Let's put truth into perspective. I'm back and now it's time to step up my intellect into the next level. I've haven't backed down. Propaganda about the "war" on terror like the NSA spying scandal may be prevalent. Yet, the real truth will always prevail. Pessimism is shown by many, but I'm not into that. I realize that a lot of people in the United States aren't waking up. On the other hand, there is an increasingly number of human beings in America tuning into the truth about torture, government corruption, and evils in all nations. Americans aren't as stupid as some arrogant, egostical people think we are. I think if some people would focus more on solutions plus getting the world out (through action not demonizing or whining), and then we would have a better success rate. Uruknet on June 26, 2006 talked about the 7 Black men who were arrested by the FBI. These men were called by the mainstream media as the Seas of David, which is a Christian/Muslim Bible study group who also studied martial arts. The truth is that these men were victims of entrapment, because a FBI informat tried to tempt the men to promote terror. Even the mainstream media said that these men have no ties to al-Qaeda (whom Professor Chossudovsky calls an asset of the CIA). It is a fact that the CIA and MI6 funded al-Qaeda related groups for a while. The New York Daily News reported that the supposed ring leader of the 7 men (Narseal Batiste) needs needs psychiatric help. Batiste's father admitted to this. These men were badly coordinated and obviously weren't going to engineer a massive terror attack immediately at all.
Steven Ertelt (writing for LifeNews.com) on June 28, 2006 discussed on how the Life Decisions International Pro-Life group is protesting corporations. These corporations are activing funding abortion and are in league with Planned Parenthood like Neiman Marcus, Adobe (software), Wachovia, Altria, Golub (Price Chopper supermarkets), and others. Reverand Prince Hall Freemason Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Joseph Lowery are trying to trick the Black community in saying that abortion isn't important as voting rights. The truth is that voting rights and other issues are important and should be discussed. Greg Palast wrote about evidence of vote fraud in Florida (through a book called "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy"). The state of Florida paid $4,000,000 to a company, Database Technologies (now ChoicePoint), providing a central voter file listing those barred from voting.
What Sharpton & Co. don't understand is that abortion is definitely hurting the black communities. Estimates show that while blacks make up 13% of the American populace, a third of black women experience abortion. Margaret Sanger, the inventor of Planned Parenthood, not only said pro-eugenics quotes, but went into a Klan rally in 1926 at New Jersey. Why doesn't the pro-choice crowd mention that? I guess it ruins much of their arguments. Polls consistency show that the majority of American (including African Americans) don't support abortion on demand. In fact, African-American voters took a pro-life position by a larger 59 to 42 percent margin (according to an August 2004 survey sponsored by Pace University and Rock the Vote). These anti-Life extremists are so bad that Dr. Eric R. Pianka is quoted as wanting 90% of the world's Population to die.
There's an old lessons that rings true today. That lesson is to understand the past in order to improve the present and future. That's true. Let's look at some real history. Randy Davis’ "Nazis in the attic" document how ITT, Foster Dulles (a member of the board of I.G. Farben), W.A. Harriman, Rockefellers, and other elites fund the Third Reich. There is no question that the Catholic Pavelic used his Ustasha to kill Serbs, Gypsies, and Jews during WWII. Also, Darryl Eberhart and so many others wrote about the many Jesuits and Knights of Malta (aka SMOM) involved in the Third Riech (like SMOM Rienhard Gehlen, SMOM Franz von Papen, SMOM William Casey, Jesuit priests in Himmler's SS according to Edmond Paris) and being involved in the Vatican Ratlines.
This all occurred in World War II (it lasted from 1939-1945). Today, some of these same companies today (that supported Hitler) like IBM, ITT, etc. are one of the biggest corporate funders of this "war on terror." A BBC TV Documentary called "Inside Guantanamo" proved torture existing in Gitmo. Even Australian lawyer Richard Bourke said that David Hicks and Mamdoub Habib experienced torture in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. On December 1, 2005 John Yoo (a key architect post-9/11 Bush Administration legal policy. Yoo was a deputy assistant to then-Attorney General John Ashcroft) went as far as to saying that torturing children's testicles isn't off the table. The deal is that the same tactics of evil and false flag operations (i.e. from the Reichstag fire, the Gulf on Tonkin incident, etc.) done by many nations globally occured back then.
