Monday, June 12, 2006

Honoring Real Principles

We have a real fight on our hands. There are those who want more government control over our lives. Then, there are those individuals who seek to perserve civil liberties and resist all of the Big Brother policies being executed by the government. Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD wrote about the integration agenda of the global elite in Europe and the Americas. What I mean is that people in the CFR and other groups promote the American Union, open borders, and the whole 9 nine yards for a reason. They want to combine nations and the educational functions of nations in an intergration process. Cuddy proves this by citing an article from the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on July 14, 1998. The article is entitled "The New Transatlantic Agenda." Cuddy writes that this is dealing with a global education program wherefore power is centralized is a reality, without the perserving of people's choice to educate their children in any fashion they wish in America. It's beyond education, but the agenda is also about our economies. That's why economist Herbert Grubel in a 1999 report to the Canadian Fraser Institute called for a "North American Monetary Union." Many of those people who own the banks, are in the occult Secret Societies, and are ruling the multinational corporations are obessesed with creating global entities. Why? It's because if the global elite want to execute more and more power, they need to centralize power into fewer points, so the masses won't rebel against the system. It also increasing the efficiency of those in power as well.

Today is passed the 39th anniversary of the USS Liberty. USS Liberty was about Israel bombing a USA ship. Israel used warplanes and torpedo boats to destroy the American survelliance ship. It happened on June 5, 1967 and 34 American servicemen died. One side believes that it's an accident and another side believes that it was on purpose. Regardless, it's apparent that a cover up came. Ret. Adm. Thomas Moorer believes so and he lead an independent investigation of the whole affair. Some believe that the U.S. and Israel bombed the ship to blame it on Egypt. This occured during the Six Day War. Alex Jones said that President Lyndon President Lyndon Johnson wanted the ship to reach the bottom. This is an example of a select group of evil people in government wanting a specific end. Not all Americans and not all Israelis are evil. So, I want to make that clear. Also, I'm not the type that blames Israel for everything like some people. I guess people like that refuse to discuss about the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, CIA, persecutions and murders in Sudan, Opus Dei, Saxe Coburg Gothas, The Pilgrim Society, the Order of the Garter, Le Cerle, Knights of Columbus, MI6, NSA, and other groups.

While American corporations are funding China like crazy (despite its human rights abuses),
China's trade surplus is rising to a record $12 billion. People on this planet are starting to wake up on many issues. I could care less about the Republican and Democrat false paradigm. These labels are used to divide people. People should focus and fight the enemies in internationalist organizations and the criminals promoting population control (some leaders have called for millions and billions to die) , aspartame, and other deviant activities. Of course, we shouldn't unite with shills at all. On the other hand, we should find common ground on the things that we do agree on and oppose the status quo. The status quo is meant to make humanity stagnant.

I'm still here breathing on this Earth. My mind and intellect will not flatter. I will not be yielded to the corruptive goals of evil people. I guess this is the beginning of the new Hurricane season. I don't know if the federal government learned any mistakes from Katrina. It's apparent that FEMA restricted food and communication to people, gun confiscation occured against innocent people in New Orleans, and it was a tradegy. Federal, state, and local government are to be given blame for the response before, during, and after the arrival of Katrina. I honor real principles like the respect for the sancitity of life, being against torture, abhoring bigotry, and other common sense themes. My core beliefs still resides in my mind. Some good news is that more and more people are waking up to what's real in the world. Many individual see through the lies of Neo Cons like Bill O'Reilly (who said that he desired folks in Gaumantamo Bay to be executed), Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson (who agreed with forced abortion in China and biometrics), Sean Hannity, and others. Numerous human beings are also tired of the Left Gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky who shut their eyes to gun rights and the errors of the 9/11 offical story (i.e. Building Number Seven, PNAC, NORAD, etc.)

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

word up homie!