Cartoon Network Exposed!
Have you watched the Cartoon Network lately? The Cartoon Network is definitely a wolf in black sheep's clothing. Have you noticed how many of their cartoons are now Japanamation (Japanese animation)? I don't have a problem with the drawing style, it's the witchcraft and New Age Spiritualism that is proclaimed in most cartoons of this style that I and the Bible have a problem with. Even the Disney channel is getting into this type of animation. The Cartoon Network also sponsors a late night program called adult-swim in which they produce the filthiest of lies and propaganda. I know many Christians that let their children watch this channel during the day because they play the old time cartoons like Daffy Duck and Tom and Jerry. But if the goal is to entertain our children and their young very impressionable minds, then why do they need shows that are constantly bad mouthing trashing and blatantly making fun of Christianity and the family dynamics? These cartoons may seem innocent but why would a network that proudly displays the name "Cartoon Network" in other words geared towards children allow adult (filth) to be played at night? Who stands to gain from this? Obviously the god of this world (Satan) stands to gain, because he works closely with secret societies which have the media under their control. Allowing such filth to be displayed on a cartoon network plays with your mind because you associate cartoons with something friendly towards children. The next thing you know your child is watching the adult-swim garbage at night before bed because you let them watch it during the day. If you say "well we only watch during the day" you are still aiding in the moral decay of our society. Look, these people are purposely playing this garbage on the Cartoon Network so that when your not monitoring your child for that five minutes, they will watch it. And being children and not completely understanding what these adult cartoons are saying or meaning won't see anything wrong about a boy smoking crack and his dad telling him it's ok as long as he can make a profit on the resale.
The picture you see above is from the show Moral Oral in which many Christ hating, blasphemous, remarks are made about our Lord Jesus Christ. Click on the photo and it will take you to There you can view clips and see for yourself the hatred they have for Christians. I am sure as time goes on their site will change clips or remove them; so parents if you don't believe me, then just get the time of the show and try and watch one episode. I warn you though it is very disturbing. I tried to watch an episode to write this article but after five minutes I was so mad I could not continue watching. In just five minutes they managed to blaspheme hundreds of times. They think they can mock the Lord but Galatians 6:7 says "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
New World Order Propaganda
To further prove my point click on this picture to watch a video clip of a show in which the characters make two references to the New World Order which are totally out of context. I am not saying that every time some one says "New World Order that it is the Illuminati conspiring against us but in this case you can tell it was meant to be thrown in your face. Our children are being bombarded with this stuff daily and not just from the Cartoon Network but from text books to other media outlets. "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6) Do you think for a second that the Lord would approve of this garbage network? If you believe that the Lord would sanction this network or Hellivision in general then you need to pull your head out of the sand my friend. This is pure evil and your kids will suffer later on down the road. Christians should never let their children watch this network.