Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Anticipation and Inspiration

It's obvious that the American government plus others across the globe has run amork. Maxine Waters and others proved that the CIA shipped much of the cocaine into our nation. The Federal Reserve system create fiat money contributing to the high debt in America. An ABC article (written by Brian Ross on June 21, 2006) mentioned that America is executing the bigges offensive in Afghanistan since the initial invasion at October 2001. This offensive is dubbed ""Operation Mountain Thrust," which involves almost 10,000 troops. It's focused on four southern Afghanistan provinces. I heard about something that is wierd, but true. Robert Roy Britt from on June 21 2006 discussed how the Earth is made up of giant fizzy bubbles. The situation deals with gas growing and turning inside of the Earth. Astronomers believe it's caused when the Earth's magnetic field meets particles flowing out of the Sun.

Once again, the great Neo Con fraud Bill O'Reilly is at it again. First, I know that this is a broken record, but Iraq wasn't involved in 9/11. To shed innocent blood is morally wrong and even the Bible cites this in Proverbs 6:17. Regardless of what year it is, that fact can be discarded or ignored because of time. Now, Iraq is nation that witnessed torture from Saddam and a minority of American troops. Just look to Abu Ghraib. General Baccus and others admitted to torture going on in Gitmo conclusiverly. This is real, yet O'Reilly lives in a fantasy land and explicity won't dicuss it. He scream about the war on terror, but the elite made plans for this "war on terror." The Project for a New American Century Document (with Neo Cons and CFR members like Dick Cheney) planned to invade Iraq and other nations to force "democracies" (the Founding Fathers called this form of government mob rule. Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1998 book called "The Grand Chessboard" talked about war coming to America and America will invade Central Asia.

Bill O'Reilly believes that certain areas of Iraq must have martial law and we must shot anyone who violate curfews. Well, when do we resort to savergery to promote "freedom." I support self defense for our troops, not using cluster bombs, depleted uranium, and other evil war crimes in Iraq. There must be a withdraw for people, because sooner or later, the Iraqis must have a chance to improve their own nation. Bill O'Reilly has gone further in saying that he wants people to be executed Guamtanamo Bay, Cuba. George Washington rightfully condemn imperialism in his Farwell Address, but we see an occupying army in a land that didn't attack us today. Iran isn't a threat to America and hasn't even directly attacked America. Also, I don't symphatize with killers of innocent American G.I.s. A criminal is a criminal. On the other hand, an Iraq criminal is equivalent to an American troop who is a criminal (like those involved in Abu Gharib, etc.) as well. Also, I will not follow the dictates of evil people in government who endorse Verichips, NSA spying of American citizens, and the American Union.

Public schools have issues as well with restricting real history from students. Failing test schools across the nation (i.e. dumbing down many children). Some good news is that many Patriots and real conservatives are exposing the gatekeepers and frauds in the world. You have the Neo Con Rush Limbaugh, who claims to be a conservative. In truth, he supports the "Rockefeller" Republican George W. Bush. Rush Limbaugh refuses to expose the new world order or the one world governnment agenda (that intelligent authors like Gaylon Ross have written about. Also, world leaders have talked about this for decades. Even the Bible used the word conspiracy. Limbaugh said that drug offenders ought to be jail, yet he was an Oxycotin addict plus he didn't want to go to jail. I have their own quotes). There is Rick Roberts who unfairly mocked John Conner, when conspiracies have existed throughout human history. It's real that there are microchip plans and occult Secret Societies where people praise Molech and do a ritual in a tomb like the Bohemian Grove and Skulls and Bones. Many of the brainwashed Neo Cons actually think that Osama created 9/11 when Osama never caused the Twin Towers to collapse, make the CIA have a drill, make wargames, or make Building Number Seven to fall.

Well, I have an anticipation to do better. All of these racists and liars around make me to have another emotion. I have inspiration. I'm will continue to expose the Jesuits, Freemasonry, Council on Foreign Relations, Skulls and Bones, Labor Zionism, and all groups that have committed evil or embrace evil occultism. Unlike some people, I'm not going to bash conservative Christians, Muslims, or any faith unfairly. I will dissent with religions that I don't agree with and move on contributing in my life. I don't back down and I never will back down to falsehoods.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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