Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Eric on 2tuff's words and more.


Great response! There are only two small errors on your part.

1. The Jesuit Order was founded by Loyola in 1534, not 1536. I have also made this error in the past.

2. The British did not always rule the US. We did achieve true national sovereignty with our God-blessed War of Independence fought by White Anglo Saxon Scotch-Irish Protestant and Baptist Calvinists due to the First Great Awakening preached by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. Without the Great Awakening there is no American Revolution with its many attendant answered prayers and great Bible-believing leaders (Washington, Witherspoon, Madison, etc.) in spite of the devil's Jefferson, Paine and Franklin.Illuminated Freemasonic Papal/British rule was restored with the assassination of Lincoln and the resultant "ratification" of the centralizing Fourteenth Amendment reversing the "origin and character of American citizenship." That amendment converted our Calvinist AV1611 Bible-based Republic into "the New Atlantis" for the high-level Freemasons, which new empire was in fact the Jesuit Order's "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment Corporate-Fascist American Empire. (Just look at the two Roman fascis on the wall behind the seat of the Speaker of the House!) The purpose of that empire was to restore the Pope's temporal power around the world and bring to pass the fulfillment of the Order's Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Sion).

That fulfillment included the destruction of the apostate White Protestant nations of Germany, the British Empire and now the American Empire. Also, the Pope's Masonic Fabian Socialist British Labor Party (inspired by the Irish Catholic---turned atheist---"Home Ruler" Sidney Webb and financed by Masonic Cecil Rhodes) would be used to create the Pope's Masonic Socialist-Communist Labor Zionist Party intended to rule Israel---the "Kingdom of Jerusalem" of the Pope's Dark Ages. (Jabotinski's anti-Pope Revisionist Zionists must be destroyed---and were indeed destroyed!) Further, the Temple of Solomon was to be rebuilt as per the dream of all high-level Freemasons and the rebuilding of the commercial treasure city of Babylon on the Euphrates River was to be realized which is one of the main purposes of this Anglo-American-led Papal Crusade into Iraq.

The Jesuit-ruled SMOM ruling Bush and Blair via the RIIA and CFR have no exit strategy evidenced by the massive construction projects within that nation including the building of fourteen military bases and a huge American embassy in "the Green Zone."Thus, the Order POLITICALLY conquered Great Britain with its control of King George III; it used the British Empire (SPIRITUALLY corrupted by its Romeward-bound Oxford and Tractarian Movements) for its purposes during the entire 19th century ("the British Century") which included the leveling of the American Calvinist Republic (1787-1868); it united its British banking and military powers with the American Empire's employing White Gentile Freemasons Teddy "Rex" Roosevelt and J. P. Morgan culminating in the Federal Reserve Act, both Democrats and Republicans backing that treason. Then from 1914-1945 the Order used its British and American Empires (via the RIIA and CFR) to fulfill the Black Pope's wishes during the Second Thirty Years' War. It continued its Crusade under the guise of the Cold War Hoax, saving the Order's Nazi/SS apparatus including the SS treasure, as the Black Pope built the armies of America's future invaders---Russia, China and the Moslem World, including Turkey (remembering what those Sunni Moslem monsters did to the Orthodox Armenians). The financing of our enemies was accomplished with credit created by the stroke of a pen by the Federal Reserve Board and then extended to the US Congress, the collateral for that bogus credit being the land and labor of all America---enslaving every 14th Amendment American citizen! (This is why the Order ruling Washington hates the notion of secession of a state from the empire!

Those of us who advocate this most biblical solution are called "rebels and traitors.")After a few days of intensive study and prayer, I am now convinced that the Babylon of Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13 and Revelation 18 is indeed the literal city of Babylon yet to be rebuilt. If we are to read the Bible literally (unless the text indicates otherwise) then that city must be rebuilt if it is to be destroyed as per Isaiah 13 and Revelation 18---as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and never occupied again.

Thus, the "Mystery Babylon the Great" of Revelation 17 is indeed Rome built upon seven hills/mountains and its Vatican Empire; Revelation 18 is the literal city of Babylon yet to be the commercial capital of the world during the coming Great Tribulation of the risen Pope turned Antichrist (Matt. 24:15). Therefore we should not be surprised to see the 600,000 gold bars being removed from the Pope's New York Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank prior to America's intended military defeat and Sino-Soviet-Moslem-Cuban-Mexican military invasion as depicted in Red Dawn (Cuba and the USSR). As I understand, that removal is now in the making.Keep up the great work and make a please note of the corrections.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric



My Thoughts on the Piper-Phelps Debate

By Born LINK

While at first the debate between Michael Collins Piper and Eric Jon Phelps seems one-sided there was one thing I observed that seemed odd to me. Or maybe it wasn't so odd. Piper put all his attention on the JFK assassination and not the history of the Jesuit Order. His thinking was overly simpilistic like that of an "irrational rationalist" as Robert Anton Wilson would his. What was his thinking? Mainly that since Phelps is wrong or incorrect on some of his information concerning the JFK assassination that he must be wrong on all his information. Everyone should know very well that that is not always the case.

Many people do not agree with David Icke's information on the whole "Reptilian/Annunaki" angle, but they do agree with most of his other work involving the New World Order. If David is wrong about the "Reptilian/Annunaki" angle is he wrong about everything? If Alex Jones or any other researcher is wrong about something does that make him or her wrong about everything? What is amazing is the Eric did not point this out. It must be noted that Eric was honest enough to say that he found Michael's work helpful and corrected some of the mistakes in his own book afterwards. That lead me to my next pont. While Eric was very kind to Michael. He was also unusually less aggressive in this case (from what I know Eric is no pacifist when it comes to talking about the Jesuits) than he usually is. Michael on the other hand attacked Eric's theories calling them "ridiculous" and using other very demeaning words rather than pointing out what was wrong with what Eric said or believed or wrote in his book, Vatican Assassins. Michael also made claims that Eric's sources were Zionist agents.

He cited John Loftus as a Zionist. Fine, but does that mean Mr. Loftus has any power in the Zionist control pyramid. No it doesn't. People are allowed to have their political opinions. If I remember correctly Barry Chamish is also a Zionist. That does not make him one of the global elite Zionists who are ruling the world right this very instant. He also stated that Eustace Mullins is a great anti-Zionist. If you look into Mullins career he wrought an article entitled "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation." This leads me to SERIOUSLY consider the possibilty that Mullins is in fact a rabid anti-Semite. But I digress.

Michael also stated that Malachi Martin, a priest who revealed a great deal about the Vatican's corruption as well as the satanic forces within, was a Zionist agent. He states his source for this as being "Google." Of course, if you acutally do a Google searh on the words Malachi Martin and Zionist (if you want to do this yourself I suggest you put a "-" in between Malachi and Martin) you will find that two of the sources that claim this are Michael Hoffman and a CATHOLIC website. Michael Hoffman is a Holocaust revisionist/denier from what I understand. And let's not even get into the other source I mentioned (not that Catholics are all bad people, but that website is obviously bias).

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