I wonder about Barbara Aho from Watch Unto Prayer "Ministries." Now, after looking at both sides, she to me is showing many errors. My disagreements with her are factual and can't be refuted by her many supporters. Aho claims that Romanism mainly came from Judaism, which is false. Romanism existed from the Babylonian Mysteries (as explained by the author Alexander Hislop). Moses opposed praising the Eucharist as a god, calling the Pope a Vicar of Christ, and being influenced from pagan concepts.
After the Babylonian Captivity, all descendants of Israel were called Jews. Ezra referred to God’s re-gathered people (non-Judah tribe people) Jews 8 times and Israelites 40 times. Mordecai (from the tribe of Benjamin) was called a Jew in Ester 2:5. Many of them returned from captivity to build the temple, the walls, and the city itself. “All Israel” is used in Ezra 2:70, 6:17; 8:22, 35; 10:5, and in Nehemiah 7:73; 12:47. The return of the tribes also is from Ezra 2:1-2. That is wrong again because Luke 2:36 talked about Asher in Israel during the time of Jesus. Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin and visited Jerusalem. Jesus was called the King of Israel in Matthew 27:42 and John 12:9-13. Israel includes Judah, because Judah was a son of Israel (Jacob) in the OT. So, Judah was never separated from Israel at all. Barbara's biggest lie is that Mystery Babylon is Jewish, not Catholic. She talks about many Founding Fathers being Masons, free thinkers, Deists, and Rosicrucians (like Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson), which is true. On the other hand, she omits the many Christians who also helped create America like Daniel Webster, John Leland, numerous preachers in the Revolutionary War, etc.
A civil liberty crisis is still in America and the world. The Globe and Mail on June 28, 2006 talked about if a Canadian bill is revived the federal government could possibly track the Internet almost at will. KSLA on June 28, 2006 have information on Video Surveillance Cameras being installed in Downtown Shreveport, Louisiana. The Downtown Development Authority want it to be installed to monitor people at Shreveport's busier section like Festival Plaza and the Downtown Entertainment District. It's bigger than cameras all over the place, which is against our privacy and the 4th Amendment. It involves the National ID Act that was passed last year. It's about the United Nations continuing to promote more gun control in America. People have a individual right to own guns and the Second Amendment is righteous in outlining man's right to self defense. It's about the possible invasion of Iran, which is immoral and wrong. I've thought about Billy Graham. Not only do many researchers believe that he's a 33rd Degree Freemason (pro-Mason sites deny that Graham is a Mason. Billy's friend were Masons like Schuller and Norman Vincent Peale, both being 33rd Degree Freemasons), but Billy Graham supported a new world order after the Persian Gulf War. Graham is part of the Ecumencial Movement, which many in it want a One World Religion. Fritz Springmeier wrote a lot of information about Billy.
Today, there is a banking scandal. Bush claimed that the New York Times was wrong for showing information about a White House program. The program was about the government tracking records of "terrorists" to arrest them. Some like Peter King of New York wanted charges against the NY Times for espionage. Some Neo Cons have said that this is treason. The truth is that many reports knew of this program before June 2006. Even as reported by News Hounds on June 28, 2006, President Bush said that he will use the Patriot Act to track bank transactions. That's one smoking gun of Bush revealing his intensions after 9/11. It isn't conservative to me to arrest reporters for just showing their First Amendment rights. The real elite are ever present in groups like the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Freemasonry, Rhodes Scholars, Skulls and Bones, Knights of Malta, etc. They promote globalization (i.e. breaking down national borders through the American Union and other means, consolidating wealth, etc.)
The morally bankrupt people in the world want to continuation of the status quo. The truth is we can do something. Rush Limbaugh was caught by the Florida police of Viagara and other drugs. Regarldess of the Neo Cons and the Neo Libs, an indepedent mind should be the goal of our lives. Many of pop artists are trying to wake, but some of them past and present have made bad choices. One such person was Elvis Presley who wasn't just into New Age philosophies (Fritz Springmeier wrote that Elvis was in the Theosophical Society) and the occult. Elvis was a drug addict and died near a toilet at his own house. I won't quit and I'm still getting started. I do respect everyone in the 911 Truth Movement. I'm going to still fight against the new world order.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)