Friday, June 23, 2006

False Prophets


"Yea hath God said Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth?"

Yes he did say that charismatics, please wake up!
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24: 24-27)
The scriptures declare that no one will have personal visits from the Lord Jesus Christ but the devil gets people to say and follow the exact opposite.

33rd degree free mason Oral Roberts
"`I felt an overwhelming holy presence all around me. When I opened my eyes, there He stood ... some 900 feet tall, looking at me ... He stood a full 300 feet taller than the 600-foot-tall City of Faith. There I was face to face with Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. I have only seen Jesus once before, but here I was face to face with the King of kings. He reached down, put his Hands under the City of Faith, lifted it, and said to me, "See how easy it is for Me to lift it!"'"-source

"In March 1976 while praying at home, I had a visit from the Lord Jesus Christ." -Mary K. Baxter
Supposedly the Lord said this to her: "My child I will take you into hell by My Spirit, and I will show you many things which I want the world to know." (p 14 Divine revelation of Hell)

Benny the "undercover Catholic" Hinn!

Hinn: "I know deep in my soul something supernatural is going to happen in Nairobi, Kenya. I feel that I may very well come back. And you and Jan are coming - Paul and Jan are coming to Nairobi with me, but Paul we may very well come back with footage of Jesus on the platform. You know that the Lord appeared in Romania recently and there's a video of it, where the Lord appeared in the back of a church and you see him on video walking down the aisle. Yea. Paul do you remember when I came on TBN years ago I showed you a clip of the Lord appearing in our church in Orlando on the balcony on the wall. Yea you remember that
Paul Crouch: "Yea very well I saw it."
Now here this I'm prophesying this Jesus Christ the son of God is about to appear physically in some churches and some meetings and to many of His people. For one reason to tell you He's about to show up. So wake up Jesus is coming saints. -source

New age apostate false prophet Kim Clement
The statements below are taken from an article on TBN's heretical website about a prophecy to alleged homosexual Paul Crouch from Kim Clement. The issue here is that he claims to have private conversations and knowledge from the Lord Jesus Christ. What Kim Clement is saying here is exactly what the Lord warned us about in Matthew 24, Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not. Anyone that claims to have private interpretations, visitations or conversations with the Lord is seriously mistaken and woefully ignorant of Biblical truth.
Shout. Take a step up--one. God said the next one is upon you. Take another step up--the second one. And then another one. God said when you fulfill these things you shall die, and you shall not die in shame. You shall die in honor. For the prophet of the lord has spoken. Therefore, now it is you. It is within your hands. For now my breath and my spirit shall give you what you pray for. I said you in the next two days petitions, petitions. Tell me what you want. And God said tell me five things that you want. And i'll give them to you says the spirit of the living God to you today. Amen. It is done. Give him a shout of praise. -source

There are many professing and even non professing Christians out there that claim to have had visits and more from the Lord Jesus Christ. It is important to also realize that these people listed above are supported by many many other household names in professing Christianity. People like Billy Graham, Robert Schuller, Pat Robertson, and many more all support these heretical figures and their teachings. That alone makes this problem more severe and all the more important to spread the Word of truth about these men and women to anyone that will listen.

Back to part two
Part Four: "Yea hath God said Christ Jesus is the only mediator between man and God?"