by the Gentiles" (Luke 24:21-27).Brother Eric
Timing is Everything, and Everything happens in Time."
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