Friday, June 16, 2006

It's all Crystal Clear

People want to be clear. I will be clear about my motivations and beliefs. Scott Allen from the Boston Globe on June 15, 2006 wrote about a New York education report condemning the shocking of students. The deal is about a Massachusetts school using shock to punish troubled and mentally-disabled students. Most people in America realize that this is wrong, because this is another form of torture. As we know, torture went on in Iraq, China, and other places around the globe. The reports tells that the shocking of students appear to violate federal safety regulations and that it lead the students to have anxiety and fear. That is the opposite response of what real educators want for students, which are learning benefits and respect for the institutions of education. This is just apart of a wide showing of accusations of abuse by many people. The facility housing the students is named the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton.

There has been a lot of talk of the mainstream media about Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth." He went on Larry King's show days ago to promote his film. Gore believes that man is the driving factor in "global warming." Gore also maintains that in a few decades, there is going to be a disaster reigning over the Earth with water overflowing places (and destroying much of the Earth's shorelines). He cites the Hurricane season, the melting of the ice, and other information to try to back up his positions. What is the truth? The truth is that many of the Environmental Groups claiming to be for preserving the Earth are funded by Big Oil Companies and internationalists. The truth is that Ice Ages have occured throughout the Earth's history and the Earth warmed up (after those Ice Ages) without any major involvement by man. Even Joseph D'Aleo, former chairman of the American Meteorology Society's committee said it is true that there is climate change increasing the Earth's temperature slightly, but that nature and the sun are prominent roles in climate change.
The truth is that many environmentalists are silence on the crisis of flouride, genetically modified foods, scientists trying to merge species, depleted uranium, and other real threats to the environment. Al Gore's father was a Big Oil baron and Gore notoriously has been a supporter for abortion, gun control, and unfairly bashing social-conservative values.

Newsmax on June 16, 2006 discussed about how the United Nations proposed to have a world army. This is weird and further confirms our suspicions and harsh criticism of the United Nations. The Newsmax article talks about the crisis management expert want to have an UN army with 15,000 military, police and civilian staff, including medics. Intellectuals like University of Notre Dame political scientist Robert Johansen support it to handle situations in Africa and Asia. In truth, the United Nations did nothing in the bloodshed of Rwanda in 1994. Even UN "peacekeepers" have been accused of raping people in Liberia and other countries. Also, many in the United Nations still hold on to the "world is overpopulated lie" as an excuse to endorse forced vaccinations, sterilization, and population control procedures. The U.N. was invented in 1945 whose Rockefeller-land headquarters in New York City has been dedicated for stripping the national sovereignity of many nations as possible.

There's a lot of deception in "religion." One easy example of this is the Mormon Church. The Above image is a Mormon Temple with a sun image and inverted Pentagram (a stape of Freemasons and Satanists). Mormonism was invented by Joseph Smith, who was a Freemason. To this day, Smith's religion says that man can be a god and man can create different worlds after death. Many Mormons are in politics, the FBI, and other jobs. Deception extends unto the Catholics and apostate Protestants as well, so this isn't a one group deal. I saw Pat Robertson showing the horned sign and praising biometrics. Also, I haven't discussed a lot about John Hagee. Hagee is a preacher from San Antonio, Texas talking about supporting the good people in Israel, which I have no problem with. There is a lot that he preaches that are true like hating abortion and wanting religious liberty to be enhanced and maintained in this nation. On the other hand, ever since George W. Bush got elected, he readily supports the man. With his intellect, he should of known of Bush's alliegance to the occult Skulls and Bones secret society (plus Bohemian Grove and how Bush is doing things that aren't conservative like promoting an American Union and having no problem with the NSA's domestic spy scandal. It's good then that I'm an indepedent man. I am a freeman not a Freemason dedicated to speaking my own mind.

Optimus Prime is just a fictional cartoon character, but some of the news going on today may seen like fiction. On the other hand, it's all real despite it seeming very strange and out of the ordinary. The truth is that many humans in the world act wierd and commit heinous crimes against innocent citizens. The AP on June 16, 2006 tells that the Supreme Court ruled that police don't have to knock on doors to execute a search. This is a pro-police state tactic, because fascist dictatorships for centuries have busted through doors without warning to oppress people. The AP article further details that new Chief Justice John Roberts and Alito supported the decision. David Moran, who is a Wayne State University professor, warns that there could be more police knocking down doors without an announcement. Critics have come after me for years. I'm not intimidated. I'm strengthen and I refute them strongly like usual. While they send lies, half-truths, and conjecture, I will continue to present mainstream sources to increase the degree of accuracy of my words.

I knew JFK said this, but I found a audio clip of John F. Kennedy said a speech opposing secret societies. Although, JFK wasn't perfect, in 1963, he tried to achieve patriotic acts like sending troops out of Vietnam and destroying the CIA (which is responsible for coups, assassination, voting rigging, and terrorism). Like, JFK, I'm opposed to secret Societies and their global impact on political matters. There are many examples of this. In 1953, the CIA organized a successful coup against Mohammed Mozadek (who wasn't even a Communist). There is the CIA Operation Phoenix, which killed thousands of innocent Vietnamese, mostly Buddhist people. It's all crystal clear that certain members of government are globalists that want to centralize power and control the power with anti-civil liberty laws. They along with corporations like Digital Angel promote biochip and seek a Big Brother society. That why you see GPS on many new vehicles and the use of chip even in animals. They call for a new world order or a one world government (Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, George H. W. Bush, Gary Hart of the CFR, and other are quoted as endorsing a new world order or global government. That's a 100% fact). That's evident by the European Union, African Union, and the American Union that these globalists in the CFR plus other groups want. We have a duty to help our world and to act.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


Anonymous said...

You are in need of serious medical attention.

Timothy said...

I think that you're in denial. Showing mainstream news articles and other facts don't merit me to have medical attention at all. You offer nothing to refute my words, so you are acting illogical. The truth is that Operation Phoenix is 100% real and the Project for a New American Century is very real. That's all true 100%. Governments have never been perfect throughout human history. That's part of history. I think you need to embrace history. I have hyperlink all over my articles to back up my words and people have loved that also. There are tons of evidence to back up my words.

Sorry, I think those who enjoy torture, used lies to fight in Iraq, and love putting aspartame and flouride in our food supply are in desparate need of medical attention.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

Timothy said...

Your ad hominem attack only sinks your basic credibity to attempt to refute me, which is you can't.